October 2007 Archives by author
Starting: Mon Oct 1 00:25:44 BST 2007
Ending: Wed Oct 31 17:22:04 GMT 2007
Messages: 413
- [Bug 51302] kmail's Mail folder should be hidden
Manuel Amador (Rudd-O)
- [Bug 149116] Alt-Shift-S doesn't bring notes into foreground
Guillermo A.Amaral
- [Bug 149920] knotes does not handle changing screen resolution, clutters notes windows
Guillermo A.Amaral
- [Bug 149116] Alt-Shift-S doesn't bring notes into foreground
Guillermo A.Amaral
- [Bug 145056] special accented characters damaged when sending notes over network
Guillermo A.Amaral
- [Bug 148410] sending notes via network with a different port
Guillermo A.Amaral
- [Bug 104184] Knotes don't allow to set an alarm in time from now
Guillermo A.Amaral
- [Bug 110112] when note is shown and other applications are minimized top menu bar is empty
Guillermo A.Amaral
- [Bug 113522] knotes doesn't synchronize notes when mutiple KDE sessions for one user are running
Guillermo A.Amaral
- [Bug 122861] knotes system tray icon on desktop not in system tray
Guillermo A.Amaral
- [Bug 131573] Note shapes/sizes and positioning info should save without waiting for the user to log out.
Guillermo A.Amaral
- [Bug 122861] knotes system tray icon on desktop not in system tray
Guillermo A.Amaral
- [Bug 148745] Date sort column: "Order of arrival" incorrectly labelled
Mats Ahlgren
- [Bug 148745] Date sort column: "Order of arrival" incorrectly labelled
Mats Ahlgren
- [Bug 150379] New: fallo y provoco la señal 11 (sigsegv)
- [Bug 85055] Option to not add "Re:" before the subject when replying and/or "Fwd:" when forwarding
Daniel Aleksandersen
- [Bug 151581] New: Spam should default to text-only
- [Bug 150712] New: KMail takes ages to synchonize large IMAP folders that contain no or few changes
Jens B.Benecke
- [Bug 150696] New: News feeds do not update after folder and feeds have been deleted
David Bailey
- [Bug 150696] News feeds do not update after folder and feeds have been deleted
David Bailey
- [Bug 117347] Doesn't save new notes on dIMAP resource
Guillermo Antonio Amaral Bastidas
- [Bug 136794] Cut'n past of rich text remove formatting
Guillermo Antonio Amaral Bastidas
- [Bug 115958] syncing notes with imap resource not working
Guillermo Antonio Amaral Bastidas
- [Bug 115958] syncing notes with imap resource not working
Guillermo Antonio Amaral Bastidas
- [Bug 133133] show/hide preview pane shortcut
Chip Bennett
- [Bug 151237] New: crm114 filter does not work with kmail
Felix Berger
- [Bug 151237] crm114 filter does not work with kmail
Felix Berger
- [Bug 151237] crm114 filter does not work with kmail
Felix Berger
- [Bug 150019] Segfault for no apparent reason
Marcus Better
- [Bug 117991] crash on imap folder subscription
BJ Blanchard
- [Bug 133339] renaming IMAP folder unsubscribes sub-folders
BJ Blanchard
- [Bug 117991] crash on imap folder subscription
BJ Blanchard
- [Bug 146247] Address completition doesn't work with all resources
BJ Blanchard
- [Bug 111756] emails disappear when renaming cachedIMAP folder
David Blewett
- [Bug 111756] emails disappear when renaming cachedIMAP folder
David Blewett
- [Bug 143651] Click to Reply button put Random Email Address in To field
Matt Blissett
- [Bug 143651] Click to Reply button put Random Email Address in To field
Matt Blissett
- [Bug 81778] KMail should not always reply to mailing lists by default
Matt Blissett
- [Bug 83339] optional warning when replying to a mailing list
Matt Blissett
- [Bug 83339] optional warning when replying to a mailing list
Matt Blissett
- [Bug 6529] order of mail accounts
Mathieu Bonnet
- [Bug 139958] kmail hangs when moving many mails from IMAP account to local folder
Andrea Bosa
- [Bug 139958] kmail hangs when moving many mails from IMAP account to local folder
Andrea Bosa
- [Bug 149619] imap folder of other imap users missing though im subscripted to them
Carsten Burghardt
- [Bug 151576] New: deleted dIMAP message not deleted if kmail restarted before synchronizing with server
- [Bug 150237] Fails to access email: reports "Transmission complete. No new messages"
Timothy Cahill
- [Bug 31951] line length in Kmail does not scale with window size
- [Bug 150948] New: Use of Keyboard shortcut to swith in local folder crash kmail
Aurélien Cedeyn
- [Bug 151240] New: Explain undeliverable messages in email bounces
Tom Chance
- [Bug 150791] New: "Message will be signed" notice is not cleared properly
Albert Astals Cid
- [Bug 150875] New: KMail says it can "The signature is valid, but the key's validity is unknown." when that's not true
