February 2025 Archives by subject
Starting: Sat Feb 1 16:31:39 GMT 2025
Ending: Fri Feb 28 22:30:35 GMT 2025
Messages: 223
- [Akonadi] [Bug 310210] Cannot add apple / icloud address book resource with CardDAV
Stefan Brüns
- [Akonadi] [Bug 341067] Events from caldav resource do not appear in Korganizer
Allen Winter
- [Akonadi] [Bug 351701] akonadi resources doesn't wait for kwallet with gpg key to open
- [Akonadi] [Bug 372835] Korganizer and Digital Clock/Calendar widget keep forgetting of selected Caldav resources
bugzilla_noreply at kde.org
- [Akonadi] [Bug 386985] akonadi CalDav resource not synching with certain servers
Stefan Brüns
- [Akonadi] [Bug 386985] akonadi CalDav resource not synching with certain servers
bugzilla_noreply at kde.org
- [Akonadi] [Bug 439502] "Add Folder" on a CalDAV server does not issue MKCOL
Daniel Roschka
- [Akonadi] [Bug 440563] Moving two emails to another folder overwrites one with the other in local cache
Brendon Higgins
- [Akonadi] [Bug 449024] Unable to fetch google calendar events
Nick Cross
- [Akonadi] [Bug 455787] KOrganizer DAV Groupware manual selection crashes
Bug Janitor Service
- [Akonadi] [Bug 455787] KOrganizer DAV Groupware manual selection crashes
Allen Winter
- [Akonadi] [Bug 455787] KOrganizer DAV Groupware manual selection crashes
Allen Winter
- [Akonadi] [Bug 455787] KOrganizer DAV Groupware manual selection crashes
Allen Winter
- [Akonadi] [Bug 486871] Can't fetch caldav or carddav from Nextcloud in Fedora 40, driver error
- [Akonadi] [Bug 486871] Can't fetch caldav or carddav from Nextcloud in Fedora 40, driver error
- [Akonadi] [Bug 486871] Can't fetch caldav or carddav from Nextcloud in Fedora 40, driver error
- [Akonadi] [Bug 486871] Can't fetch caldav or carddav from Nextcloud in Fedora 40, driver error
bugzilla_noreply at kde.org
- [Akonadi] [Bug 492396] Calender module modifies folder colors for etesync resources
- [Akonadi] [Bug 492396] Calender module modifies folder colors for etesync resources
Akseli Lahtinen
- [Akonadi] [Bug 492396] Calender module modifies folder colors for etesync resources
- [Akonadi] [Bug 492396] Calender module modifies folder colors for etesync resources
- [Akonadi] [Bug 492396] Calender module modifies folder colors for etesync resources
- [Akonadi] [Bug 492396] Calender module modifies folder colors for etesync resources
- [Akonadi] [Bug 492396] Calender module modifies folder colors for etesync resources
Bug Janitor Service
- [Akonadi] [Bug 492396] Calender module modifies folder colors for etesync resources
bugzilla_noreply at kde.org
- [Akonadi] [Bug 492396] Calender module modifies folder colors for etesync resources
bugzilla_noreply at kde.org
- [Akonadi] [Bug 492648] Ctrl-Backspace in a xwayland application causes entire desktop to crash
bugzilla_noreply at kde.org
- [Akonadi] [Bug 492648] Ctrl-Backspace in a xwayland application causes entire desktop to crash
bugzilla_noreply at kde.org
- [Akonadi] [Bug 493393] akonadi-db-migrator segfaults attempting to migrate to SQLite
Hartmut Manz
- [Akonadi] [Bug 493393] akonadi-db-migrator segfaults attempting to migrate to SQLite
Maxim Starodubcev
- [Akonadi] [Bug 496660] akonadi_migration_agent crash multiple times on each system start
Stian Knudsen
- [Akonadi] [Bug 497620] Database migrator fails with "index out of range"
Hartmut Manz
- [Akonadi] [Bug 499925] Application: IMAP crashed => (akonadi_imap_resource), signal: Segmentation fault
Bug Janitor Service
- [Akonadi] [Bug 499925] New: Application: IMAP crashed => (akonadi_imap_resource), signal: Segmentation fault
- [Akonadi] [Bug 500047] Crash occured after trying to clear the synchronisation state of Microsoft 365 account in KOrganizer
Torsten Maehne
- [Akonadi] [Bug 500047] Crash occured after trying to clear the synchronisation state of Microsoft 365 account in KOrganizer
Bug Janitor Service
- [Akonadi] [Bug 500047] New: Crash occured after trying to clear the synchronisation state of Microsoft 365 account in KOrganizer
Torsten Maehne
- [Akonadi] [Bug 500657] Akonadi silently fail to start
Allen Winter
- [Akonadi] [Bug 500657] Akonadi silently fail to start
Allen Winter
- [Akonadi] [Bug 500657] Akonadi silently fail to start
- [Akonadi] [Bug 500657] Akonadi silently fail to start
Allen Winter
- [Akonadi] [Bug 500657] Akonadi silently fail to start
- [Akonadi] [Bug 500657] Akonadi silently fail to start
Allen Winter
- [Akonadi] [Bug 500657] New: Akonadi silently fail to start
- [akregator] [Bug 488176] New Akregator theme (especially max-width) breaks some usecases - allow custom CSS?
