KDevelop 2

Sandy Meier smeier at kdevelop.org
Sun Sep 3 22:25:05 BST 2000

On Sun, 03 Sep 2000 you wrote:
> Hallo,
> could it be that KDevelop 2.0pre is still far from beeing useable ?
> I compiled the latest cvs today, (with out problems) but it crashes every
> time, I want to open a new Project.

You got so far? Cool! :-)

But more seriously. As Christian already wrote the current KDevelop2.0pre is
far from finished. KDevelop2 will be a complete rewrite of KDevelop1 (I think
90% of the code will be new) so there is much to do.


email: smeier at kdevelop.org  ICQ: 27681958
the KDevelop project: http://www.kdevelop.org

---------Ertrus faellt nicht!------------

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