August 2022 Archives by date
Starting: Mon Aug 1 19:16:40 BST 2022
Ending: Wed Aug 31 22:11:45 BST 2022
Messages: 204
- can't create new transaction (master)
- can't create new transaction (master)
Thomas Baumgart
- can't create new transaction (master)
Thomas Baumgart
- can't create new transaction (master)
- [kmymoney] [Bug 457388] New: 2019. 11. 30 코로나예언자에 대해 허위의 수사상 목적읋 내세워 이를 은폐였으며 WHO, CDC등에 통보 요청하였으나 이를 자신들의 사익정 정보로 전용하여 이에 빡친 예언자가 컴퓨터 1도 몰라서 여기에 도움을 좀 받습니다.
- [kmymoney] [Bug 457388] 2015년 검찰의 사법 농단 사건에 대하여 이를 반성하고(사건 장본인) 법원에 출석하여 총 3차례 사실관계를 증언하여 검찰의 사법 거래(변호사 매수 행위, 허위 참고인 매수 행위, 증인 매수행위, 수사협조사실확인서를 사건과 관 2 11. 30 코로나예언자에 대해 허위의 수사상 목적읋 내세워 이를 은폐였으며 WHO, CDC등에 통보 요청하였으나 이를 자신들의 사익정 정보로 전용하여 이에 빡친 예언자가 컴퓨터 1도 몰라서 여기에 도움을 좀 받습니다.
- [kmymoney] [Bug 457388] 2015년 검찰의 사법 농단 사건(재소자의 신분으로, 피고인의 피의사실에 대하여 제보자와 충분히 대화하였으며 사실 기반이기는 하지만 증거의 수집, 제출 방법을 위반한 제보자가 사용한 이동전화의 기지국을 포함하는 수, 발신 통신기록 사실조회를 서울북부지검에서 받아 이 데이터를 최대한 활용하여 피의 사실을 부인하거나 부인하더라도 법원이 검찰의 주장을 받아드릴수 밖에 없는 객관적 증거자료를 토대로 사건의 스토리라인을 잡고 이를 검증해 나가면서 문제의 소지가
- [Spam] [Bug 457388] 2015년 검찰의 사법 농단 사건(재소자의 신분으로, 피고인의 피의사실에 대하여 제보자와 충분히 대화하였으며 사실 기반이기는 하지만 증거의 수집, 제출 방법을 위반한 제보자가 사용한 이동전화의 기지국을 포함하는 수, 발신 통신기록 사실조회를 서울북부지검에서 받아 이 데이터를 최대한 활용하여 피의 사실을 부인하거나 부인하더라도 법원이 검찰의 주장을 받아드릴수 밖에 없는 객관적 증거자료를 토대로 사건의 스토리라인을 잡고 이를 검증해 나가면서 문제의 소지가
Nicolas Fella
- [kmymoney] [Bug 457391] New: 문재인 정부, 윤석열 정부, 대검찰청, 경찰청, 국정원, 소방청, 과학기술정보통신부, 산학연 그리고 정부 16개 소관 부처까지 연합하여 사무 분장과 부처간 업무협조의 방식으로 한 개인에 대하여 지난 4년 간 중대한 수사라는 거짓말을 내세우며 2019. 12. 01 "형사 사건 공개 금지의 긴급 법안"까지 시행하며 본인이 3,700명의 아나운서를 배출한 한국 아나운서 아카데미 이사장으로 내정되어 있음에도 전 언론을 모두 통제하기도 하였습니다.