Albert Astals Cid
- [Bug 150875] KMail says it can "The signature is valid, but the key's validity is unknown." when that's not true
Albert Astals Cid
- [Bug 134000] The signed icon is not checked at mail composition althought it should be
Albert Astals Cid
- [Bug 134000] The signed icon is not checked at mail composition althought it should be
Albert Astals Cid
- [Bug 151046] New: Kmail crash after delete -> empty trash -> undo
Krzysztof Ciebiera
- [Bug 151136] New: External references warning in kmail reappears in the opened email if it already accepted by clicking on it in the bottom pane
Ralph Clark
- [Bug 65925] support for text/enriched MIME
Dotan Cohen
- [Bug 151559] New: New default hour: All Day Event
Dotan Cohen
- [Bug 151560] New: Change default recurrence: Yearly
Dotan Cohen
- [Bug 151562] New: Enable alternate date format: dash instead of slash
Dotan Cohen
- [Bug 150830] New: Enterprise headers sit on top of mail text if large desktop font is in use for accessibility reasons
Mike Cohler
- [Bug 150830] Enterprise headers sit on top of mail text if large desktop font is in use for accessibility reasons
Mike Cohler
- [Bug 150830] Enterprise headers sit on top of mail text if large desktop font is in use for accessibility reasons
Mike Cohler
- [Bug 92126] Local folders does not update unseen if collapsed
Thibaut Cousin
- [Bug 94477] wish: allow filtering of mails, depending on mail account/folder
Clarence Dang
- [Bug 131569] Crashes after modifying a filter button on the toolbar
Kevin Daniel
- [Bug 150830] Enterprise headers sit on top of mail text if large desktop font is in use for accessibility reasons
Rex Dieter
- [Bug 146967] [PATCH] After compact action mail list disappears
Rex Dieter
- [Bug 150865] New: kontact wont start and kde bug reporter shows up
Marko Doda
- [Bug 150614] New: IMAP download upload loop
Walter Dresen
- [Bug 151155] New: computed size for big mail foders is wrong. It shows 16 777 216, 0 TB.
Jean-Christophe Dubois
- [Bug 151155] computed size for big mail foders is wrong. It shows 16 777 216, 0 TB.
Jean-Christophe Dubois
- [Bug 151155] computed size for big mail foders is wrong. It shows 16 777 216, 0 TB.
Jean-Christophe Dubois
- [Bug 151155] computed size for big mail foders is wrong. It shows 16 777 216, 0 TB.
Jean-Christophe Dubois
- [Bug 151107] New: Poor notification of error when self-signed certificate of IMAP server changed
Cliff Dugal
- [Bug 151580] New: New messages not always displayed
- [Bug 140917] Not possible to set cursor to beginning of message with templates
Kevin Funk
- [Bug 151092] New: disconnected imap filter on incoming mail move only locally emails
Léonard G
- [Bug 52299] tabbing at filter line two is incorrect
- [Bug 44920] Drag and drop of encrypted mails
- [Bug 44396] highlighting folders with new messages after unclean shutdown
- [Bug 49310] maildir index recreation leaves main screen in confusing state
- [Bug 42174] folder list does not redraw correctly
George Goldberg
- [Bug 150927] New: kmail crashes when started
- [Bug 95064] Duplicates messages in imap folder after filtering
Marc Haisenko
- [Bug 150859] New: Calendar events saved through IMAP has note time associated in Outlook
Torben Hansen
- [Bug 98390] crash with message disposition notification popup
Hatto Von Hatzfeld
- [Bug 151530] New: message disposition notification makes X server freeze
Hatto Von Hatzfeld
- [Bug 85055] Option to not add "Re:" before the subject when replying and/or "Fwd:" when forwarding
Jostein Hauge
- [Bug 151167] New: continuous error nameing /var/mail/root, not in kmails kmailrc
Gene Heskett
- [Bug 151167] continuous error nameing /var/mail/root, not in kmails kmailrc
Gene Heskett
- [Bug 150543] New: Kontact crashes when opening Akregator
Jim Hitch
- [Bug 150920] New: crash when saving multiple selected attachments
Thorsten Holtkaemper
- [Bug 136145] crash if saving some (but not all) attachments at once
Thorsten Holtkaemper
- [Bug 150626] New: Task time is sometimes set to 00:00 (with shared folders on Kolab IMAP resource)
Martin Honermeyer
- [Bug 140549] templates for forwarding do not work with inline mails
Wouter Horré
- [Bug 83585] kmail throws away draft messages when saving on the IMAP draft folder failed
Peter Huber
- [Bug 50462] mail is permanently lost if disk is full
Peter Huber
- [Bug 150434] New: Chinese language is displayed in part of the page. Usually just title of message can be displayed correctly.
