[Owncloud] what's the best way to synchronize without X (without the gui client) on linux?

Klaas Freitag freitag at owncloud.com
Tue Nov 5 09:25:56 UTC 2013

On 01.11.2013 13:12, Sebastian Kügler wrote:
Hi Sebas,

> That said, you'll need to build mirall to get the headless Plasma client. Pull
> from https://github.com/sebasje/mirall.git, checkout the plasmaclient branch
> and build that. It will build what you need additionally to the "normal"
> mirall. The binary of the headless client is called owncloudsyncd.

I took a quick look on that branch. Why do you have such an old fork? 
The changes to the mirall core code are small and we implemented some of 
the stuff you added "upstream", for example the progress api.

You really should try to stay near HEAD with your client, we're 
constantly improving the client and csync and people really should get 
something up to date. Remember, we're dealing with dangerous stuff here, 
syncing can eat your kids and other stuff ;-)

BTW, is it planned to release for example the KCM module with "normal" 
desktop KDE at some point of time?

best regards,


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