- [kmymoney] [Bug 457394] New: My closed accounts use to be archived, now they all show up when in HOME. Also the drop down lists will not display. Just installed Ubuntu 22.04
Ken Clayton
- [kmymoney] [Bug 457395] New: Appimage failing to build
- [Spam] [Bug 457391] 문재인 정부, 윤석열 정부, 대검찰청, 경찰청, 국정원, 소방청, 과학기술정보통신부, 산학연 그리고 정부 16개 소관 부처까지 연합하여 사무 분장과 부처간 업무협조의 방식으로 한 개인에 대하여 지난 4년 간 중대한 수사라는 거짓말을 내세우며 2019. 12. 01 "형사 사건 공개 금지의 긴급 법안"까지 시행하며 본인이 3,700명의 아나운서를 배출한 한국 아나운서 아카데미 이사장으로 내정되어 있음에도 전 언론을 모두 통제하기도 하였습니다.
Thomas Baumgart
- can't create new transaction (master)
Thomas Baumgart
- [kmymoney] [Bug 457395] Appimage failing to build
Thomas Baumgart
- New problem (master) stock sell showing up as payment
- New problem (master) stock sell showing up as payment
Thomas Baumgart
- New problem (master) stock sell showing up as payment
- [kmymoney] [Bug 457460] New: Need a stable URL for the winget package manager
- [kmymoney] [Bug 457395] Appimage failing to build
- [kmymoney] [Bug 457484] New: Reconciled transaction not accepted
- [kmymoney] [Bug 457484] Reconciled transaction not accepted
- [kmymoney] [Bug 457484] Reconciled transaction not accepted
- [kmymoney] [Bug 456472] Interest field dropped on buy transactions for brokerage accounts
Bug Janitor Service
- [kmymoney] [Bug 457484] Reconciled transaction not accepted
- New problem (master) stock sell showing up as payment
- [kmymoney] [Bug 457484] Reconciled transaction not accepted
Thomas Baumgart
- [kmymoney] [Bug 457484] Reconciled transaction not accepted
Thomas Baumgart
- [kmymoney] [Bug 457484] Reconciled transaction not accepted
Thomas Baumgart
- [kmymoney] [Bug 456472] Interest field dropped on buy transactions for brokerage accounts
- [kmymoney] [Bug 457558] New: KMyMoney crashes immediately
Dave Bachmann
- [kmymoney] [Bug 457558] KMyMoney crashes immediately
- [kmymoney] [Bug 457558] KMyMoney crashes immediately
Dave Bachmann
- [kmymoney] [Bug 457558] KMyMoney crashes immediately
- KMyMoney 5.1.3 released
Thomas Baumgart
- KMyMoney 5.1.3 released
Phil Richardson
- [kmymoney] [Bug 455735] When editing a transaction, choosing a category from the list and confirming with 'Enter' resets it back to 'Asset'
- new crash in master
Thomas Baumgart
- [kmymoney] [Bug 457625] New: list of online banking transactions (Outbox)
dlfkcf at
- KMyMoney 5.1.3 released
Doug Lytle
- KMyMoney 5.1.3 released
Thomas Baumgart
- [kmymoney] [Bug 457640] New: Allow KmyMoney to stay on selected transaction even when switching between Virtual Desktops
- new crash in master
- [kmymoney] [Bug 457484] Reconciled transaction not accepted
- KMyMoney 5.1.3 released
Doug Lytle
- [kmymoney] [Bug 457643] New: reconciliation wizard does not respect number of digits of the currency, seems to be hardcoded to 2 digits max
Achim Schaefer
- KMyMoney 5.1.3 released
Doug Lytle
- [kmymoney] [Bug 437240] Shortcuts in Reports
Fabiano Caruana
- [kmymoney] [Bug 437240] Shortcuts in Reports
Fabiano Caruana
- [kmymoney] [Bug 457640] Allow KmyMoney to stay on selected transaction even when switching between Virtual Desktops
Thomas Baumgart
- KMyMoney 5.1.3 released
Doug Lytle
- failed pipeline
Jack Ostroff
- failed pipeline
Thomas Baumgart
- [kmymoney] [Bug 457761] New: I can't modify and save
Leonardo Bergamo
- [kmymoney] [Bug 457761] I can't modify and save
Leonardo Bergamo
- [kmymoney] [Bug 457761] I can't modify and save - past date
Leonardo Bergamo
- [kmymoney] [Bug 457761] I can't modify and save - past date
- [kmymoney] [Bug 457761] I can't modify and save - past date
Thomas Baumgart
- [kmymoney] [Bug 457640] Allow KmyMoney to stay on selected transaction even when switching between Virtual Desktops
- [kmymoney] [Bug 457640] Allow KmyMoney to stay on selected transaction even when switching between Virtual Desktops
- failed pipeline
- [kmymoney] [Bug 457806] New: Invalid display definition in [MainWindow] section of kmymoneyrc file on Windows
Ralf Habacker
- [kmymoney] [Bug 426400] Fix KF5 issues on Windows
Ralf Habacker
- [kmymoney] [Bug 457806] Invalid display definition in [MainWindow] section of kmymoneyrc file on Windows
Ralf Habacker
- [kmymoney] [Bug 457832] New: Net-Worth report displays incorrect asset values.
