September 2008 Archives by author
Starting: Mon Sep 1 09:31:11 BST 2008
Ending: Tue Sep 30 23:48:58 BST 2008
Messages: 778
- [Bug 167925] crashed when emptying trash
Greg Adams
- [Bug 95323] Support for multiple Mail folder trees
- [Bug 171852] New: processing IMAP's folders slow if it contain thousands messages
Sergey Y. Afonin
- [Bug 171852] processing IMAP's folders slow if it contain thousands messages
Sergey Y. Afonin
- [Bug 100832] Kmail appends last composed message to new messages
Faiyaz Ahmed
- [Bug 170960] New: Kmail does not launch after Initial Wizard Completion
Aryan Ameri
- [Bug 171018] New: Knotes issues on Windows
Aryan Ameri
- [Bug 170339] New: kontact suddenly crashed working at background
Sergei Andreev
- [Bug 170339] kontact suddenly crashed working at background
Sergei Andreev
- [Bug 170339] kontact suddenly crashed working at background
Sergei Andreev
- [Bug 170339] kontact suddenly crashed working at background
Sergei Andreev
- [Bug 170184] New: kontact chashed and caused the signal 11 (sigsegv)
Francisca Angel
- [Bug 170184] kontact chashed and caused the signal 11 (sigsegv)
Francisca Angel
- [Bug 170184] kontact chashed and caused the signal 11 (sigsegv)
Francisca Angel
- [Bug 110384] "Remove recipient" button is too far off to the right
Oded Arbel
- [Bug 110384] "Remove recipient" button is too far off to the right
Oded Arbel
- [Bug 171275] New: kmail crashes on startup with ASSERT: "s->parsed == false" in kdelibs4/kcmdlineargs.cpp
John Baldwin
- [Bug 171275] kmail crashes on startup with ASSERT: "s->parsed == false" in kdelibs4/kcmdlineargs.cpp
John Baldwin
- [Bug 171275] kmail crashes on startup with ASSERT: "s->parsed == false" in kdelibs4/kcmdlineargs.cpp
John Baldwin
- [Bug 171275] kmail crashes on startup with ASSERT: "s->parsed == false" in kdelibs4/kcmdlineargs.cpp
John Baldwin
- [Bug 170902] New: Error Messages on Start, Possibly Crashed on Stop
David Baron
- [Bug 170903] New: Kwallet start behind plasma or not started by kmail
David Baron
- [Bug 171772] New: Clicking on one attachment auto-closes the window. Like I was done or something?
Brendan Barry
- [Bug 147897] Email needs Attachment total when adding attachments
Brendan Barry
- [Bug 171835] New: Outbox count was increased by one when sending an edited email
Brendan Barry
- [Bug 171772] Clicking on one attachment auto-closes the window. Like I was done or something?
Brendan Barry
- [Bug 171859] New: Deleting a message just gives it this weird line through it
Brendan Barry
- [Bug 171859] Deleting a message just gives it this weird line through it
Brendan Barry
- [Bug 31114] When deleting mail locally, delete on POP3 server, too.
Antonio Batovanja
- [Bug 94748] KMail violates RfC on SMTP AUTH problems
Rolf Eike Beer
- [Bug 170539] New: Selecting multiple files with mouse to insert an attachement inserts them twice
Max De Berraly
- [Bug 63353] Disconnected IMAP wipes email
Wade Berrier
- [Bug 63353] Disconnected IMAP wipes email
Wade Berrier
- [Bug 171502] New: Opening kontact config dialog while in the knote part freezes kontact
Julien Bigot
- [Bug 170707] New: Kmail crashes on pasting text into mail editor
Jan Binder
- [Bug 170707] Kmail crashes on pasting text into mail editor
Jan Binder
- [Bug 170707] Kmail crashes on pasting text into mail editor
Jan Binder
- [Bug 171481] New: clicking help button when adding IM address information shows an error message
Richard Birnie
- [Bug 171555] New: kmail forgets shortcuts assigned via Settings > Configure shortcuts
Richard Birnie
- [Bug 171618] New: Calendar reminder box 'Edit' button does nothing
Richard Birnie
- [Bug 170460] New: Window size is nor preserved among applications
Arnout Boelens
- [Bug 97239] better support for including own vCard into mails
Arnout Boelens
- [Bug 171908] New: Mail sent via Krunner should fully use information from the address book
Andreas Braml
- [Bug 135904] Sometimes some emails are displayed as empty
Xavier Brochard
- [Bug 135904] Sometimes some emails are displayed as empty
Xavier Brochard
- [Bug 135904] Sometimes some emails are displayed as empty
Xavier Brochard
- [Bug 135904] Sometimes some emails are displayed as empty
Xavier Brochard
- [Bug 135904] Sometimes some emails are displayed as empty
Xavier Brochard
- [Bug 171392] New: kontact freeze (eating cpu) reading this email
Xavier Brochard
- [Bug 171392] kontact freeze (eating cpu) reading this email
Xavier Brochard
- [Bug 158907] Google contact support
David Broome
- [Bug 170286] New: kmail checks selected keys forever
S. Burmeister
- [Bug 170287] New: size not shown in header-list if enabled in settings
S. Burmeister
- [Bug 170302] New: crash after changing identity for a folder and replying
S. Burmeister
- [Bug 170904] New: receive accounts are deleted if kontact/kmail is killed
S. Burmeister
- [Bug 47882] Mime tree shouldn't be visible by default
S. Burmeister
- [Bug 170983] New: enable the user to access html-emails even without the mime tree
S. Burmeister
- [Bug 170983] enable the user to access html-emails even without the mime tree
S. Burmeister
- [Bug 95064] Duplicates messages in imap folder after filtering
S. Burmeister
- [Bug 169827] Import settings from KDE 3.x versions of KMail
Simon Bühler
- [Bug 168245] kmail freeze when trying to compose a new message
Troy Carpenter
- [Bug 168245] kmail freeze when trying to compose a new message
Troy Carpenter
- [Bug 170481] New: KMail crashes on logging out
Alexey Chernov
- [Bug 170481] KMail crashes on logging out
Alexey Chernov
- [Bug 171640] New: Kontact crashes when clicking Settings/Configure Kontact
Alexey Chernov
- [Bug 171640] Kontact crashes when clicking Settings/Configure Kontact
Alexey Chernov
- [Bug 171546] New: Crash when I quit kontact
Thierry Chich
- [Bug 93812] duplicate imap inboxes (prefix bug?)
Tom Clift
- [Bug 170425] New: Detach attachments (save, remove, and link) from email
Harland Coles
- [Bug 170988] New: action when unread message
Marc Collin
- [Bug 171681] New: kmail previuous button doesn't always work
- [Bug 171268] New: disabling word wrapping in composer window only for some lines
Stefano Crocco
- [Bug 171833] New: kmail crashes sending mails
Matteo Croce
- [Bug 171735] New: email address is wrong when setting recipient preferences
Ulrich Dangel
- [Bug 145864] Send Queued Messages function sometimes disabled
Danny van Delft
- [Bug 145864] Send Queued Messages function sometimes disabled
Danny van Delft
- [Bug 77697] Replies to sent mail should go to recipient, not myself
Danny van Delft
- [Bug 170426] New: kmail crashes when displaying sent mails gesendete nachrichten
Klemens Dickbauer
- [Bug 171852] processing IMAP's folders slow if it contain thousands messages
Rex Dieter
- [Bug 171173] Kontact crashes with signal 6 when is closed
Cristian Dimache
- [Bug 121272] E-mail messages become blank when I open them
Tsur Doron
- [Bug 169166] KMail loses email accounts and their settings at KDE logout
Martin Droessler
- [Bug 170392] New: Kontact crashes when viewing meeting invitation
Dominic Dunkley
- [Bug 171854] New: Crash K-Mail Kontact, Signal SIGSEGV
Stefan Döbler
- Fourth Call for Papers: The 4th CISSE International Conference
CISSE Online E-Conference
- Call for Papers: SCSS 2008 -- Submission Deadline October 15, 2008
CISSE Online E-Conference
- Call for Papers: TeNe 2008 -- Submission Deadline October 15, 2008
CISSE Online E-Conference
- [Bug 170669] New: kontact crashes when clicking on calendar
Stefan Endrullis
- [Bug 170669] kontact crashes when clicking on calendar
Stefan Endrullis
- [Bug 161729] Cannot activate formatted HTML display when 'by clicking here' is clicked
- [Bug 171629] tabbing when writing an email froze kmail
- [Bug 171640] Kontact crashes when clicking Settings/Configure Kontact
- [Bug 171613] akgregator part does not remember configuration
- [Bug 171445] khtml to read help file not found, kontact crashed while mailing
- [Bug 171097] Synchronization online IMAP account
- [Bug 171122] Open contact in address book does not work anymore
- [Bug 171227] Akregrator Not Saving Column Settings
- [Bug 171230] no connection to POP server
- [Bug 171730] kontact crashes on shutdown
- [Bug 171772] Clicking on one attachment auto-closes the window. Like I was done or something?
