November 2013 Archives by author
Starting: Fri Nov 1 01:50:09 UTC 2013
Ending: Sat Nov 30 22:03:12 UTC 2013
Messages: 214
- [Owncloud] user account migration
- [Owncloud] user account migration
- [Owncloud] Installation of owncloud
Philip Aldersley
- [Owncloud] ownCloud Client 1.5.0 beta1 Release
Holger Angenent
- [Owncloud] how is search expected to work?
Timo Brandt
- [Owncloud] Help
Richard Burns
- [Owncloud] sharing CAL not works
Antonello Carlomagno
- [Owncloud] sharing CAL not works
Antonello Carlomagno
- [Owncloud] sharing CAL not works
- [Owncloud] owncloud web page
- [Owncloud] owncloud web page
- [Owncloud] Testing of GUI code
- [Owncloud] Login page show password toggle not working
- [Owncloud] Installation of owncloud
- [Owncloud] ownCloud 6 RC1
- [Owncloud] [owncloud app] upnp port mapper
Alessandro Cosentino
- [Owncloud] ownCloud 6 beta 4
Daniel Danger
- [Owncloud] ownCloud 6 RC1
- [Owncloud] ownCloud 6 RC1
- [Owncloud] ownCloud 6 RC1
Hermann Dering
- [Owncloud] ownCloud 6 RC1
Hermann Dering
- [Owncloud] ownCloud 6 RC1
Hermann Dering
- [Owncloud] ownCloud 6 RC1
Hermann Dering
- [Owncloud] ownCloud 6 RC1
Hermann Dering
- [Owncloud] ownCloud 6 Rest API
Vaster Dev
- [Owncloud] Sharing files/folders via REST API in oc6
Victor Dubiniuk
- [Owncloud] ownCloud 6 RC1
Victor Dubiniuk
- [Owncloud] ownCloud 6 RC1
Victor Dubiniuk
- [Owncloud] ownCloud 6 RC1
Victor Dubiniuk
- [Owncloud] ownCloud 6 RC1
Victor Dubiniuk
- [Owncloud] ownCloud 6 RC1
Victor Dubiniuk
- [Owncloud] How to partially predefine OC settings
Alessio Fattorini
- [Owncloud] ownCloud 6 beta 3
Alessio Fattorini
- [Owncloud] ownCloud 6 beta 3
Alessio Fattorini
- [Owncloud] ownCloud 6 beta 3
Alessio Fattorini
- [Owncloud] Owncloud for NethServer
Alessio Fattorini
- [Owncloud] Exception Handling
Andreas Fischer
- [Owncloud] what's the best way to synchronize without X (without the gui client) on linux?
Klaas Freitag
- [Owncloud] what's the best way to synchronize without X (without the gui client) on linux?
Klaas Freitag
- [Owncloud] what's the best way to synchronize without X (without the gui client) on linux?
Klaas Freitag
- [Owncloud] Error cross compiling mirall
Klaas Freitag
- [Owncloud] porno photo in demo instanse
Klaas Freitag
- [Owncloud] ownCloud 6 beta 5
Klaas Freitag
- [Owncloud] ownCloud Client 1.5.0 beta1 Release
Klaas Freitag
- [Owncloud] apps by OC version??
Nikola Garafolić
- [Owncloud] ownCloud Client 1.5.0 beta1 Release
Paul Greindl
- [Owncloud] porno photo in demo instanse
Michael Grosser
- [Owncloud] Sharing files/folders via REST API in oc6
Vincent H
- [Owncloud] internal server error?
Roland Hager
- [Owncloud] ownCloud 6 RC1
Patrick Heller
- [Owncloud] ownCloud 6 RC1
- [Owncloud] ownCloud 6 RC1
- [Owncloud] libgnutls-28.dll is missing
Andrew House
- [Owncloud] csync can t be loaded
Christian Hügel
- [Owncloud] [calendar] how to display appointment creator?
Lennart K.