Jack Hui
- [Bug 141641] kontact crashes on startup
Gordon J.Holtslander
- [Bug 148218] Invalid key supplied in the SEARCH command
Alexey J.Tatarnikov
- [Bug 151308] New: Leave messages on server does not leave messages on server
- [Bug 150835] New: KMail wakes up every second
Alan Jenkins
- [Bug 81989] kmail need to support HTML signature
Mathieu Jobin
- [Bug 148745] Date sort column: "Order of arrival" incorrectly labelled
Miklos Juhasz
- [Bug 148745] Date sort column: "Order of arrival" incorrectly labelled
Miklos Juhasz
- [Bug 150790] IMAP resources not working
Reinhold Kainhofer
- [Bug 147947] On crash created messages don't save
Reinhold Kainhofer
- [Bug 89074] autofill from adressbook if i start write the emailadress
Bastian Kames
- [Bug 150915] New: auto fill from addressbook
Bastian Kames
- [Bug 135904] Sometimes some emails are displayed as empty
Bastian Kames
- [Bug 150430] Sending Mail via SMTP-AUTH fails ... qmail mailserver with smtpauth + pop-before-smtp
Valeriy Kassenbaev
- [Bug 150430] Sending Mail via SMTP-AUTH fails ... qmail mailserver with smtpauth + pop-before-smtp
Valeriy Kassenbaev
- [Bug 150430] Sending Mail via SMTP-AUTH fails ... qmail mailserver with smtpauth + pop-before-smtp
Valeriy Kassenbaev
- [Bug 150430] Sending Mail via SMTP-AUTH fails ... qmail mailserver with smtpauth + pop-before-smtp
Valeriy Kassenbaev
- [Bug 150595] New: wish: support for sync with google notebook
Nadav Kavalerchik
- [Bug 150925] New: auto spell checker does not check subject line (only body)
Nadav Kavalerchik
- [Bug 102924] Creating hyperlinks in composer
Dan Keenan
- [Bug 150639] Send attached pdf's by kmail -> recieve same pdf by kmail = pdf is empty
Ingo Klöcker
- [Bug 150830] Enterprise headers sit on top of mail text if large desktop font is in use for accessibility reasons
Kevin Kofler
- [Bug 150065] (d)imap cache rebuild crash
Jaka Kranjc
- [Bug 125512] KMail crashes if selecting anothe mail while being prompted for password
Jan Vidar Krey
- [Bug 125512] KMail crashes if selecting anothe mail while being prompted for password
Jan Vidar Krey
- [Bug 149941] Manual Filtering Crashes Arbitrarily
Gary Krueger
- [Bug 150416] New: Mouse Cursor Emphasis on Movement
Gary Krueger
- [Bug 150416] Mouse Cursor Emphasis on Movement
Gary Krueger
- [Bug 150416] Mouse Cursor Emphasis on Movement
Gary Krueger
- [Bug 149941] Manual Filtering Crashes Arbitrarily
Gary Krueger
- [Bug 149941] Manual Filtering Crashes Arbitrarily
Gary Krueger
- [Bug 149941] Manual Filtering Crashes Arbitrarily
Gary Krueger
- [Bug 121969] Automatic filtering in kmail marks messages as read
Gary Krueger
- [Bug 150038] crash with segmentation fault in imap code if kmail is idle (with backtrace)
Gary Krueger
- [Bug 150038] crash with segmentation fault in imap code if kmail is idle (with backtrace)
Gary Krueger
- [Bug 135376] Crash when applying filters to all messages in a folder
Gary Krueger
- [Bug 149941] Manual Filtering Crashes Arbitrarily
Gary Krueger
- [Bug 16480] Signature file to be added at top of reply or forwarded mail
Keith J Kruepke
- [Bug 141836] Sync with Palm does not work
Franz-Rudolf Kuhnen
- [Bug 76872] IMAP disconnects and cannot reconnect
- [Bug 149682] kmail crash at when starts
Js Lebacq
- [Bug 151081] New: Crash while marking a mail as junk
Tim Lebedkov
- [Bug 32400] Sort by last / newest mail in thread
David Seil Lee
- [Bug 62485] Kmail's reeeeal slow (and crashing) interaction with IMAP
Holger Lehmann
- [Bug 62485] Kmail's reeeeal slow (and crashing) interaction with IMAP
Holger Lehmann
- [Bug 135376] Crash when applying filters to all messages in a folder
- [Bug 135376] Crash when applying filters to all messages in a folder
- [Bug 135376] Crash when applying filters to all messages in a folder
- [Bug 151066] New: Import Emails from TheBat (or The Bat) freezes
- [Bug 150790] IMAP resources not working
Oluf Lorenzen
- [Bug 73591] launching kmail in tray
- [Bug 73591] launching kmail in tray
- [Bug 148836] IMAP Groupware doesn't load initially
- [Bug 150570] New: IMAP Groupware forgets non-automatic folders
- [Bug 143187] session management problems (kontact often thinks it is already running)
Anders Lund
- [Bug 151023] New: kmail uses wrong sending account when forwarding
Anders Lund
- [Bug 150548] New: handling of missing subject header
- [Bug 150930] Kmail's trash folder icon is huge
Anne-Marie Mahfouf
- [Bug 111391] Continuous lines are broken in drafts
Vivien Mallet
- [Bug 151282] Kmail freeze when i accept invitation to meetings
Steen Manniche
- [Bug 150333] Help link disabled if no custom templates available
Jonathan Marten
- [Bug 121969] Automatic filtering in kmail marks messages as read
Jonathan Marten
- [Bug 150779] This file must be converted with BinHex 4.0
Jonathan Marten
- [Bug 89855] Don't prompt for Disposition Notifications to self.