- [Bug 171891] after moving to a new folder with ctrl-+, ctrl-a does not select all messages
- [Bug 171774] New: Filter popup messages: add "group" option for selecting all
Nikolai Försterling
- [Bug 104047] selecting "all" messages while search filter is active really selects *all* messages, not only the displayed ones
Nikolai Försterling
- [Bug 125887] Delete/Trash button needed in standalone message viewer
Rui G.
- [Bug 126714] Incorrect display of email source
Rui G.
- [Bug 170460] Window size is nor preserved among applications
Rui G.
- [Bug 119623] Send again function not always available
Ferdinand Gassauer
- [Bug 80802] imap message reloaded with binary attaches then reply
Ferdinand Gassauer
- [Bug 163378] Crash when trying to report bug
Gerry Gavigan
- [Bug 170379] New: locale language setting errors
Gerry Gavigan
- [Bug 170380] New: locale time setting error
Gerry Gavigan
- [Bug 170381] New: view of a contact unstable
Gerry Gavigan
- [Bug 170382] New: reduced functionality in calendar
Gerry Gavigan
- [Bug 170380] locale time setting error
Gerry Gavigan
- [Bug 86925] JJ: Generated HTML code should use <br> instead of <p>
G. Gavranovic
- [Bug 105534] Global shortcut to show/hide main window
- [Bug 170935] New: kontact crashes on calender event emails
Dennis Gilmore
- [Bug 170935] kontact crashes on calender event emails
Dennis Gilmore
- [Bug 171219] New: after unclean shutdown mail accounts are gone
Dennis Gilmore
- [Bug 52223] Tooltip popup interprets subject as HTML
George Goldberg
- [Bug 171481] clicking help button when adding IM address information shows an error message
George Goldberg
- [Bug 171392] kontact freeze (eating cpu) reading this email
George Goldberg
- [Bug 169579] Kontact crashing in libkpgp when entering configuration
Andy Goossens
- [Bug 170763] New: Kmail crashes when clicking on outlook meeting requests
Antonio Gutiérrez
- [Bug 171649] New: Kmail crash when highlighting main body - spamfilter-related
Marcus Harrison
- [Bug 170828] New: Question where to store passwords has misleading confirmation buttons
Richard Hartmann
- [Bug 170830] New: KMail should not time out when waiting for KWallet
Richard Hartmann
- [Bug 170828] Question where to store passwords has misleading confirmation buttons
Richard Hartmann
- [Bug 171621] New: Offer to attach 'files' from copy buffer & text field
Richard Hartmann
- [Bug 168815] ToDo List in Summary page not sorted
Duaine Hechler
- [Bug 140443] dimap mail loss on kmail crash and troubleshoot / rebuild / refresh imap cache
Yözen Hernández
- [Bug 165487] "Send Queued Messages Via" does not work
Kieran Hogg
- [Bug 170666] New: Mailing Free/Busy always completes successfully
Kieran Hogg
- [Bug 171284] New: kmail4 doesn't sync with kmail3 messages
Paul Horechuk
- [Bug 93812] duplicate imap inboxes (prefix bug?)
- [Bug 168596] kmail/kontact crashes when fetching mail and clicking in the list with filtered mails
- [Bug 98390] crash with message disposition notification popup
David Jarvie
- [Bug 171716] New: Kontact karmplugin doesn't build after rename of karmpart to ktimetrackerpart
- [Bug 170210] New: Compose HTML mail, loses returns lines of message
Erick Jimenez
- [Bug 122077] Redirecting sends the mail to the original recipient, not the specified one
- [Bug 170669] kontact crashes when clicking on calendar
Urs Joss
- [Bug 73074] kmail composer tools spellcheck changing language causes crash
Ber Kessels
- [Bug 170190] New: kmail does not display subfolder-only imap folders
George Kiagiadakis
- [Bug 170190] kmail does not display subfolder-only imap folders
George Kiagiadakis
- [Bug 170191] New: crash enabling the groupware IMAP resource functionality
George Kiagiadakis
- [Bug 170193] New: kmail does not fetch new imap folders created on the server
George Kiagiadakis
- [Bug 170193] kmail does not fetch new imap folders created on the server
George Kiagiadakis
- [Bug 92272] System tray does not show count of unread messages (IMAP)
George Kiagiadakis
- [Bug 92272] System tray does not show count of unread messages (IMAP)
George Kiagiadakis
- [Bug 170198] New: the new mail check interval timer is not started right after configuring an interval
George Kiagiadakis
- [Bug 85896] DIMAP: purged all cached mails after upgrade
George Kiagiadakis
- [Bug 58253] Show HTML parses all HTML in message
George Kiagiadakis
- [Bug 58253] Show HTML parses all HTML in message
George Kiagiadakis
- [Bug 163413] Wallet password asked for on exit
George Kiagiadakis
- [Bug 170707] Kmail crashes on pasting text into mail editor
George Kiagiadakis
- [Bug 83209] KMail refuses to start when ~/Mail/inbox has cur, but not tmp or new subdirs
George Kiagiadakis
- [Bug 81211] message drag to folder does not repaint behind it
George Kiagiadakis
- [Bug 83038] signature delimiter misleads some other clients
George Kiagiadakis
- [Bug 97274] crash while deleting messages during sync
George Kiagiadakis
- [Bug 86304] maildir directories require new and tmp subdirs; older versions did not
George Kiagiadakis
- [Bug 83209] KMail refuses to start when ~/Mail/inbox has cur, but not tmp or new subdirs
George Kiagiadakis
- [Bug 85475] Wrong MIME-Version entry in msg source
George Kiagiadakis
- [Bug 83209] KMail refuses to start when ~/Mail/inbox has cur, but not tmp or new subdirs
George Kiagiadakis
- [Bug 85475] Wrong MIME-Version entry in msg source
George Kiagiadakis
- [Bug 86302] Header corrupted when To list is long (>994 chars)
George Kiagiadakis
- [Bug 86302] Header corrupted when To list is long (>994 chars)
George Kiagiadakis
- [Bug 86304] maildir directories require new and tmp subdirs; older versions did not
George Kiagiadakis
- [Bug 88271] View Source: Headers incorrectly detected in message body (bold)
George Kiagiadakis
- [Bug 84927] KMail asks whether the message should be encrypted even if encryption is enabled explicitely
George Kiagiadakis
- [Bug 85541] warning of non-existing email in certificate though there is one
George Kiagiadakis
- [Bug 86034] Folders redrawn without reason when checking IMAP mailbox
George Kiagiadakis
- [Bug 171122] Open contact in address book does not work anymore
George Kiagiadakis
- [Bug 155238] Crash on saving attachment from draft folder
George Kiagiadakis
- [Bug 156349] Mail loss while moving from POP to IMAP account
George Kiagiadakis
- [Bug 155369] Messeages accessed through gmail IMAP service do not show html part
George Kiagiadakis
- [Bug 156548] Does not update read count from IMAP server
George Kiagiadakis
- [Bug 155238] Crash on saving attachment from draft folder
George Kiagiadakis
- [Bug 170149] kmail crashed while applying settings
George Kiagiadakis
- [Bug 171752] Impossible reduce the height of config dialog
George Kiagiadakis
- [Bug 71408] KMail is not embedded in Kontact if a message window is open
George Kiagiadakis
- [Bug 83107] When receiving a new email, and new mail notification set for "passive window", the email notification says "KMail"
George Kiagiadakis
- [Bug 171613] akgregator part does not remember configuration
George Kiagiadakis
- [Bug 99709] User-added buttons on kontact toolbar disappear
George Kiagiadakis
- [Bug 74363] When exiting kde with Kontakt opened, kde starts with kmail opened and sometimes with kontact and kmail opened seperated
George Kiagiadakis
- [Bug 170460] Window size is nor preserved among applications
George Kiagiadakis
- [Bug 170299] New: Connected to a network is not necessarily the same as being connected to the internet
- [Bug 170759] New: filtered messages are downloaded again and again using disconnected IMAP
Gaël de Chalendar (aka Kleag)
- [Bug 95064] Duplicates messages in imap folder after filtering
Gaël de Chalendar (aka Kleag)
- The Desktop is offline -KDE 3.5.9 "release 49.1" opensuse 10.11
Ingo Klöcker
- Bugs
Ingo Klöcker
- [Bug 170653] New: Keyboard shortcut for the quicksearch bar gone
Andreas Klöckner
- [Bug 145192] Wrong contact displayed if contacts wtih same phone number are selected
Tobias Koenig
- [Bug 170935] kontact crashes on calender event emails
Kevin Kofler
- [Bug 170203] kmail crashes on Outlook generated calendar invitation
Kevin Kofler
- [Bug 170428] New: After pressing new button, kmail crashes
Anıl Konaç
- [Bug 170428] After pressing new button, kmail crashes
Anıl Konaç
- [Bug 161544] Kmail eats all memory and crashes
- [Bug 73074] kmail composer tools spellcheck changing language causes crash
Roger Larsson
- [Bug 170397] New: Kontact crashes when composing new email message
Nolan Leatherwood
- [Bug 170397] Kontact crashes when composing new email message
Nolan Leatherwood
- [Bug 170815] New: Kmail crash when viewing Exchange calendar entry
Nolan Leatherwood
- [Bug 171178] New: Kmail crashing, when I type "konett"
Petteri Lehtovirta
- [Bug 93644] Kmail misinterprets IMAP URI
Michael Leupold
- [Bug 93647] Duplicate IMAP trash messages
Michael Leupold
- [Bug 94014] IMAP checks Trash even when told not to
Michael Leupold
- [Bug 95555] Current message is not displayed after IMAP reconnecting
Michael Leupold
- [Bug 92606] kmail handles spaces wrong in mail list
Michael Leupold
- [Bug 93647] Duplicate IMAP trash messages
Michael Leupold
- [Bug 93647] Duplicate IMAP trash messages
Michael Leupold
- [Bug 93628] looking up new mail on imap servers is not completly backgrounded
Michael Leupold
- [Bug 93628] looking up new mail on imap servers is not completly backgrounded
Michael Leupold
- [Bug 93812] duplicate imap inboxes (prefix bug?)