- [Owncloud] ownCloud 6 beta2
Frank Karlitschek
- [Owncloud] ownCloud 6 beta2
Frank Karlitschek
- [Owncloud] ownCloud 6 beta 3
Frank Karlitschek
- [Owncloud] ownCloud 5.0.13
Frank Karlitschek
- [Owncloud] ownCloud 6 beta 4
Frank Karlitschek
- [Owncloud] [testpilots] ownCloud Clone Script
Frank Karlitschek
- [Owncloud] kill "file" command
Frank Karlitschek
- [Owncloud] apps by OC version??
Frank Karlitschek
- [Owncloud] ownCloud 6 beta 5
Frank Karlitschek
- [Owncloud] ownCloud 6 beta 5
Frank Karlitschek
- [Owncloud] [owncloud app] upnp port mapper
Frank Karlitschek
- [Owncloud] [owncloud app] upnp port mapper
Frank Karlitschek
- [Owncloud] ownCloud 6 RC1
Frank Karlitschek
- [Owncloud] ownCloud with IIS7 - Security Warning
Frank Karlitschek
- [Owncloud] [calendar] how to display appointment creator?
Lennart Karsten
- [Owncloud] [calendar] how to display appointment creator?
Lennart Karsten
- [Owncloud] bookmarks not showing
CJ Keist
- [Owncloud] bookmarks not showing
CJ Keist
- [Owncloud] Login page show password toggle not working
CJ Keist
- [Owncloud] Is someone working on SIP integration into OC?
Arman Khalatyan
- [Owncloud] user account migration
Sandro Knauß
- [Owncloud] user account migration
Sandro Knauß
- [Owncloud] user account migration
Sandro Knauß
- [Owncloud] user account migration
Sandro Knauß
- [Owncloud] user account migration
Sandro Knauß
- [Owncloud] end-to-end QA testing framework for core storage functionality
Sandro Knauß
- [Owncloud] end-to-end QA testing framework for core storage functionality
Sandro Knauß
- [Owncloud] 0.3.1 release of pyOwncloud (python owncloud client).
Sandro Knauß
- [Owncloud] ownCloud Client 1.5.0 beta1 Release
Sandro Knauß
- [Owncloud] Dying apps: Shorty, Shorty Tracking, Imprint
- [Owncloud] what's the best way to synchronize without X (without the gui client) on linux?
Sebastian Kügler
- [Owncloud] what's the best way to synchronize without X (without the gui client) on linux?
Sebastian Kügler
- [Owncloud] what's the best way to synchronize without X (without the gui client) on linux?
Sebastian Kügler
- [Owncloud] what's the best way to synchronize without X (without the gui client) on linux?
Sebastian Kügler
- [Owncloud] what's the best way to synchronize without X (without the gui client) on linux?
Sebastian Kügler
- [Owncloud] what's the best way to synchronize without X (without the gui client) on linux?
Sebastian Kügler
- [Owncloud] ownCloud Clone Script
Steffen Lindner
- [Owncloud] iOS & Android Owncloud Client Synchronization feature
- [Owncloud] Sync client: Unknown Error
- [Owncloud] How can I develop the mirall ???
- [Owncloud] Question about owncloud client/server
- [Owncloud] what's the best way to synchronize without X (without the gui client) on linux?
Daniel Molkentin
- [Owncloud] How can I develop the mirall ???
Daniel Molkentin
- [Owncloud] ownCloud 6 beta 3
Daniel Molkentin
- [Owncloud] ownCloud 6 beta 3
Daniel Molkentin
- [Owncloud] ownCloud 6 beta 3
Daniel Molkentin
- [Owncloud] ownCloud 6 beta 3
Daniel Molkentin
- [Owncloud] porno photo in demo instanse
Daniel Molkentin
- [Owncloud] Full path disclosure
Daniel Molkentin
- [Owncloud] csync can t be loaded
Daniel Molkentin
- [Owncloud] csync can t be loaded
Daniel Molkentin
- [Owncloud] csync can t be loaded
Daniel Molkentin
- [Owncloud] csync can t be loaded
Daniel Molkentin
- [Owncloud] libgnutls-28.dll is missing
Daniel Molkentin
- [Owncloud] ownCloud Client 1.5.0 beta1 Release
Daniel Molkentin
- [Owncloud] what's the best way to synchronize without X (without the gui client) on linux?