Jonathan Marten
- [Bug 89855] Don't prompt for Disposition Notifications to self.
Jonathan Marten
- [Bug 140549] templates for forwarding do not work with inline mails
Jonathan Marten
- [Bug 149612] pop3 inconsistencies on GPRS dialup
Ondrej Masek
- [Bug 151181] New: Group by in message list
Angelo Mauceri
- [Bug 150217] making a "tree" with notes
Thomas McGuire
- [Bug 150139] Not possible to send binary attachments
Thomas McGuire
- [Bug 150422] Kontact crash when sending email - (SIGSEGV) signal 11
Thomas McGuire
- [Bug 150180] spellchecking missing option "add to dict"
Thomas McGuire
- [Bug 150333] Help link disabled if no custom templates available
Thomas McGuire
- [Bug 148836] IMAP Groupware doesn't load initially
Thomas McGuire
- [Bug 142881] customised toolbars: STOP increasing the rc version number in patchlevel versions
Thomas McGuire
- [Bug 150664] arrow keys won't switch between mails in mailbox view
Thomas McGuire
- [Bug 150865] kontact wont start and kde bug reporter shows up
Thomas McGuire
- [Bug 151023] Wrong sending account used when forwarding
Thomas McGuire
- [Bug 151046] Kmail crash after delete -> empty trash -> undo
Thomas McGuire
- [Bug 136642] hard crashes--can't find a pattern. Changing components, changing a preference...the catalyst seems to be different each time.
Thomas McGuire
- [Bug 150946] kmail krashing when add buttons on toolbar
Thomas McGuire
- [Bug 131569] Crashes after modifying a filter button on the toolbar
Thomas McGuire
- [Bug 150948] Use of Keyboard shortcut to swith in local folder crash kmail
Thomas McGuire
- [Bug 122094] Spellchecking should also be made for subject line
Thomas McGuire
- [Bug 150925] auto spell checker does not check subject line (only body)
Thomas McGuire
- [Bug 150886] Filter with umlauts don't match
Thomas McGuire
- [Bug 150886] Filter with umlauts don't match
Thomas McGuire
- [Bug 150853] Message clear out from the list and changed to "no subject" (nessun soggetto) from "unknown" (Sconosciuto) sender
Thomas McGuire
- [Bug 150689] crash while retrieving a message in a local folder
Thomas McGuire
- [Bug 150543] Kontact crashes when opening Akregator
Thomas McGuire
- [Bug 150530] Kontact crash signal 11
Thomas McGuire
- [Bug 150464] akregator: instant URL download
Thomas McGuire
- [Bug 140917] Not possible to set cursor to beginning of message with templates
Thomas McGuire
- [Bug 140917] Not possible to set cursor to beginning of message with templates
Thomas McGuire
- [Bug 151299] calling kontact crash with fail number 11, but kmail however operates
Thomas McGuire
- [Bug 150333] Help link disabled if no custom templates available
Thomas McGuire
- [Bug 16480] [PATCH] Insert signature at top or cursor
Thomas McGuire
- [Bug 16480] [PATCH] Insert signature at top or cursor
Thomas McGuire
- [Bug 151585] Kontact / Kmail optional above quote signature posting (TOFU) patch
Thomas McGuire
- [Bug 150540] New: mail signatures accumulate with long mail thread
Markus Mechtel
- [Bug 150540] mail signatures accumulate with long mail thread
Markus Mechtel
- [Bug 110704] Wrong quoting with quotesign ">%_"
Julian Mehnle
- [Bug 144968] Attachments order is not preserved during Drag and Drop
Julian Mehnle
- [Bug 92126] Local folders does not update unseen if collapsed
Hans Meier
- [Bug 150763] New: Wishlist: support digest e-mails
Lisandro Damián Nicanor Pérez Meyer
- [Bug 146156] Mails sometimes disappear in IMAP folder
- [Bug 146156] Mails sometimes disappear in IMAP folder
- [Bug 146156] Mails sometimes disappear in IMAP folder
- [Bug 150373] New: Crash Kontakt - move folder from local Inbox to IMAP Server Inbox
- [Bug 150740] Folder Selection selection sometimes freezes when reading email
Bogo Mipps
- [Bug 151238] New: offer identity instead of template selection in reply-to context menu
Thomas Moschny
- [Bug 81989] kmail need to support HTML signature
Manfred Moser
- [Bug 81989] kmail need to support HTML signature
Manfred Moser
- [Bug 122861] knotes system tray icon on desktop not in system tray
Anthony J Moulen
- [Bug 122861] knotes system tray icon on desktop not in system tray
Anthony J Moulen
- [Bug 150496] New: Accounts backup and restore functionality through a wizard
Sankarshan Mukhopadhyay
- [Bug 95064] Duplicates messages in imap folder after filtering
Michael Murphy
- [Bug 135376] Crash when applying filters to all messages in a folder
Angelo Naselli
- [Bug 150634] New: Intermittent crash at start before window displayed.