Michael Leupold
- [Bug 95093] Saving attachments with IMAP result in zero size files
Michael Leupold
- [Bug 94777] disconnected imap: read mails appear as unread again after next sync
Michael Leupold
- [Bug 93965] newimap "Unexpected Program Termination"
Michael Leupold
- [Bug 95064] Duplicates messages in imap folder after filtering
Michael Leupold
- [Bug 100622] Text completion drop down box in To: field isn't accessible with arrow keys
Michael Leupold
- [Bug 103450] can't send mail; get error message 127
Michael Leupold
- [Bug 104047] selecting "all" messages while search filter is active really selects *all* messages, not only the displayed ones
Michael Leupold
- [Bug 104070] "Select" address window does not cut long lines
Michael Leupold
- [Bug 104183] Settings window too large
Michael Leupold
- [Bug 104217] kmail addressbook picture only displayed if external references are allowed
Michael Leupold
- [Bug 104246] Crash after search in mails
Michael Leupold
- [Bug 104519] Recieving POP3-Mails impossible after update to SuSE Linux 9.3
Michael Leupold
- [Bug 103175] Applying settings change the mails sorting order
Michael Leupold
- [Bug 103807] New composer style in 3.4 is unusable when a "BCC address" is set for the identity
Michael Leupold
- [Bug 99464] Mozilla-created Trash subfolder confuses KMail
Michael Leupold
- [Bug 97920] progressbar does not show progress for imap uploading activity
Michael Leupold
- [Bug 100832] Kmail appends last composed message to new messages
Michael Leupold
- [Bug 101338] Unable to encrypt but signing works
Michael Leupold
- [Bug 99861] kmail marks messages as read when syncing a dimap mail folder
Michael Leupold
- [Bug 101509] HTML Formatting option sends plain text - and no setting of default
Michael Leupold
- [Bug 101509] HTML Formatting option sends plain text - and no setting of default
Michael Leupold
- [Bug 101509] HTML Formatting option sends plain text - and no setting of default
Michael Leupold
- [Bug 96954] high loads when accessing IMAP folders
Michael Leupold
- [Bug 93916] OpenPGP/MIME signing fails with drag-and-drop 8-bit attachments (in any encoding)
Michael Leupold
- [Bug 94547] Maintain aspect ratio when scaling mail folder icons
Michael Leupold
- [Bug 104070] "Select" address window does not cut long lines
Michael Leupold
- [Bug 104183] Settings window too large
Michael Leupold
- [Bug 104217] kmail addressbook picture only displayed if external references are allowed
Michael Leupold
- [Bug 104246] Crash after search in mails
Michael Leupold
- [Bug 101338] Unable to encrypt but signing works
Michael Leupold
- [Bug 86302] Header corrupted when To list is long (>994 chars)
Michael Leupold
- [Bug 158535] Corrupted names in message list with umlauts
Michael Leupold
- [Bug 158455] Crash after renaming folder with subfolder
Michael Leupold
- [Bug 157209] wrong order by date
Michael Leupold
- [Bug 93644] Kmail misinterprets IMAP URI
Michael Leupold
- [Bug 94014] IMAP checks Trash even when told not to
Michael Leupold
- [Bug 95555] Current message is not displayed after IMAP reconnecting
Michael Leupold
- [Bug 93647] Duplicate IMAP trash messages
Michael Leupold
- [Bug 96020] HTML Allows Spoofing of Emails Content
Michael Leupold
- [Bug 93158] Search folders cause huge slowdowns
Michael Leupold
- [Bug 158455] Crash after renaming folder with subfolder
Michael Leupold
- [Bug 134119] Compression detection if resend a mail dont work
Michael Leupold
- [Bug 94878] Missing choice in "Unusable Encryption Keys" dialog: don't encrypt
Michael Leupold
- [Bug 149698] tempfile not accessible to clamd
Michael Leupold
- [Bug 93965] newimap "Unexpected Program Termination"
Michael Leupold
- [Bug 93812] duplicate imap inboxes (prefix bug?)
Michael Leupold
- [Bug 95586] crash when I send a mail or when I change my identity
Michael Leupold
- [Bug 96954] high loads when accessing IMAP folders
Michael Leupold
- [Bug 84927] KMail asks whether the message should be encrypted even if encryption is enabled explicitely
Michael Leupold
- [Bug 94748] KMail violates RfC on SMTP AUTH problems
Michael Leupold
- [Bug 83176] changing settings in composer works only after next start
Michael Leupold
- [Bug 103450] can't send mail; get error message 127
Michael Leupold
- [Bug 93812] duplicate imap inboxes (prefix bug?)