- [kmymoney] [Bug 457832] Net-Worth report displays incorrect asset values.
- [kmymoney] [Bug 440690] Double-clicking on a root node should expand it in Account/Category view
Thomas Baumgart
- [kmymoney] [Bug 457832] Net worth report displays incorrect asset values.
- [kmymoney] [Bug 457832] Net worth report displays incorrect account balance
- [kmymoney] [Bug 457832] Net worth report displays incorrect account balance
Thomas Baumgart
- [kmymoney] [Bug 341511] Information from last item in ledger list remains when filtering list
Thomas Baumgart
- [kmymoney] [Bug 457832] Net worth report displays incorrect account balance
- [kmymoney] [Bug 457832] Net worth report displays incorrect account balance
- [kmymoney] [Bug 457832] Net worth report displays incorrect account balance
- [kmymoney] [Bug 457832] Net worth report displays incorrect account balance
bugzilla_noreply at
- [kmymoney] [Bug 457832] Net worth report displays incorrect account balance
- [kmymoney] [Bug 457881] New: Typo on
Michael Carpino
- [kmymoney] [Bug 457881] Typo on
Thomas Baumgart
- [kmymoney] [Bug 437240] Shortcuts in Reports
Fabiano Caruana
- [kmymoney] [Bug 457337] Allow to auto-update category based on Payee
Bug Janitor Service
- [kmymoney] [Bug 457337] Allow to auto-update category based on Payee
Thomas Baumgart
- [kmymoney] [Bug 437240] Shortcuts in Reports
Thomas Baumgart
- [kmymoney] [Bug 457337] Allow to auto-update category based on Payee
Suresh PB
- [kmymoney] [Bug 457806] Invalid display definition in [MainWindow] section of kmymoneyrc file on Windows
Ralf Habacker
- [kmymoney] [Bug 457987] New: AqBanking - Benutzer anlegen funktioniert nicht
- [kmymoney] [Bug 457987] AqBanking - Benutzer anlegen funktioniert nicht
Thomas Baumgart
- [kmymoney] [Bug 457987] AqBanking - Benutzer anlegen funktioniert nicht
- [kmymoney] [Bug 457987] AqBanking - Benutzer anlegen funktioniert nicht
Ralf Habacker
- [kmymoney] [Bug 457625] list of online banking transactions (Outbox)
Thomas Baumgart
- [kmymoney] [Bug 457987] AqBanking - Benutzer anlegen funktioniert nicht
- [kmymoney] [Bug 456472] Interest field dropped on buy transactions for brokerage accounts
Bug Janitor Service
- [kmymoney] [Bug 456472] Interest field dropped on buy transactions for brokerage accounts
Zoltan Puskas
- [kmymoney] [Bug 456472] Interest field dropped on buy transactions for brokerage accounts
Ian Neal
- [kmymoney] [Bug 456472] Interest field dropped on buy transactions for brokerage accounts
Zoltan Puskas
- [kmymoney] [Bug 458133] New: Missing dokumentation for online banking
Ralf Habacker
- [kmymoney] [Bug 457987] AqBanking - Benutzer anlegen funktioniert nicht
Ralf Habacker
- [kmymoney] [Bug 458133] Missing dokumentation for online banking
Ralf Habacker
- [kmymoney] [Bug 456472] Interest field dropped on buy transactions for brokerage accounts
Ian Neal