Jakub Moscicki
- [Owncloud] what's the best way to synchronize without X (without the gui client) on linux?
Jakub Moscicki
- [Owncloud] what's the best way to synchronize without X (without the gui client) on linux?
Jakub Moscicki
- [Owncloud] ownCloud 6 beta 3
Jakub Moscicki
- [Owncloud] Sharing files/folders via REST API in oc6
Jakub Moscicki
- [Owncloud] end-to-end QA testing framework for core storage functionality
Jakub Moscicki
- [Owncloud] end-to-end QA testing framework for core storage functionality
Jakub Moscicki
- [Owncloud] Server protocol specification?
Jakub Moscicki
- [Owncloud] error with cron job on owncloud six
Thomas Müller
- [Owncloud] Sharing files/folders via REST API in oc6
Thomas Müller
- [Owncloud] Sharing files/folders via REST API in oc6
Thomas Müller
- [Owncloud] porno photo in demo instanse
Thomas Müller
- [Owncloud] Full path disclosure
Thomas Müller
- [Owncloud] ownCloud 6 Rest API
Thomas Müller
- [Owncloud] [testpilots] ownCloud Clone Script
Thomas Müller
- [Owncloud] [testpilots] ownCloud Clone Script
Thomas Müller
- [Owncloud] [testpilots] ownCloud Clone Script
Thomas Müller
- [Owncloud] user account migration
Thomas Müller
- [Owncloud] Installing owncloud from git sources
Thomas Müller
- [Owncloud] web interface // sort according to date
Thomas Müller
- [Owncloud] user account migration
Tom Needham
- [Owncloud] user account migration
Tom Needham
- [Owncloud] [Owncloud RC 1] WebDAV broken due to invalid XML in fresh install?
- [Owncloud] owncloud web page
Trey Nolen
- [Owncloud] owncloud web page
Trey Nolen
- [Owncloud] Full path disclosure
Ivan Palanevich
- [Owncloud] porno photo in demo instanse
Ivan Palanevich
- [Owncloud] Full path disclosure
Ivan Palanevich
- [Owncloud] ownCloud 6 RC1
Michael Pfitzner
- [Owncloud] ownCloud 6 beta2
Timothée Ravier
- [Owncloud] Dying apps: Shorty, Shorty Tracking, Imprint
Christian Reiner
- [Owncloud] apps by OC version??
Christian Reiner
- [Owncloud] apps by OC version??
Christian Reiner
- [Owncloud] [owncloud app] upnp port mapper
Boris Ribalkin
- [Owncloud] [owncloud app] upnp port mapper
Boris Ribalkin
- [Owncloud] apps by OC version??
- [Owncloud] How to partially predefine OC settings
Vladimir Sapronov
- [Owncloud] Full path disclosure
Arthur Schiwon
- [Owncloud] porno photo in demo instanse
Arthur Schiwon
- [Owncloud] ownCloud Clone Script
Arthur Schiwon
- [Owncloud] kill "file" command
Arthur Schiwon
- [Owncloud] Owncloud Digest, Vol 45, Issue 35
Arthur Schiwon
- [Owncloud] owncloud web page
Tom Schmidt
- [Owncloud] ownCloud 6 beta2
Andreas Schneider
- [Owncloud] ownCloud 6 beta2
Andreas Schneider
- [Owncloud] the problem on compiling owncloud client for windows
- [Owncloud] Sync client: Unknown Error
Torsten Seyffarth
- [Owncloud] Owncloud Digest, Vol 45, Issue 35
Klaus Steinberger
- [Owncloud] Owncloud Digest, Vol 45, Issue 36
Klaus Steinberger
- [Owncloud] Server protocol specification?