Michael Leupold
- [Bug 171166] New: kmail crashes when replying to email on IMAP server before it's downloaded
Peter Lewis
- [Bug 170939] New: KMail + KOrganizer do not handle invitation timezones properly
- [Bug 170940] New: Cannot disable "Delete invitation emails after the reply to them has been sent" without IMAP Resource Functionality
- [Bug 170942] New: KMail crashes attempting to load/preview Lotus invitations
- [Bug 170942] KMail crashes attempting to load/preview Lotus invitations
- [Bug 170203] kmail crashes on Outlook generated calendar invitation
- [Bug 92619] [PATCH] Possibility for KMail to view all encrypted emails if gpg-agent is not running
- [Bug 170812] New: kmail drops configuration without reason
Anders Lund
- [Bug 171613] New: aggregator part does not remember configuration
Anders Lund
- [Bug 171615] New: embedded browser tabs can not be closed using ctrl w
Anders Lund
- [Bug 171615] embedded browser tabs can not be closed using ctrl w
Anders Lund
- [Bug 171613] aggregator part does not remember configuration
Anders Lund
- [Bug 170365] New: ics attachement crashes kmail
Frédéric MEUROU
- [Bug 83176] changing settings in composer works only after next start
Mikolaj Machowski
- [Bug 93647] Duplicate IMAP trash messages
Giulio Malventi
- [Bug 93647] Duplicate IMAP trash messages
Giulio Malventi
- [Bug 171005] New: akregator crashes by startup
Sascha Manns
- [Bug 171005] akregator crashes by startup
Sascha Manns
- [Bug 171901] New: akregator: Access denied cannot save feedlist
Sascha Manns
- [Bug 171930] New: akonadi Server not comes up (D-Bus, Resources)
Sascha Manns
- [Bug 149715] Some messages have blank body and appear as unread
- [Bug 170314] New: Notifications do not work inside Kontact
András Manţia
- [Bug 170865] New: KMail crashes when clicking on a folder
András Manţia
- [Bug 170865] KMail crashes when clicking on a folder
András Manţia
- [Bug 171091] New: order eMails by domainname/user
M. Maraun
- [Bug 168544] local inbox is not shown when starting with clean install
Jonathan Marten
- [Bug 168544] local inbox is not shown when starting with clean install
Jonathan Marten
- [Bug 171633] deleting a mail before closing the window for an acknowledge request crashes kmail
Jonathan Marten
- [Bug 98390] crash with message disposition notification popup
Jonathan Marten
- [Bug 170349] New: KMail crashes when choosing an Outlook appointment email
Jason Martin
- [Bug 170402] Sluggishness in Kmail under KDE4
Mark Martinec
- [Bug 171858] New: "Complete Message" is a poor default choice for "Find Messages"
Mark Martinec
- [Bug 171730] New: kontact crashes on shutdown
- [Bug 171730] kontact crashes on shutdown
- [Bug 171730] kontact crashes on shutdown
- [Bug 171730] kontact crashes on shutdown
- [Bug 171629] New: tabbing when writing an email froze kmail
Chris McCormick
- [Bug 170203] kmail crashes on Outlook generated calendar invitation
Thomas McGuire
- [Bug 170210] Compose HTML mail, loses returns lines of message
Thomas McGuire
- [Bug 86925] JJ: Generated HTML code should use <br> instead of <p>
Thomas McGuire
- [Bug 170321] strange behavoiur of column selector (right click on columns header)
Thomas McGuire
- [Bug 170286] kmail checks selected keys forever
Thomas McGuire
- [Bug 170325] KMail crashes when reading a Google Calendar invitation email
Thomas McGuire
- [Bug 170203] kmail crashes on Outlook generated calendar invitation
Thomas McGuire
- [Bug 170337] kontact crash on mail with iCalendar attachment
Thomas McGuire
- [Bug 170325] KMail crashes when reading a Google Calendar invitation email
Thomas McGuire
- [Bug 170287] size not shown in header-list if enabled in settings
Thomas McGuire
- [Bug 170287] size not shown in header-list if enabled in settings
Thomas McGuire
- [Bug 170349] KMail crashes when choosing an Outlook appointment email
Thomas McGuire
- [Bug 170203] kmail crashes on Outlook generated calendar invitation
Thomas McGuire
- [Bug 170365] ics attachement crashes kmail
Thomas McGuire
- [Bug 170203] kmail crashes on Outlook generated calendar invitation
Thomas McGuire
- [Bug 170381] view of a contact unstable
Thomas McGuire
- [Bug 163674] Right clicking on a mis-spelled word should immediately give a list of alternative spellings
Thomas McGuire
- [Bug 170379] System-wide spellcheck language ignored
Thomas McGuire
- [Bug 170382] reduced functionality in calendar
Thomas McGuire
- [Bug 170302] crash after changing identity for a folder and replying
Thomas McGuire
- [Bug 170033] All filtering criteria are not localized in filter dialog
Thomas McGuire
- [Bug 86925] JJ: Generated HTML code should use <br> instead of <p>
Thomas McGuire
- [Bug 169921] "Exchange compatible invitation naming" option doesn't stay checked
Thomas McGuire
- [Bug 170392] Kontact crashes when viewing meeting invitation
Thomas McGuire
- [Bug 170203] kmail crashes on Outlook generated calendar invitation
Thomas McGuire
- [Bug 170443] While reading emails, kmail crashes with sig 11.
Thomas McGuire
- [Bug 170203] kmail crashes on Outlook generated calendar invitation
Thomas McGuire
- [Bug 170426] kmail crashes when displaying sent mails gesendete nachrichten
Thomas McGuire
- [Bug 170203] kmail crashes on Outlook generated calendar invitation
Thomas McGuire
- [Bug 170396] Kmail crashes when it opens
Thomas McGuire
- [Bug 170203] kmail crashes on Outlook generated calendar invitation
Thomas McGuire
- [Bug 170203] kmail crashes on Outlook generated calendar invitation
Thomas McGuire
- [Bug 170419] quoted printable doesn't work in From: line
Thomas McGuire
- [Bug 170447] kmail crash on insert text from clipboard.
Thomas McGuire
- [Bug 170428] After pressing new button, kmail crashes
Thomas McGuire
- [Bug 154373] crash when pressed on new mail
Thomas McGuire
- [Bug 170397] Kontact crashes when composing new email message
Thomas McGuire
- [Bug 170397] Kontact crashes when composing new email message
Thomas McGuire
- [Bug 170447] kmail crash on insert text from clipboard.
Thomas McGuire
- [Bug 170481] KMail crashes on logging out
Thomas McGuire
- [Bug 170539] Selecting multiple files with mouse selects them twice
Thomas McGuire
- [Bug 170594] crash when selecting messages
Thomas McGuire
- [Bug 170203] kmail crashes on Outlook generated calendar invitation
Thomas McGuire
- [Bug 170607] Use the right spell checker from the environment variable
Thomas McGuire
- [Bug 170379] System-wide spellcheck language ignored
Thomas McGuire
- [Bug 170680] crash sending emails and other actions
Thomas McGuire
- [Bug 170707] Kmail crashes on pasting text into mail editor
Thomas McGuire
- [Bug 170447] kmail crash on insert text from clipboard.
Thomas McGuire
- [Bug 170512] outlook invitation: meeting time wrong
Thomas McGuire
- [Bug 170743] wrong password in SMTP should ask for new password
Thomas McGuire
- [Bug 158486] Should ask for SMTP password if authentication failed
Thomas McGuire
- [Bug 170741] KMail Freezes When Reading some E-mail messages.
Thomas McGuire
- [Bug 170653] Keyboard shortcut for the quicksearch bar gone
Thomas McGuire
- [Bug 75671] Better support for keyboard navigation
Thomas McGuire
- [Bug 170790] If kmail is set to prefer html messages all messages are treated as html
Thomas McGuire
- [Bug 170815] Kmail crash when viewing Exchange calendar entry
Thomas McGuire
- [Bug 170203] kmail crashes on Outlook generated calendar invitation
Thomas McGuire
- [Bug 170804] kmail crashes when displaying an invitation from korganizer
Thomas McGuire
- [Bug 170203] kmail crashes on Outlook generated calendar invitation
Thomas McGuire
- [Bug 170770] empty message body encoding
Thomas McGuire
- [Bug 76872] IMAP disconnects and cannot reconnect
Thomas McGuire
- [Bug 170770] empty message body encoding
Thomas McGuire
- [Bug 170339] kontact suddenly crashed working at background
Thomas McGuire
- [Bug 170870] 'right click' menus to narrow KMail
Thomas McGuire
- [Bug 170763] Kmail crashes when clicking on outlook meeting requests
Thomas McGuire
- [Bug 170203] kmail crashes on Outlook generated calendar invitation
Thomas McGuire
- [Bug 170770] empty message body encoding
Thomas McGuire
- [Bug 170314] Notifications do not work inside Kontact
Thomas McGuire
- [Bug 164496] Kontact crashed after resuming from suspend2disk
Thomas McGuire
- [Bug 170852] Severe speed-regression in maildir folders
Thomas McGuire
- [Bug 163469] Big folders are drawn very slowly
Thomas McGuire
- [Bug 131507] Changing between big maildir folders slow
Thomas McGuire
- [Bug 170870] 'right click' menus to narrow
Thomas McGuire
- [Bug 170942] KMail crashes attempting to load/preview Lotus invitations
Thomas McGuire
- [Bug 170203] kmail crashes on Outlook generated calendar invitation
Thomas McGuire
- [Bug 74565] displaying of emphasized text (*, _, and /)
Thomas McGuire
- [Bug 93965] newimap "Unexpected Program Termination"
Thomas McGuire
- [Bug 170865] KMail crashes when clicking on a folder
Thomas McGuire
- [Bug 171217] Pasting in the composer body crashes kmail without crash reporter appearing
Thomas McGuire
- [Bug 170447] kmail crash on insert text from clipboard.