- [kmymoney] [Bug 456472] Interest field dropped on buy transactions for brokerage accounts
Thomas Baumgart
- [kmymoney] [Bug 457625] list of online banking transactions (Outbox)
Thomas Baumgart
- [kmymoney] [Bug 456472] Interest field dropped on buy transactions for brokerage accounts
- [kmymoney] [Bug 441190] keyboard shortcut conflict
- [kmymoney] [Bug 456472] Interest field dropped on buy transactions for brokerage accounts
Thomas Baumgart
- [kmymoney] [Bug 441190] keyboard shortcut conflict
Thomas Baumgart
- [kmymoney] [Bug 458152] New: A question box pops up at close of reconciliation requesting that user "confirm end of reconciliation". The text says the account and the reconciled transactions differ when in fact the account and the reconciled transactions are equal.
- [kmymoney] [Bug 441190] keyboard shortcut conflict
- [kmymoney] [Bug 441190] keyboard shortcut conflict
- [kmymoney] [Bug 458152] A question box pops up at close of reconciliation requesting that user "confirm end of reconciliation". The text says the account and the reconciled transactions differ when in fact the account and the reconciled transactions are equal.
- [kmymoney] [Bug 458152] A question box pops up at close of reconciliation requesting that user "confirm end of reconciliation". The text says the account and the reconciled transactions differ when in fact the account and the reconciled transactions are equal.
- [kmymoney] [Bug 441190] keyboard shortcut conflict
- [kmymoney] [Bug 411272] Not saving changes to Shortcuts
Thomas Baumgart
- [kmymoney] [Bug 441190] keyboard shortcut conflict
Thomas Baumgart
- [kmymoney] [Bug 411272] Not saving changes to Shortcuts
- [kmymoney] [Bug 458166] New: Bonjour
- [kmymoney] [Bug 441190] keyboard shortcut conflict
- [kmymoney] [Bug 458166] Payee view shows a total of zero because all splits are shown
Thomas Baumgart
- [kmymoney] [Bug 458166] Payee view shows a total of zero because all splits are shown
Thomas Baumgart
- [kmymoney] [Bug 458166] Payee view shows a total of zero because all splits are shown
- [kmymoney] [Bug 441190] keyboard shortcut conflict
Thomas Baumgart
- [kmymoney] [Bug 457987] AqBanking - Benutzer anlegen funktioniert nicht
Ralf Habacker
- [kmymoney] [Bug 457484] Reconciled transaction not accepted
Bug Janitor Service
- [kmymoney] [Bug 458196] New: Kmymoney does not use the alternative recipient of HBCI (ABWA+)
bugzilla_noreply at
- [kmymoney] [Bug 452616] Missing transaction information
Thomas Baumgart
- [kmymoney] [Bug 458196] Kmymoney does not use the alternative recipient of HBCI (ABWA+)
Thomas Baumgart
- [kmymoney] [Bug 458152] A question box pops up at close of reconciliation requesting that user "confirm end of reconciliation". The text says the account and the reconciled transactions differ when in fact the account and the reconciled transactions are equal.