Christophe Marin
- [akregator] [Bug 488176] When viewing a feed article, the maximum body text width is too narrow to comfortably read some content, and cannot be widened by the user
John Kizer
- [akregator] [Bug 499862] New: Option to adjust column width when viewing post directly rather than "full website"
Thomas Karpiniec
- [akregator] [Bug 499862] Option to adjust column width when viewing post directly rather than "full website"
Christophe Marin
- [akregator] [Bug 500361] New: Saving a page in the built-in browser to HDD opens multiple portals
bugzilla_noreply at kde.org
- [akregator] [Bug 500361] Saving a page in the built-in browser to HDD opens multiple portals
Laurent Montel
- [frameworks-kcalendarcore] [Bug 493645] Crash when doing something in the KOrganizer todo view
Allen Winter
- [frameworks-kcalendarcore] [Bug 493645] Crash when doing something in the KOrganizer todo view
Allen Winter
- [kaddressbook] [Bug 347441] KAddressBook Gravatar Support
- [kaddressbook] [Bug 347441] KAddressBook Gravatar Support
- [kaddressbook] [Bug 347441] KAddressBook Gravatar Support
Christophe Marin
- [kdepim] [Bug 478725] Application: akonadi_icaldir_resource_11 (akonadi_icaldir_resource), signal: Segmentation fault
Don Curtis
- [kdepim] [Bug 490307] akonadi_migration_agent triggers payload exception
Bug Janitor Service
- [kdepim] [Bug 490307] akonadi_migration_agent triggers payload exception
Milian Wolff
- [kdepim] [Bug 490307] akonadi_migration_agent triggers payload exception
Carl Schwan
- [kdepim] [Bug 496399] KCM for kdepim-addons -> calendar events doesn't work (doesn't show or properly change config)
- [kdepim] [Bug 499075] Some loop and high CPU of the akonadi_davgroupware_resource process and logging Cannot connect to agent
- [kdepim] [Bug 500795] kdepim-addons calendar events plugin shows duplicate events for recurring meetings
- [kdepim] [Bug 500795] New: kdepim-addons calendar events plugin shows duplicate events for recurring meetings
- [kleopatra] [Bug 453304] Getting available smart card readers failed: No data
Bug Janitor Service
- [kleopatra] [Bug 479567] gpgtar broken pipe
- [kleopatra] [Bug 498831] Passphrase is invalid immediately after creating secret and public keys.
Bug Janitor Service
- [kleopatra] [Bug 498831] Passphrase is invalid immediately after creating secret and public keys.
Michael Monticelli
- [kleopatra] [Bug 498831] Passphrase is invalid immediately after creating secret and public keys.