Thomas McGuire
- [Bug 169986] spell check causes crashes in KTextEdit
Thomas McGuire
- [Bug 92619] [PATCH] Possibility for KMail to view all encrypted emails if gpg-agent is not running
Thomas McGuire
- [Bug 92619] [PATCH] Possibility for KMail to view all encrypted emails if gpg-agent is not running
Thomas McGuire
- [Bug 171230] no connection to pop-server
Thomas McGuire
- [Bug 171284] kmail4 doesn't sync with kmail3 messages
Thomas McGuire
- [Bug 162815] KMail crashes on exit
Thomas McGuire
- [Bug 163712] Crashes on exit when using IMAP
Thomas McGuire
- [Bug 171063] Using online IMAP kmail crashes very often on exit
Thomas McGuire
- [Bug 163712] Crashes on exit when using IMAP
Thomas McGuire
- [Bug 171266] KMail always crashes on logout
Thomas McGuire
- [Bug 163712] Crashes on exit when using IMAP
Thomas McGuire
- [Bug 92619] [PATCH] Possibility for KMail to view all encrypted emails if gpg-agent is not running
Thomas McGuire
- [Bug 171271] Crash when reloading local calendar
Thomas McGuire
- [Bug 171270] kmail composer stripping empty lines
Thomas McGuire
- [Bug 86925] JJ: Generated HTML code should use <br> instead of <p>
Thomas McGuire
- [Bug 171268] disabling word wrapping in composer window only for some lines
Thomas McGuire
- [Bug 79144] selective (paragraph-wise) word wrap
Thomas McGuire
- [Bug 171448] Broken inbox attachment filenames using GMail/IMAP
Thomas McGuire
- [Bug 171448] Broken inbox attachment filenames using GMail/IMAP
Thomas McGuire
- [Bug 171854] Crash K-Mail Kontact, Signal SIGSEGV
Thomas McGuire
- [Bug 170203] kmail crashes on Outlook generated calendar invitation
Thomas McGuire
- [Bug 171195] New: no html view with graphic headers
Peer Meves
- [Bug 171002] New: kmail crash at kde startup
Matthieu Michaud
- [Bug 171122] Open contact in address book does not work anymore
Manfred Mislik
- [Bug 171122] Open contact in address book does not work anymore
Manfred Mislik
- [Bug 167960] No password asked when gpg-agent not running
Mehrdad Momeny
- [Bug 157140] some messages cannot be deleted
Manuel Mommertz
- [Bug 169986] spell check causes kmail composer to crash
Frank Mulder
- [Bug 138519] verisign not Validated signture
Marc Mutz
- [Bug 171061] New: online IMAP and spamassassin filters don't work on incoming mails
Angelo Naselli
- [Bug 171062] New: Using CTRL-j to get filters applied on online IMAP could crash
Angelo Naselli
- [Bug 171062] Using CTRL-j to get filters applied on online IMAP could crash
Angelo Naselli
- [Bug 171063] New: Using online IMAP kmail crashes very often on exit
Angelo Naselli
- [Bug 163712] Crashes on exit when using IMAP
Angelo Naselli
- [Bug 170770] New: empty message body encoding
Sergei Naumov
- [Bug 170770] empty message body encoding
Sergei Naumov
- [Bug 170770] empty message body encoding
Sergei Naumov
- [Bug 170770] empty message body encoding
Sergei Naumov
- [Bug 170770] empty message body encoding
Sergei Naumov
- [Bug 171711] New: The opened Popup Note's window blocks navigation to other Kontact modules.
Ladislav Nesnera
- [Bug 167632] The resource selection dialogue with the doubled option
Ladislav Nesnera
- [Bug 167632] The resource selection dialogue with the doubled option
Ladislav Nesnera
- [Bug 170680] New: crash sending emails and other actions
- [Bug 170680] crash sending emails and other actions
- [Bug 170680] crash sending emails and other actions
- [Bug 170680] crash sending emails and other actions
- [Bug 170337] New: kontact crash on mail with iCalendar attachment
Doualot Nicolas
- [Bug 171734] New: Knotes doesn't save any notes.
- [Bug 171734] Knotes doesn't save any notes.
- [Bug 171097] New: Synchronization online IMAP account
Benoit Norrin
- [Bug 170447] New: kmail crash on insert text from clipboard.
Alexander Opachev
- [Bug 170447] kmail crash on insert text from clipboard.
Alexander Opachev
- [Bug 170245] New: use libplasma for summary view
Dario Panico
- [Bug 140429] Crash when writing maildir index
Peter Parzer
- [Bug 140429] Crash when writing maildir index
Peter Parzer
- [Bug 158455] Crash after renaming folder with subfolder
Vlada Perić
- [Bug 170271] New: custom templates: please provide new tag -- quote mark
Maciej Pilichowski
- [Bug 151113] Mails sometimes disappear when filtering with spamassassin
Helmut Pozimski
- [Bug 170743] New: wrong password in SMTP should ask for new password
Maurizio Pozzobon
- [Bug 131434] SIGSEV when searching for duplicate messages
Oliver Putz
- [Bug 170728] New: kontact freezes when trying to modify sending smtp account (trying to use not-installed kwallet)
Oliver Putz
- [Bug 170997] New: kmail crashed in KMReaderWin::copyText when trying to answer mail
Oliver Putz
- [Bug 156292] Crash after starting the second time
Oliver Putz
- [Bug 171102] kmail crashes when writing and email
Oliver Putz
- [Bug 171157] New: when answering mails adressed to my second email address, kget puts my first email adress in the CC field
Oliver Putz
- [Bug 171157] when answering mails adressed to my second email address, kget puts my first email adress in the CC field
Oliver Putz
- [Bug 171159] Kmail crashes after adding new cached IMAP account
Oliver Putz
- [Bug 171178] Kmail crashing, when I type "konett"
Oliver Putz
- [Bug 171741] New: Kontact crashed when minizing detailed progress window after sending mail failed
Oliver Putz
- [Bug 171741] Kontact crashed when minizing detailed progress window after sending mail failed
Oliver Putz
- [Bug 170203] New: kmail crashes on Outlook generated calendar invitation
David Pyke
- [Bug 170203] kmail crashes on Outlook generated calendar invitation
David Pyke
- [Bug 170203] kmail crashes on Outlook generated calendar invitation
David Pyke
- [Bug 171227] New: Akregrator Not Saving Column Settings
Mehul Rajput
- [Bug 171230] New: no connection to pop-server
Henry Reinhold
- [Bug 171230] no connection to pop-server
Henry Reinhold
- [Bug 53015] Signature generation/check fails for Mails forwarded as attachement
Bernhard E. Reiter
- [Bug 53015] Signature generation/check fails for Mails forwarded as attachement
Bernhard E. Reiter
- [Bug 170734] New: Calender writes appointments twice and crash when deleted
Hein van Rensburg
- [Bug 171220] New: mail account information lost after kontact crash
Willi Richert
- [Bug 171842] New: kontact crashes after closing
Willi Richert
- [Bug 170485] New: notes can moved behind the new kicker
- [Bug 167360] akregator icon does not bring up kontact
- [Bug 171043] New: kmail loses IMAP account information on hard poweroff
Bernhard Rosenkraenzer
- [Bug 77862] kio_imap processes hang when connection status changes
Greg Rundlett
- [Bug 154411] Wish: family relationship between contacts
Carlo Russo
- [Bug 170419] New: quoted printable doesn't work in From: line
Elan Ruusamäe
- [Bug 170419] quoted printable doesn't work in From: line
Elan Ruusamäe
- [Bug 170419] quoted printable doesn't work in From: line
Elan Ruusamäe
- [Bug 170852] New: Severe speed-regression in maildir folders
Allan Sandfeld
- [Bug 170852] Severe speed-regression in maildir folders
Allan Sandfeld
- [Bug 170852] Severe speed-regression in maildir folders
Allan Sandfeld
- [Bug 170790] New: If kmail is set to prefer html messages all messages are treated as html
Marek Aaron Sapota
- [Bug 170594] New: crash when selecting messages
Ritesh Raj Sarraf
- [Bug 170594] crash when selecting messages
Ritesh Raj Sarraf
- [Bug 170594] crash when selecting messages
Ritesh Raj Sarraf
- [Bug 103450] can't send mail; get error message 127
Freda Saul
- [Bug 121272] E-mail messages become blank when I open them
Freda Saul
- [Bug 170351] New: Summarypage/Upcoming Events shows wrong days count for spanning events
Marc Schiffbauer
- [Bug 170352] New: custom font in message list ignored by date column
Marc Schiffbauer
- [Bug 170579] Display to-dos if and only if start date has come
Bram Schoenmakers
- [Bug 151378] no tooltips in KMail
Bram Schoenmakers
- [Bug 169409] knotes should have tags and/or integration into nepomuk
Bram Schoenmakers
- [Bug 170186] kontact, knotes, korganizer -- nepomuk integration
Bram Schoenmakers
- [Bug 170296] Application sometimes crashes when deleting mails (IMAP)
Bram Schoenmakers
- [Bug 163071] Crash when deleting messages from inbox
Bram Schoenmakers
- [Bug 170339] kontact suddenly crashed working at background
Bram Schoenmakers
- [Bug 170891] reminders not dismissed are forgotten after restart
Bram Schoenmakers
- [Bug 167634] Reminding of delayed events after logout/restart
Bram Schoenmakers