- [kmymoney] [Bug 457484] Reconciled transaction not accepted
- [kmymoney] [Bug 452616] Missing transaction information
bugzilla_noreply at
- [kmymoney] [Bug 452616] Missing transaction information
Thomas Baumgart
- [kmymoney] [Bug 457484] Reconciled transaction not accepted
Thomas Baumgart
- [kmymoney] [Bug 458152] Incorrect warning about differing sums in reconciliation when they are equal
Thomas Baumgart
- [kmymoney] [Bug 458152] Incorrect warning about differing sums in reconciliation when they are equal
Thomas Baumgart
- [kmymoney] [Bug 458152] Incorrect warning about differing sums in reconciliation when they are equal
Thomas Baumgart
- [kmymoney] [Bug 457987] AqBanking - Benutzer anlegen funktioniert nicht
Ralf Habacker
- [kmymoney] [Bug 458133] Missing dokumentation for online banking
Ralf Habacker
- [kmymoney] [Bug 457987] AqBanking - Benutzer anlegen funktioniert nicht
- [kmymoney] [Bug 458166] Payee view shows a total of zero because all splits are shown
- Problem returned: stock sell showing up as payment
- [kmymoney] [Bug 326100] Update always creates duplicate transactions
- [kmymoney] [Bug 405689] kmymoney cannot open any file, on start it says: kf5.kio.core: couldn't create slave: "Unknown protocol 'file'.".
- [kmymoney] [Bug 385060] Could not enter receiver if not enabled as payee
- [kmymoney] [Bug 432883] "Payee" is not the correct term in the reconciliation wizard dialog
- [kmymoney] [Bug 457394] My closed accounts use to be archived, now they all show up when in HOME. Also the drop down lists will not display. Just installed Ubuntu 22.04
- [kmymoney] [Bug 454669] Fails to update Stock price using Yahoo Finance (and more)
- [kmymoney] [Bug 453857] malloc() aborts during save
- [kmymoney] [Bug 445874] Impossible to enter negative in the reconciliation window
- [kmymoney] [Bug 440618] Account dropdown in Ledger show categories
- [kmymoney] [Bug 434722] AppImage (5.1.1-5ea8730) crashes when saving on SQL database
- [kmymoney] [Bug 434722] AppImage (5.1.1-5ea8730) crashes when saving on SQL database
bugzilla_noreply at
- [kmymoney] [Bug 326100] Update always creates duplicate transactions
Matthew Schultz
- [kmymoney] [Bug 326100] Update always creates duplicate transactions
- [kmymoney] [Bug 385060] Could not enter receiver if not enabled as payee
Thomas Baumgart
- [kmymoney] [Bug 458166] Payee view shows a total of zero because all splits are shown
Thomas Baumgart
- [kmymoney] [Bug 326100] Update always creates duplicate transactions
Thomas Baumgart
- [kmymoney] [Bug 440618] Account dropdown in Ledger show categories
Thomas Baumgart
- [kmymoney] [Bug 453857] malloc() aborts during save
Thomas Baumgart
- [kmymoney] [Bug 457484] Reconciled transaction not accepted
Dawid Wrobel
- [kmymoney] [Bug 457484] Reconciled transaction not accepted
Dawid Wróbel
- [kmymoney] [Bug 458298] New: disappearance of icons
- [kmymoney] [Bug 458298] disappearance of icons
Thomas Baumgart
- [kmymoney] [Bug 385060] Could not enter receiver if not enabled as payee
- [kmymoney] [Bug 385060] Could not enter receiver if not enabled as payee
- [kmymoney] [Bug 458298] disappearance of icons
- [kmymoney] [Bug 458298] disappearance of icons
- Problem returned: stock sell showing up as payment
Jonatan Cloutier
- [kmymoney] [Bug 457640] Allow KmyMoney to stay on selected transaction even when switching between Virtual Desktops
Bug Janitor Service
- [kmymoney] [Bug 457761] I can't modify and save - past date
Bug Janitor Service
- [kmymoney] [Bug 458298] disappearance of icons
- [kmymoney] [Bug 458298] disappearance of icons
Dawid Wróbel
- [kmymoney] [Bug 458298] disappearance of icons
Dawid Wróbel
- [kmymoney] [Bug 458298] disappearance of icons