- [Bug 150634] Intermittent crash at start before window displayed.
- [Bug 150446] New: Invitation replies by email should be optional and customisable.
Henrik Nordin
- [Bug 139308] kmail sometimes doesnt recognize mailing list headers
Andreas Pakulat
- [Bug 150643] New: kmail filter ignores second address on header line
John Palmer
- [Bug 92619] [PATCH] Possibility for KMail to view all encrypted emails if gpg-agent is not running
Alexis Papadopoulos
- [Bug 151509] New: Unable to use "Go to the next/previous unread message" command when threaded Message List is default to closed.
Nikolay Pavlov
- [Bug 140549] templates for forwarding do not work with inline mails
Damir Perisa
- [Bug 150845] New: "Select folder" dialogue won't respect the KDE colour scheme -- may become very difficult to use.
Tero Pesonen
- [Bug 150845] "Select folder" dialogue won't respect the KDE colour scheme -- may become very difficult to use.
Tero Pesonen
- [Bug 55374] Editing a Mail in any folder
Salvador Petit
- [Bug 151253] New: summary: select types of mail that are shown
Becheru Petru-Ioan
- [Bug 151113] New: kontact/kmail & spamassassin makes e-mail messages disappear
Elgar Pichler
- [Bug 62651] Warn when mail contains word 'attachment' yet the outgoing mail has no attachment
Maciej Pilichowski
- [Bug 150404] New: smart detection of missing attachment: add "do not show again" to the reminder dialog
Maciej Pilichowski
- [Bug 150409] New: configure filter rules: focus order of comparison type and field contents is switched (minor)
Maciej Pilichowski
- [Bug 57553] Ability to combine filters
Maciej Pilichowski
- [Bug 94062] kmail: very limited filter capabilities, for example can not remove second filter rule
Maciej Pilichowski
- [Bug 120240] add quick search bar to filter dialog
Maciej Pilichowski
- [Bug 150410] New: configure filter rules: suggest mail field as-you-type
Maciej Pilichowski
- [Bug 150411] New: it is possible to quit Kmail while editing filter rules (data loss)
Maciej Pilichowski
- [Bug 150472] New: filter rules: provide unlimited size of filter rules, 8 is not enough
Maciej Pilichowski
- [Bug 150511] New: composer: provide partially unselectable select-all selection
Maciej Pilichowski
- [Bug 150496] Accounts backup and restore functionality through a wizard
Maciej Pilichowski
- [Bug 150540] mail signatures accumulate with long mail thread
Maciej Pilichowski
- [Bug 41514] KMail freezes the UI when checking for new mail
Maciej Pilichowski
- [Bug 150343] forwarding message with attachment: missing separator
Maciej Pilichowski
- [Bug 150682] New: deleting attachment changing the mail order
Maciej Pilichowski
- [Bug 150664] arrow keys won't switch between mails in mailbox view
Maciej Pilichowski
- [Bug 150658] shortcuts clash in some pages while others don't have any assigned.