- [Bug 170892] Reminders of recurrent events show incorrect date
Bram Schoenmakers
- [Bug 166118] when a reminder is shown no kwallet password is asked
Bram Schoenmakers
- [Bug 170892] Reminders of recurrent events show incorrect date
Bram Schoenmakers
- [Bug 170902] Error Messages on Start, Possibly Crashed on Stop
Bram Schoenmakers
- [Bug 170296] New: Application sometimes crashes when deleting mails (IMAP)
Dominik Schulz
- [Bug 171339] New: kmail's line highlighting in message pane broken
Amit Shah
- [Bug 139551] index files from 774 to 700 for security improvement
Jose Da Silva
- [Bug 170891] reminders not dismissed are forgotten after restart
Pedro Miguel Silva
- [Bug 76872] IMAP disconnects and cannot reconnect
Harald Sitter
- [Bug 168245] kmail freeze when trying to compose a new message
Jools Smyth
- [Bug 169986] spell check causes kmail composer to crash
Lamarque Vieira Souza
- [Bug 169986] spell check causes kmail composer to crash
Maarten Storm
- [Bug 171523] New: KMail should prefetch the next email(s) to be read
Kirk Strauser
- [Bug 171103] New: unrecognized transport protocol when sending mail
- [Bug 126715] Crash after fresh startup and selecting mail
- [Bug 170033] All filtering criteria are not localized in filter dialog
Nicolas Ternisien
- [Bug 170325] New: KMail crashes when reading a Google Calendar invitation email
Jonathan Thomas
- [Bug 170325] KMail crashes when reading a Google Calendar invitation email
Jonathan Thomas
- [Bug 57660] "send again" does not copy the BCC address
Jonathan Thomas
- [Bug 171796] New: Accessing inbox with imaps:// in Konq/Dolphin causes crash
Jonathan Thomas
- [Bug 171800] New: Attachments dragged to desktop have read-only permissions
Jonathan Thomas
- [Bug 120437] Exchange Meeting Accept Doesn't work with mailling list
Shaun Thomas
- [Bug 170186] New: kontact, knotes, korganizer, usability -- nepomuk integration
Johannes Tiemer
- [Bug 170870] New: 'right click' menus to narrow KMail
David Todd
- [Bug 170870] 'right click' menus to narrow KMail
David Todd
- [Bug 170263] New: unable to read an ascii armoured gpg encrypted mail with kpgp
Jaime Torres
- [Bug 170263] unable to read an ascii armoured gpg encrypted mail with kpgp
Jaime Torres
- [Bug 71944] replying to messages with Content-Type: application/pgp results in empty composer
Jaime Torres
- [Bug 71945] JJ: Refresh imap cache shown in menu even when not in use
Jaime Torres
- [Bug 72030] Bad feedback when a SMTP connection times out
Jaime Torres
- [Bug 72316] KMail only removes the last signature on reply
Jaime Torres
- [Bug 72389] RFC SHOULD violation: KMail doesn't fold headers with very long email addresses
Jaime Torres
- [Bug 73074] kmail composer tools spellcheck changing language causes crash
Jaime Torres
- [Bug 73503] The move-to pop up menu is sortted out of order
Jaime Torres
- [Bug 73676] Keyboard shortcut for "Add to Addressbook" takes wrong address
Jaime Torres
- [Bug 73957] saving a pgp-signed message results in unreadable message text
Jaime Torres
- [Bug 73957] saving a pgp-signed message results in unreadable message text
Jaime Torres
- [Bug 74440] compose window is hidden for passphrase and message confirmation
Jaime Torres
- [Bug 74889] Mail signing takes place on another virtual desktop
Jaime Torres
- [Bug 74902] Mail component does not handle identity selection from multiple identities liike stand-alone kmail
Jaime Torres
- [Bug 75671] Better support for keyboard navigation
Jaime Torres
- [Bug 75724] view message source command only works if preview pane is open and not toggled
Jaime Torres
- [Bug 75994] Custom Colors followed links
Jaime Torres
- [Bug 98390] crash with message disposition notification popup
Jaime Torres
- [Bug 88781] always claiming wrong coding of written text in email
Jaime Torres
- [Bug 89237] gpg signing preference not honoured when composing mail to somebody
Jaime Torres
- [Bug 89402] Search folder dialog doesn't show names with commas correctly
Jaime Torres
- [Bug 89716] KMail's HTML composer messes up signature
Jaime Torres
- [Bug 90538] KMail can't verify OpenPGP/MIME messages with an attached dspam signature
Jaime Torres
- [Bug 90623] POP filter rules lost upon abnormal exit
Jaime Torres
- [Bug 91722] Mail folders are sorted in a confusing manner
Jaime Torres
- [Bug 91909] [PATCH] Inline vCards do not honor background color
Jaime Torres
- [Bug 92062] messages deleted from a search "folder" get moved to local trash instead of accounts trash dir
Jaime Torres
- [Bug 92121] Shortcut settings do not propagat to top level reader window
Jaime Torres
- [Bug 53185] [PATCH] Crash when switching message while GPG passphrase entry dialog is shown
Jaime Torres
- [Bug 83480] when deleting a dimap account from the KMail folder list the inbox folder subfolder of the Local Folders change its name to the name of the deleted dimap account
Jaime Torres
- [Bug 60440] Mark all as read button sometimes becomes disabled
Jaime Torres
- [Bug 92272] System tray does not show count of unread messages (IMAP)
Jaime Torres
- [Bug 92062] messages deleted from a search "folder" get moved to local trash instead of accounts trash dir
Jaime Torres
- [Bug 149766] kmail crashes when reading my kmailrc file from kmail version 3.5.5
Jaime Torres
- [Bug 93381] ignores global shortcut for paste
Jaime Torres
- [Bug 93916] OpenPGP/MIME signing fails with drag-and-drop 8-bit attachments (in any encoding)
Jaime Torres
- [Bug 94547] Maintain aspect ratio when scaling mail folder icons
Jaime Torres
- [Bug 92967] automatically removed crypto-signature mixes up message
Jaime Torres
- [Bug 93316] to: line highlight in compose window is of the wrong color
Jaime Torres
- [Bug 104070] "Select" address window does not cut long lines
Jaime Torres
- [Bug 104183] Settings window too large
Jaime Torres
- [Bug 97920] progressbar does not show progress for imap uploading activity
Jaime Torres
- [Bug 134000] The signed icon is not checked at mail composition althought it should be
Jaime Torres
- [Bug 101338] Unable to encrypt but signing works
Jaime Torres
- [Bug 86302] Header corrupted when To list is long (>994 chars)
Jaime Torres
- [Bug 156349] Mail loss while moving from POP to IMAP account
Jaime Torres
- [Bug 101694] "Text complete" mode is not saved
Jaime Torres
- [Bug 102152] To/CC/BCC button in message composer is too narrow
Jaime Torres
- [Bug 114837] gpg doesn't work with kmail (and it can't be disabled)
Jaime Torres
- [Bug 115310] "encrypted mail" "too many passphase" requests
Jaime Torres
- [Bug 115371] shortcuts shown after pressing Ctrl could not be accessed when a shortcut for this character already exist
Jaime Torres
- [Bug 110384] "Remove recipient" button is too far off to the right
Jaime Torres
- [Bug 110964] import of csv lists with only email-fields does not work
Jaime Torres
- [Bug 111357] Undo after remove whitespace blanks message in editor
Jaime Torres
- [Bug 111424] Lacking direct "Edit..." access after adding contact to ABook from mail header (RMB)
Jaime Torres
- [Bug 111581] kmail composer, find and replace: "End of document reached, continue", endless loop
Jaime Torres
- [Bug 111786] KMail hangs when switching to a MDM message while dIMAP sync process
Jaime Torres
- [Bug 114011] Renaming search folder clears view contents
Jaime Torres
- [Bug 114337] kmail keeps filling my harddisk with unused remains of mails
Jaime Torres
- [Bug 114664] Translation makes dialog question unclear (KMail, charset not compatible with text in message)
Jaime Torres
- [Bug 111889] compose mail, bold button is freezing ( disfunction until next kmail restart )
Jaime Torres
- [Bug 112474] HTML display in composer does not correspond to viewer display
Jaime Torres
- [Bug 112724] Error reading message status (read/unread) in maildir folders
Jaime Torres
- [Bug 113222] Progress bar for deleting pop3 mails missing
Jaime Torres
- [Bug 111859] search with status: unwanted behaviour and crash
Jaime Torres
- [Bug 115676] Sorting by date of arrival incorrect
Jaime Torres
- [Bug 115720] context menu key does not work as expected in composer
Jaime Torres
- [Bug 115821] Dupliciting contacts with imap addressbook resource
Jaime Torres
- [Bug 116854] 'Column 2' shown when right click on quick search field -> Search Columns
Jaime Torres
- [Bug 171102] kmail crashes when writing and email
Jaime Torres
- [Bug 171178] Kmail crashing, when I type "konett"
Jaime Torres
- [Bug 171204] how can I set up a filter to mark a message with a message tag?