- [kmymoney] [Bug 457640] Allow KmyMoney to stay on selected transaction even when switching between Virtual Desktops
- [kmymoney] [Bug 458346] New: Display of balances is not correct when filters are active
Thomas Baumgart
- [kmymoney] [Bug 457640] Allow KmyMoney to stay on selected transaction even when switching between Virtual Desktops
- [kmymoney] [Bug 458298] disappearance of icons
- [kmymoney] [Bug 458298] disappearance of icons
- [kmymoney] [Bug 458298] disappearance of icons
- [kmymoney] [Bug 458298] disappearance of icons
- [kmymoney] [Bug 458298] disappearance of icons
- [kmymoney] [Bug 457640] Allow KmyMoney to stay on selected transaction even when switching between Virtual Desktops
- [kmymoney] [Bug 457640] Allow KmyMoney to stay on selected transaction even when switching between Virtual Desktops
- [kmymoney] [Bug 457640] Allow KmyMoney to stay on selected transaction even when switching between Virtual Desktops
- [kmymoney] [Bug 458346] Display of balances is not correct when filters are active
Thomas Baumgart
- [kmymoney] [Bug 441801] KMyMoney crash after configure toolbar then select new view
Paul Worrall
- [kmymoney] [Bug 441801] KMyMoney crash after configure toolbar then select new view
- [kmymoney] [Bug 341511] Information from last item in ledger list remains when filtering list
Bug Janitor Service
- [kmymoney] [Bug 451646] No way to change the hierarchy for a loan
- [kmymoney] [Bug 441801] KMyMoney crash after configure toolbar then select new view
Thomas Baumgart
- [kmymoney] [Bug 451646] No way to change the hierarchy for a loan
- [kmymoney] [Bug 329701] Let user specify the name of the brokerage account for an investment account
- [kmymoney] [Bug 458447] New: Security account created on OFX import has 1/100 fraction, which gives wrong values if it really should be smaller
- [kmymoney] [Bug 458478] New: Also sync Ledger of Brokerage account to Investment View
- [kmymoney] [Bug 458479] New: For mapped investment accounts, show date of last online update
- security price entry question
- [kmymoney] [Bug 458447] Security account created on OFX import has 1/100 fraction, which gives wrong values if it really should be smaller
Ralf Habacker
- [kmymoney] [Bug 458447] Security account created on OFX import has 1/100 fraction, which gives wrong values if it really should be smaller
- [kmymoney] [Bug 458447] Security account created on OFX import has 1/100 fraction, which gives wrong values if it really should be smaller
- [kmymoney] [Bug 458551] New: When editing splits, automatically pre-fill the amount with the remaining balance
Dawid Wróbel
- [kmymoney] [Bug 458552] New: A matched transaction's splits should not be pre-populated if they don't match the amount of the main transaction
Dawid Wróbel
- [kmymoney] [Bug 458551] When editing splits, automatically pre-fill the amount with the remaining balance
Thomas Baumgart
- [kmymoney] [Bug 458564] New: Right click menu not showing on 2+ matching transactions selected
Dawid Wróbel
- [kmymoney] [Bug 458565] New: When editing a split, for an entry assigned to a non-default currency, typing * (star) in amount immediately triggers currency editor dialog
Dawid Wróbel
- [kmymoney] [Bug 455735] When editing a transaction, choosing a category from the list and confirming with 'Enter' resets it back to 'Asset'
Dawid Wróbel
- [kmymoney] [Bug 452616] Missing transaction information
Dennis H.
- [kmymoney] [Bug 452616] Missing transaction information
Dennis H.
- [kmymoney] [Bug 458573] New: When editing transaction, clear button next to Category does nothing if more than 1 category (split) is assigned
Dawid Wróbel
Last message date:
Wed Aug 31 22:11:45 BST 2022
Archived on: Wed Aug 31 22:11:56 BST 2022
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).