Maciej Pilichowski
- [Bug 150759] New: composer: selecting content of header edit-box you can drop out of it
Maciej Pilichowski
- [Bug 150760] New: composer: akward paste+replace in header edit-box
Maciej Pilichowski
- [Bug 150770] New: composer: reload attachments feature
Maciej Pilichowski
- [Bug 150782] New: mail folder names: let user to use any name she/he likes
Maciej Pilichowski
- [Bug 150870] New: open url -> error, unknown host xxx.xxx -> retry or give up
Maciej Pilichowski
- [Bug 150871] New: open url -> error, unknown host xxx.xxx -> show full (selectable and copyable) URL
Maciej Pilichowski
- [Bug 150925] auto spell checker does not check subject line (only body)
Maciej Pilichowski
- [Bug 148745] Date sort column: "Order of arrival" incorrectly labelled
Maciej Pilichowski
- [Bug 122094] Spellchecking should also be made for subject line
Maciej Pilichowski
- [Bug 90142] customize kmail columns (subject ,sender and date )
Maciej Pilichowski
- [Bug 151181] Group by in message list
Maciej Pilichowski
- [Bug 151181] Group by in message list
Maciej Pilichowski
- [Bug 151240] Explain undeliverable messages in email bounces
Maciej Pilichowski
- [Bug 151296] New: move folder to: provide the same move dialog as with moving messages
Maciej Pilichowski
- [Bug 131642] Mark selected message as read after X seconds should be disabled while selecting messages
Maciej Pilichowski
- [Bug 151554] New: quick search: ignores "from" address
Maciej Pilichowski
- [Bug 130575] quick search does not offer all message states
Maciej Pilichowski
- [Bug 130575] quick search does not offer all message states
Maciej Pilichowski
- [Bug 90041] filter mark as spam problems
Peter W Powell
- [Bug 151373] New: KMail does not automatically decrypt multipart/encrypted messages
Adalbert Prokop
- [Bug 79681] Spell check language change is ignored
Pacho Ramos
- [Bug 149477] All memory used, probably by many kio_file and kio_pop3 processes
Pacho Ramos
- [Bug 149477] All memory used, probably by many kio_file and kio_pop3 processes
Pacho Ramos
- [Bug 149477] All memory used, probably by many kio_file and kio_pop3 processes
Pacho Ramos
- [Bug 75673] bad session management when KMail is minimized to tray
Aaron Randall
- [Bug 150930] New: Kmail's trash folder icon is huge
Joseph Reagle
- [Bug 150930] Kmail's trash folder icon is huge
Joseph Reagle
- [Bug 150930] Kmail's trash folder icon is huge
Joseph Reagle
- [Bug 150930] Kmail's trash folder icon is huge
Joseph Reagle
- [Bug 16480] [PATCH] Insert signature at top or cursor
Kiran Reddy
- [Bug 151600] New: kontact email performance degredation
Clive Richards
- [Bug 95064] Duplicates messages in imap folder after filtering
- [Bug 151358] New: Tab is not properly taken into account on email composer wordwrap
Rusty Russell
- [Bug 146967] [PATCH] After compact action mail list disappears
- [Bug 150422] New: Kontact crash when sending email - (SIGSEGV) signal 11
Dan Salvatore
- [Bug 142881] customised toolbars: STOP increasing the rc version number in patchlevel versions
Leo Savernik
- [Bug 150915] auto fill from addressbook
Christian Schaarschmidt
- [Bug 151246] New: KMAIL silently reverts to plaintext communication if starttls fails
Michael Schaefer
- [Bug 140549] templates for forwarding do not work with inline mails
Marc Schiffbauer
- [Bug 140994] forward template not applied
Angelika Schulz
- [Bug 140994] forward template not applied
Angelika Schulz
- [Bug 151342] New: Recipients are mixed up, when choosing from the suggestions in the Dropdownmenu
Benjamin Schäfer
- [Bug 16480] Signature file to be added at top of reply or forwarded mail
- [Bug 77901] One should be able to disable the addition of dash-dash-space to signature
- [Bug 151585] New: Kontact / Kmail optional above quote signature posting (TOFU) patch
- [Bug 151585] Kontact / Kmail optional above quote signature posting (TOFU) patch
- [Bug 16480] [PATCH] Insert signature at top or cursor
- [Bug 150886] New: german umlaut in email filter
Heinrich Seebauer
- [Bug 151282] New: Kmail freeze when i accept invitation to meetings
Amund Sjaavaag
- [Bug 151282] Kmail freeze when i accept invitation to meetings
Amund Sjaavaag
- [Bug 150740] New: Folder Selection selection sometimes freezes when reading email
Robert Smits
- [Bug 150741] New: Folder Selection selection sometimes freezes when reading email
Robert Smits
- [Bug 150741] Folder Selection selection sometimes freezes when reading email
Robert Smits
- [Bug 41514] KMail freezes the UI when checking for new mail
Stephan Sokolow
- [Bug 150752] New: Kontact crashed while moving a folder from IMAP account to local folder
Ronny Standtke
- [Bug 150752] Kontact crashed while moving a folder from IMAP account to local folder
Ronny Standtke
- [Bug 149619] imap folder of other imap users missing though im subscripted to them