Jaime Torres
- [Bug 138930] spell checking craches kmail
Jaime Torres
- [Bug 139551] index files from 774 to 700 for security improvement
Jaime Torres
- [Bug 139726] Sometimes scrolling jumps down at top of mail list
Jaime Torres
- [Bug 140032] deprecated flag --no-rebuild in sa-learn manual filter
Jaime Torres
- [Bug 140747] Mail templates for new messages not available
Jaime Torres
- [Bug 138554] save all attachments does not work for encrypted mails
Jaime Torres
- [Bug 94777] disconnected imap: read mails appear as unread again after next sync
Jaime Torres
- [Bug 60120] mapi support for exchange 5.5 in kmail
Jaime Torres
- [Bug 78629] MS Exchange mail support
Jaime Torres
- [Bug 170186] kontact, knotes, korganizer -- nepomuk integration
Pino Toscano
- [Bug 170933] Akregator does not remember position in different feeds
Pino Toscano
- [Bug 171445] khtml to read help file not found, kontact crashed while mailing
Pino Toscano
- [Bug 171491] kmail send mail attach file crash
Pino Toscano
- [Bug 171546] Crash when I quit kontact
Pino Toscano
- [Bug 171930] akonadi Server not comes up (D-Bus, Resources)
Pino Toscano
- [Bug 53015] Signature generation/check fails for Mails forwarded as attachement
Dominik Tritscher
- [Bug 61009] BCC header field disappears after sending message
Dominik Tritscher
- [Bug 64235] Creating a filter automatically sets the destination folder to "draft" and this may result in confusion if one forgets it and presses OK
Dominik Tritscher
- [Bug 65835] "Send Again" does not clear / rebuild old header info (severe)
Dominik Tritscher
- [Bug 65916] gpg unicode names not displayed correctly
Dominik Tritscher
- [Bug 92969] Removing Crypto-Signature does not work via re-editing the message
Dominik Tritscher
- [Bug 93381] ignores global shortcut for paste
Dominik Tritscher
- [Bug 93554] PGP/Mime Encrypted Mails Are Shown to Have an Attachment
Dominik Tritscher
- [Bug 93916] OpenPGP/MIME signing fails with drag-and-drop 8-bit attachments (in any encoding)
Dominik Tritscher
- [Bug 92967] automatically removed crypto-signature mixes up message
Dominik Tritscher
- [Bug 94242] vCard display is clunky and inserts "PO BOX" in address line 2.
Dominik Tritscher
- [Bug 94547] Maintain aspect ratio when scaling mail folder icons
Dominik Tritscher
- [Bug 92696] Menu not keyboard-navigable after pressing Alt
Dominik Tritscher
- [Bug 96020] HTML Allows Spoofing of Emails Content
Dominik Tritscher
- [Bug 93053] Status search combo lacks keyboard navigation
Dominik Tritscher
- [Bug 93316] to: line highlight in compose window is of the wrong color
Dominik Tritscher
- [Bug 93653] Progress icon cut off when using double sized pixels
Dominik Tritscher
- [Bug 95586] crash when I send a mail or when I change my identity
Dominik Tritscher
- [Bug 93158] Search folders cause huge slowdowns
Dominik Tritscher
- [Bug 171122] Open contact in address book does not work anymore
Dominik Tritscher
- [Bug 157946] Lost of downloaded messages lost when POP3 mailcheck times out
Dominik Tritscher
- [Bug 157097] Indexing creates messages with weird dates
Dominik Tritscher
- [Bug 157961] Production of unquoted specials in address-like headers (From/To/Cc)
Dominik Tritscher
- [Bug 115676] Sorting by date of arrival incorrect
Dominik Tritscher
- [Bug 115720] context menu key does not work as expected in composer
Dominik Tritscher
- [Bug 111859] search with status: unwanted behaviour and crash
Dominik Tritscher
- [Bug 114011] Renaming search folder clears view contents
Dominik Tritscher
- [Bug 114837] gpg doesn't work with kmail (and it can't be disabled)
Dominik Tritscher
- [Bug 111357] Undo after remove whitespace blanks message in editor
Dominik Tritscher
- [Bug 111581] kmail composer, find and replace: "End of document reached, continue", endless loop
Dominik Tritscher
- [Bug 155369] Messeages accessed through gmail IMAP service do not show html part
Dominik Tritscher
- [Bug 78629] MS Exchange mail support
Juha Tuomala
- [Bug 95733] KMail should always encode as base64 any non text/* and non message/* MIME part
Juha Tuomala
- [Bug 95074] HTML encoding isn't detected
Juha Tuomala
- [Bug 170853] New: KMail is not honouring the default identity
- [Bug 97274] crash while deleting messages during sync
Shem Valentine
- [Bug 99464] Mozilla-created Trash subfolder confuses KMail
Shem Valentine
- [Bug 97920] progressbar does not show progress for imap uploading activity
Shem Valentine
- [Bug 99861] kmail marks messages as read when syncing a dimap mail folder
Shem Valentine
- [Bug 96954] high loads when accessing IMAP folders
Shem Valentine
- [Bug 155238] Crash on saving attachment from draft folder
Shem Valentine
- [Bug 155369] Messeages accessed through gmail IMAP service do not show html part
Shem Valentine
- [Bug 156349] Mail loss while moving from POP to IMAP account
Shem Valentine
- [Bug 156548] Does not update read count from IMAP server
Shem Valentine
- [Bug 93628] looking up new mail on imap servers is not completly backgrounded
Timo Veith
- [Bug 168544] local inbox is not shown when starting with clean install
Giovanni Venturi
- [Bug 168544] local inbox is not shown when starting with clean install
Giovanni Venturi
- [Bug 168544] local inbox is not shown when starting with clean install
Giovanni Venturi
- [Bug 143961] KMail forgets the compression setting after saving a mail in Drafts folder with compressed attachment(s)
Roberto Agostino Vitillo
- [Bug 79951] address selection dialog useless for Reply-To field
Roberto Agostino Vitillo
- [Bug 149766] kmail crashes when reading my kmailrc file from kmail version 3.5.5
Dr. Jürgen Vollmer
- Bugs
Atha Voyatzis
- [Bug 171266] New: KMail always crashes on logout
Michal Vyskocil
- [Bug 171266] KMail always crashes on logout
Michal Vyskocil
- [Bug 171266] KMail always crashes on logout
Michal Vyskocil
- [Bug 171266] KMail always crashes on logout
Michal Vyskocil
- [Bug 170627] New: KMail crashes when compacting IMAP folder
Johnny Wezel
- [Bug 170627] KMail crashes when compacting IMAP folder
Johnny Wezel
- [Bug 171699] New: New Contact and New Appointment windows need to fit on 600px tall screens
John Wheaton
- [Bug 171217] New: Pasting in the composer body crashes kmail without crash reporter appearing
Tyson Whitehead
- [Bug 170447] kmail crash on insert text from clipboard.