Bennett Todd
- [Owncloud] Server protocol specification?
Bennett Todd
- [Owncloud] Viraj Sinha and Ravi Chandroliya are still waiting for you to join Twitter...
- [Owncloud] ownCloud 6 Rest API
Urbani, Edmund
- [Owncloud] Feature request in Activity steam
BERGES Vincent
- [Owncloud] apps by OC version??
Alen Vodopijevec
- [Owncloud] internal server error?
Stefan Vollmar
- [Owncloud] Installing owncloud from git sources
Romain Vrignaud
- [Owncloud] Installing owncloud from git sources
Romain Vrignaud
- [Owncloud] ownCloud 6 beta 5
Romain Vrignaud
- [Owncloud] Sync client: Unknown Error
Daniel Wunderlich
- [Owncloud] Sync client: Unknown Error
Daniel Wunderlich
- [Owncloud] what's the best way to synchronize without X (without the gui client) on linux?
Dr. Johannes Zellner
- [Owncloud] what's the best way to synchronize without X (without the gui client) on linux?
Dr. Johannes Zellner
- [Owncloud] what's the best way to synchronize without X (without the gui client) on linux?
Dr. Johannes Zellner
- [Owncloud] error with cron job on owncloud six
Dr. Johannes Zellner
- [Owncloud] what's the best way to synchronize without X (without the gui client) on linux?
Dr. Johannes Zellner
- [Owncloud] oc with ssl client certificate
Dr. Johannes Zellner
- [Owncloud] how is search expected to work?
Dr. Johannes Zellner
- [Owncloud] how is search expected to work?
Dr. Johannes Zellner
- [Owncloud] browser view -- sorting according to date
Dr. Johannes Zellner
- [Owncloud] what's the best way to synchronize without X (without the gui client) on linux?
Dr. Johannes Zellner
- [Owncloud] web interface // sort according to date
Dr. Johannes Zellner
- [Owncloud] Exception Handling
basari ari
- [Owncloud] client error: can not load the owncloud plugin for csync
- [Owncloud] Change owncloud's default storage from Local to other mount point
weinan chen
- [Owncloud] Error cross compiling mirall
- [Owncloud] Error cross compiling mirall
- [Owncloud] Error cross compiling mirall
- [Owncloud] Testing of GUI code
qwetzi at
- [Owncloud] Error cross compiling mirall
- [Owncloud] Error cross compiling mirall
- [Owncloud] Error cross compiling mirall
- [Owncloud] csync can t be loaded
- [Owncloud] csync can t be loaded
- [Owncloud] csync can t be loaded
- [Owncloud] csync can t be loaded
- [Owncloud] Error cross compiling mirall
- [Owncloud] [OC 5.0.13] - owncloud.log reports erroneous messages about support of locale
pf18387 at
- [Owncloud] internal server error?
- [Owncloud] ownCloud with IIS7 - Security Warning
- [Owncloud] PostgreSQL OID Reliance
- [Owncloud] ownCloud 6 RC1
- [Owncloud] Building the Mac Client issues...
- [Owncloud] the problem in compiling windows client
- [Owncloud] Error cross compiling mirall
- [Owncloud] client error: can not load the owncloud plugin for csync
- [Owncloud] the problem on compiling owncloud client for windows
- [Owncloud] csync can t be loaded
heni wael
- [Owncloud] csync can t be loaded
heni wael
- [Owncloud] csync can t be loaded
heni wael
- [Owncloud] csync can t be loaded
heni wael
- [Owncloud] csync can t be loaded
heni wael
- [Owncloud] The owncloud plugin for csync could not be loaded. Please verify the installation
- [Owncloud] Qustions on owncloud compiling for windows
Last message date:
Sat Nov 30 22:03:12 UTC 2013
Archived on: Thu Jan 19 08:44:16 UTC 2017
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).