Tobias Steinruecken
- [Bug 150994] New: "About to send e-mail" notification should provide greater detail, eg "From" and "To"
- [Bug 151147] Imap filtering broken in 3.5.8
Mirko Stocker
- [Bug 150703] New: Email's can not be replyed or forwarded
Heinz Strassmann
- [Bug 125084] Do not move/re-upload messages where no filter applies
Lari Temmes
- [Bug 150373] Crash Kontakt - move folder from local Inbox to IMAP Server Inbox
Tommi Tervo
- [Bug 150379] fallo y provoco la señal 11 (sigsegv)
Tommi Tervo
- [Bug 150667] kmail crash while reading next imap unread message
Tommi Tervo
- [Bug 149477] All memory used, probably by many kio_file and kio_pop3 processes
Tommi Tervo
- [Bug 150741] Folder Selection selection sometimes freezes when reading email
Tommi Tervo
- [Bug 150752] Kontact crashed while moving a folder from IMAP account to local folder
Tommi Tervo
- [Bug 150915] auto fill from addressbook
Tommi Tervo
- [Bug 150920] crash when saving multiple selected attachments
Tommi Tervo
- [Bug 150927] kmail crashes when started
Tommi Tervo
- [Bug 116372] IMAP crash - pure virtual method called
Tommi Tervo
- [Bug 142379] Free/Busy URL cannot publish; no tips on how to enter info to make it work
Jeffrey G Thomas
- [Bug 140917] Not possible to set cursor to beginning of message with templates
- [Bug 140917] Not possible to set cursor to beginning of message with templates
- [Bug 151066] Import Emails from TheBat (or The Bat) freezes
Pino Toscano
- [Bug 83079] openPGP expire warning states 4Gig days left
Daniel Tryba
- [Bug 150639] New: Send attached pdf's by kmail -> recieve same pdf by kmail = pdf is empty
Max Ursin
- [Bug 150639] Send attached pdf's by kmail -> recieve same pdf by kmail = pdf is empty
Max Ursin
- [Bug 140549] templates for forwarding do not work with inline mails
Glennie Vignarajah
- [Bug 90453] disconnected imap no access to subscribed MS Exchange public folders
Thomas Vollmer
- [Bug 150779] New: This file must be converted with BinHex 4.0
Albrecht Will
- [Bug 150779] This file must be converted with BinHex 4.0
Albrecht Will
- [Bug 150740] Folder Selection selection sometimes freezes when reading email
Anne Wilson
- [Bug 73591] launching kmail in tray
Allen Winter
- [Bug 92126] Local folders does not update unseen if collapsed
Allen Winter
- [Bug 135376] Crash when applying filters to all messages in a folder
Allen Winter
- [Bug 150658] New: shortcuts clash in some pages while others don't have any assigned.
- [Bug 106030] Crash when retrieving mail (cachedimap)
Denis Zalewsky
- [Bug 106030] Crash when retrieving mail (cachedimap)
Denis Zalewsky
- [Bug 150464] New: akregator: instant URL download
Stefan Zosel
- [Bug 151299] New: calling kontact crash with fail number 11, but kmail however operates
jose a.
- [Bug 151505] New: multiple acounts on same server do "Unable to connect"
- [Bug 151505] multiple acounts on same server do "Unable to connect"
- [Bug 150290] kmail crashes in kio_smtp /opt/kde3/lib/libkio.so.4 _ZN3KIO9SlaveBase15sigsegv_handlerEi
kdebugs4reinhard at arcor.de
- [Bug 150139] Not possible to send binary attachments
giovanni baronio
- [Bug 48938] Filters for outgoing messages should be applied before mails are sent
tony at beermad.org.uk
- [Bug 148955] Crash when dragging empty local folder to imap account
owner at bugs.kde.org
- [Bug 135376] Crash when applying filters to all messages in a folder
owner at bugs.kde.org
- [Bug 98390] crash with message disposition notification popup
owner at bugs.kde.org
- [Bug 76889] in composer, context menu for a misspelt word doesn't include option to add it to dictionary
owner at bugs.kde.org
- [Bug 96301] kmail keyboard navigation renders the program unusable
owner at bugs.kde.org
- [Bug 32047] E-Mail Attachments in BinHex Format
owner at bugs.kde.org
- [Bug 136145] crash if saving some (but not all) attachments at once
owner at bugs.kde.org
- [Bug 140543] crash on index (re)generation
owner at bugs.kde.org
- [Bug 47333] automatically add people I reply to to address book
owner at bugs.kde.org
- [Bug 142633] crash on ctrl + z (undo)
owner at bugs.kde.org
- [Bug 131569] Crashes after modifying a filter button on the toolbar
owner at bugs.kde.org
- [Bug 131569] Crashes after modifying a filter button on the toolbar
owner at bugs.kde.org
- [Bug 122094] Spellchecking should also be made for subject line
owner at bugs.kde.org
- [Bug 122028] Corrupt index files after crash, all messages blank
owner at bugs.kde.org
- [Bug 136145] crash if saving some (but not all) attachments at once
owner at bugs.kde.org
- [Bug 149766] kmail crashes when reading my kmailrc file from kmail version 3.5.5
owner at bugs.kde.org
- [Bug 61671] better kmail layout control
owner at bugs.kde.org
- [Bug 117347] Doesn't save new notes on dIMAP resource
owner at bugs.kde.org