Tyson Whitehead
- [Bug 170277] i18n: impossible to translate "my calendar", "my todo", "my journal"
Allen Winter
- [Bug 163514] .desktop file is still installed even if part is not
Allen Winter
- [Bug 170184] kontact chashed and caused the signal 11 (sigsegv)
Allen Winter
- [Bug 170351] Summarypage/Upcoming Events shows wrong days count for spanning events
Allen Winter
- [Bug 170380] locale time setting error
Allen Winter
- [Bug 170380] locale time setting error
Allen Winter
- [Bug 170782] rss feeds missing in Kontact summary
Allen Winter
- [Bug 171271] Crash when reloading local calendar
Allen Winter
- [Bug 171716] Kontact karmplugin doesn't build after rename of karmpart to ktimetrackerpart
Allen Winter
- [Bug 171448] New: Broken inbox attachment filenames using GMail/IMAP
Victor Yacovlev
- [Bug 171173] New: Kontact crashes with signal 6 when is closed
Miroslav Zidek
- [Bug 170579] New: Display to-dos if and only if start date has come
gjditchfield at
- [Bug 170621] New: Pending to-do summary ignores summary configuration
gjditchfield at
- [Bug 171752] New: Impossible reduce the height of config dialog
- [Bug 171445] New: khtml to read help file not found, kontact crashed while mailing
- [Bug 171445] khtml to read help file not found, kontact crashed while mailing
- [Bug 171491] New: kmail send mail attach file crash
- [Bug 171491] kmail send mail attach file crash
- [Bug 171445] khtml to read help file not found, kontact crashed while mailing
- [Bug 171491] kmail send mail attach file crash
- [Bug 171445] khtml to read help file not found, kontact crashed while mailing
- [Bug 171491] kmail send mail attach file crash
- [Bug 170402] New: Sluggishness in Kmail under KDE4
tony at
- [Bug 170782] New: rss feeds missing in Kontact summary
- [Bug 168245] kmail freeze when trying to compose a new message
- [Bug 168245] kmail freeze when trying to compose a new message
- [Bug 143961] KMail forgets the compression setting after saving a mail in Drafts folder with compressed attachment(s)
vitillo at
- [Bug 89293] embed images in html-mails
- [Bug 74136] Support for multiple language emails
- [Bug 61009] BCC header field disappears after sending message
christophe at
- [Bug 171556] New: Antispam wizard only finds local folders
Pascal d'Hermilly
- [Bug 63353] Disconnected IMAP wipes email
Pascal d'Hermilly
- [Bug 171563] New: Imap mails disapearing and apearing again upon Check Mail
Pascal d'Hermilly
- [Bug 171564] New: Can't save attachment through fish://
Pascal d'Hermilly
- [Bug 169563] fetch / check on selected key for KMail do not stop
- [Bug 170307] New: lock on local account
- [Bug 170307] lock on local account
- [Bug 140262] Blank attachment at opening, when switching mail using load on demand imap
- [Bug 171482] New: Kmail requests KWallet when quitting
korossy.p at
- [Bug 167437] Trash not emptied on exit
- [Bug 171174] New: Startup Wizard: Set up multiple accounts
stgallag at
- [Bug 171204] New: how can I set up a filter to mark a message with a message tag?
sts at
- [Bug 170891] New: reminders not dismissed are forgotten after restart
- [Bug 170892] New: event reminders show incorrect date
- [Bug 170894] New: month printout is hard to read
- [Bug 170894] month printout is hard to read
- [Bug 170933] New: Akregator does not remember position in different feeds
- [Bug 170741] New: KMail Freezes When Reading some E-mail messages.
shlomif at
- [Bug 170741] KMail Freezes When Reading some E-mail messages.
shlomif at
- [Bug 170741] KMail Freezes When Reading some E-mail messages.
shlomif at
- [Bug 111756] emails disappear when renaming cachedIMAP folder
sebastia at
- [Bug 7765] Online/offline
sonny at
- [Bug 171563] Imap mails disapearing and apearing again upon Check Mail
aldo-public at
- [Bug 171633] New: deleting a mail before closing the window for an acknowledge request crashes kmail
- [Bug 154454] Incorrect IMAP folder size shown
thorsten at
- [Bug 170396] New: Kmail crashes when it opens
dc at
- [Bug 170396] Kmail crashes when it opens
dc at
- [Bug 131917] No notification about new mails with IMAP
dag at
- [Bug 170804] New: kmail crashes when displaying an invitation from korganizer
dag at
- [Bug 170804] kmail crashes when displaying an invitation from korganizer
dag at
- [Bug 171270] New: kmail composer stripping empty lines
dag at
- [Bug 171159] New: Kmail crashes after adding new cached IMAP account
michael papet
- [Bug 171102] New: kmail crashes when writing and email
Jordi relats
- [Bug 171102] kmail crashes when writing and email
Jordi relats
- [Bug 170321] New: strange behavoiur of column selector (right click on columns header)
- [Bug 149999] Forgets passwords after cancelling kwallet password dialog once
- [Bug 171028] New: when editing a new mail, the cursor is very slow to be moved
- [Bug 28261] Option to save decrypted GPG email unencrypted locally.
- [Bug 170403] New: SMTP/Authentication BUG: sending Email fails
buffer0 at
- [Bug 170403] SMTP/Authentication BUG: sending Email fails
buffer0 at
- [Bug 170403] SMTP/Authentication BUG: sending Email fails
buffer0 at
- [Bug 100622] Text completion drop down box in To: field isn't accessible with arrow keys
- [Bug 100832] Kmail appends last composed message to new messages
- [Bug 101338] Unable to encrypt but signing works
- [Bug 101509] HTML Formatting option sends plain text - and no setting of default
- [Bug 101694] "Text complete" mode is not saved
- [Bug 101785] Changing a folder jumps to new mail but does not display it
- [Bug 102152] To/CC/BCC button in message composer is too narrow
- [Bug 171122] New: Open contact in address book does not work anymore
- [Bug 101425] Unlogic To-CC header combination chosen by Reply to All
- [Bug 101425] Unlogic To-CC header combination chosen by Reply to All
- [Bug 101694] "Text complete" mode is not saved
- [Bug 101694] "Text complete" mode is not saved
- [Bug 101694] "Text complete" mode is not saved
- [Bug 101785] Changing a folder jumps to new mail but does not display it
- [Bug 102152] To/CC/BCC button in message composer is too narrow
- [Bug 102478] hangs when using OpenPGP smartcard
- [Bug 171481] clicking help button when adding IM address information shows an error message
- [Bug 171392] kontact freeze (eating cpu) reading this email
- [Bug 171481] clicking help button when adding IM address information shows an error message
- [Bug 171502] Opening kontact config dialog while in the knote part freezes kontact
- [Bug 171618] Calendar reminder box 'Edit' button does nothing
- [Bug 171613] akgregator part does not remember configuration
- [Bug 170512] New: outlook invitation: meeting time wrong
- [Bug 170512] outlook invitation: meeting time wrong
- [Bug 170512] outlook invitation: meeting time wrong
- [Bug 170512] outlook invitation: meeting time wrong
- [Bug 170512] outlook invitation: meeting time wrong
- [Bug 171891] New: after moving to a new folder with ctrl-+, ctrl-a does not select all messages
boud at
- [Bug 171891] after moving to a new folder with ctrl-+, ctrl-a does not select all messages
boud at
- [Bug 171030] New: separate kmail data for easier migration+backup
- [Bug 86302] Header corrupted when To list is long (>994 chars)
- [Bug 170607] New: Use the right spell checker from the environment variable
Szőts Ákos
- [Bug 169023] Kmail loses mail when it freezes after I'd moved some to an other folder (DIMAP). DATA LOSS.
Szőts Ákos
- [Bug 171218] New: KMail crashed while I was writing a letter. DIMAP.
Szőts Ákos
- [Bug 171218] KMail crashed while I was writing a letter. DIMAP.
Szőts Ákos
- [Bug 171271] New: KMail crashed in background after I added a todo into KOrganizer
Szőts Ákos
- [Bug 171326] New: Unread message counter is wrong in the system tray
Szőts Ákos
- [Bug 171218] KMail crashed while I was writing a letter. DIMAP.
Szőts Ákos
- [Bug 171630] New: KMail crashed while it was synching DIMAP and I was marking messages as read in folders
Szőts Ákos
- [Bug 170443] New: While reading emails, kmail crashes with sig 11.
- [Bug 170443] While reading emails, kmail crashes with sig 11.
Last message date:
Tue Sep 30 23:48:58 BST 2008
Archived on: Wed Apr 17 13:03:44 BST 2019
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).