- [Bug 131569] Crashes after modifying a filter button on the toolbar
owner at bugs.kde.org
- [Bug 16480] [PATCH] Insert signature at top or cursor
owner at bugs.kde.org
- [Bug 116773] Retrieving folder contents screen is irritating
eddie at cs.rhul.ac.uk
- [Bug 151545] New: Multiple and configurable Notes-Files
hadmut at danisch.de
- [Bug 150705] New: spam does not autoremove
- [Bug 150638] New: kmail mail check freeze on imaps account if imap server is restarted
p92 at free.fr
- [Bug 150638] kmail mail check freeze on imaps account if imap server is restarted
p92 at free.fr
- [Bug 150638] kmail mail check freeze on imaps account if imap server is restarted
p92 at free.fr
- [Bug 76872] IMAP disconnects and cannot reconnect
p92 at free.fr
- [Bug 150638] kmail mail check freeze on imaps account if imap server is restarted
p92 at free.fr
- [Bug 150667] New: kmail crash while reading next imap unread message
p92 at free.fr
- [Bug 150689] New: crash while retrieving a message in a local folder
p92 at free.fr
- [Bug 76872] IMAP disconnects and cannot reconnect
p92 at free.fr
- [Bug 150853] New: Message clear out from the list and changed to "no subject" (nessun soggetto) from "unknown" (Sconosciuto) sender
- [Bug 81989] kmail need to support HTML signature
alienwithin at gmail.com
- [Bug 151141] New: word wrap cannot be set to more than 78 charactes per line, though RFC2822 allows up to 998 characters
mat.schult at gmx.de
- [Bug 150827] New: remove message from imap account -> crash (with debug report)
sts at gmx.de
- [Bug 150827] remove message from imap account -> crash (with debug report)
sts at gmx.de
- [Bug 150827] remove message from imap account -> crash (with debug report)
sts at gmx.de
- [Bug 140549] templates for forwarding do not work with inline mails
m.wege at gmx.net
- [Bug 140549] templates for forwarding do not work with inline mails
m.wege at gmx.net
- [Bug 151207] New: Icons in Kmail settings should be small as in konqueror
m.wege at gmx.net
- [Bug 143187] session management problems (kontact often thinks it is already running)
- [Bug 143187] session management problems (kontact often thinks it is already running)
- [Bug 151150] New: "Enterprise headers" makes impossible to select text in first paragraph of body
- [Bug 101880] "To Do" message marking should be integrated with Kontact's to-do list
- [Bug 59626] signed pgp/mime mail with expired key shows bad signature
- [Bug 123135] display the top of the list even if my more recent mail is at the bottom
thomas klein
- [Bug 89736] opening urls in mozilla or firefox is not correctly handled
karl sebastian liebich
- [Bug 89736] opening urls in mozilla or firefox is not correctly handled
karl sebastian liebich
- [Bug 150717] New: pls make it possible to make new subfolders in local folders in spam wizard
karl sebastian liebich
- [Bug 150946] New: kmail krashing when add buttons on toolbar
- [Bug 150946] kmail krashing when add buttons on toolbar
- [Bug 150620] New: some mails show with unknown date in message list
jedd at progsoc.org
- [Bug 151531] New: After editing categories Kontact does not update without quitting Kontact and restarting
- [Bug 151558] New: wishlist for address book document generator with ODT documents
- [Bug 150430] New: Sending Mail via SMTP-AUTH fails ... qmail mailserver with smtpauth + pop-before-smtp
- [Bug 150430] Sending Mail via SMTP-AUTH fails ... qmail mailserver with smtpauth + pop-before-smtp
- [Bug 150430] Sending Mail via SMTP-AUTH fails ... qmail mailserver with smtpauth + pop-before-smtp
- [Bug 150430] Sending Mail via SMTP-AUTH fails ... qmail mailserver with smtpauth + pop-before-smtp
- [Bug 150430] Sending Mail via SMTP-AUTH fails ... qmail mailserver with smtpauth + pop-before-smtp
- [Bug 151147] New: Imap filtering broken in 3.5.8
- [Bug 151147] Imap filtering broken in 3.5.8
- [Bug 150888] New: [usability] generic replay hides real action
jernej srebrnič
- [Bug 150664] New: arrow keys won't switch between mails in mailbox view
trish at trish.de
- [Bug 150237] Fails to access email: reports "Transmission complete. No new messages"
- [Bug 150237] Fails to access email: reports "Transmission complete. No new messages"
- [Bug 150237] Fails to access email: reports "Transmission complete. No new messages"
- [Bug 150469] New: please enable interval mail checking by default
- [Bug 150469] please enable interval mail checking by default
- [Bug 151287] New: appointment times are off when importing .ics file
aschultz at warp10.net
- [Bug 150530] New: Kontact crash signal 11
rudolf wetzels
- [Bug 106983] With addressbook net-resource kmail overwrites file on closing after changes in addressbook
linux_junkie01 at yahoo.ca
Last message date:
Wed Oct 31 17:22:04 GMT 2007
Archived on: Wed Apr 17 13:03:31 BST 2019
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).