Ingo Klöcker
- [kleopatra] [Bug 499264] kleopatra is being slow version: came installed with tails
Bug Janitor Service
- [kleopatra] [Bug 499264] kleopatra is being slow version: came installed with tails
Bug Janitor Service
- [kleopatra] [Bug 499418] New: Switched PC and cant Decript Messages
- [kleopatra] [Bug 499418] Switched PC and cant Decript Messages
Ingo Klöcker
- [kleopatra] [Bug 499418] Switched PC and cant Decript Messages
Bug Janitor Service
- [kleopatra] [Bug 499697] Crfeated public and private pgp used them then logged in again and were gone
- [kleopatra] [Bug 499697] Crfeated public and private pgp used them then logged in again and were gone
Ingo Klöcker
- [kleopatra] [Bug 499697] Crfeated public and private pgp used them then logged in again and were gone
Bug Janitor Service
- [kleopatra] [Bug 499697] New: Crfeated public and private pgp used them then logged in again and were gone
- [kleopatra] [Bug 500625] New: Wiederherstellung eigener PGP Public key
- [kleopatra] [Bug 500625] Wiederherstellung eigener PGP Public key
Nicolas Fella
- [kleopatra] [Bug 500625] Wiederherstellung eigener PGP Public key
Ingo Klöcker
- [kmail2] [Bug 375843] names of akonadi resources in kwallet makes sharing wallets difficult
Pedro V
- [kmail2] [Bug 385020] KMail2 does not wait for unlocking of KWallet
Pedro V
- [kmail2] [Bug 405349] autocorrections settings not recorded
George L. Emigh
- [kmail2] [Bug 411147] IMAP resource permanently offline "Cannot read password. User denied access to wallet"
Pedro V
- [kmail2] [Bug 465815] KMail assumes KDEWallet as Secret Service provider, breaking other alternatives
Pedro V
- [kmail2] [Bug 480984] Composer Broken on Wayland
bugzilla_noreply at kde.org
- [kmail2] [Bug 485661] Kmail popup windows closes when trying to copy or move message to folder
Nicolas Fella
- [kmail2] [Bug 485661] Kmail popup windows closes when trying to copy or move message to folder
Dirk Tombaugh
- [kmail2] [Bug 485661] Kmail popup windows closes when trying to copy or move message to folder
Nicolas Fella
- [kmail2] [Bug 485661] Kmail popup windows closes when trying to copy or move message to folder
Colin J Thomson
- [kmail2] [Bug 485661] Kmail popup windows closes when trying to copy or move message to folder
Tim Folger
- [kmail2] [Bug 485661] Kmail popup windows closes when trying to copy or move message to folder
Colin J Thomson
- [kmail2] [Bug 485661] Kmail popup windows closes when trying to copy or move message to folder
Bug Janitor Service
- [kmail2] [Bug 497648] mail search and quick filters are mostly dysfunctional after upgrade to kmail2 6.3.0/akonadi 24.12.0
Stefanos Harhalakis
- [kmail2] [Bug 499184] Kmail crash when removing identity
bugzilla_noreply at kde.org
- [kmail2] [Bug 499427] crash while adding emails from address book
Laurent Montel
- [kmail2] [Bug 499427] New: crash while adding emails from address book
Paweł Susicki
- [kmail2] [Bug 499470] New: Sudden KMail crush after attempt of opening meeting invitation.
bugzilla_noreply at kde.org
- [kmail2] [Bug 499470] Sudden KMail crush after attempt of opening meeting invitation.
bugzilla_noreply at kde.org
- [kmail2] [Bug 499470] Sudden KMail crush after attempt of opening meeting invitation.
Bug Janitor Service
- [kmail2] [Bug 499470] Sudden KMail crush after attempt of opening meeting invitation.
Allen Winter
- [kmail2] [Bug 499470] Sudden KMail crush after attempt of opening meeting invitation.
bugzilla_noreply at kde.org
- [kmail2] [Bug 499470] Sudden KMail crush after attempt of opening meeting invitation.
bugzilla_noreply at kde.org
- [kmail2] [Bug 499470] Sudden KMail crush after attempt of opening meeting invitation.
Allen Winter
- [kmail2] [Bug 499470] Sudden KMail crush after attempt of opening meeting invitation.
Bug Janitor Service
- [kmail2] [Bug 499470] Sudden KMail crush after attempt of opening meeting invitation.
Bug Janitor Service
- [kmail2] [Bug 499470] Sudden KMail crush after attempt of opening meeting invitation.
Allen Winter
- [kmail2] [Bug 499607] New: Filter bar locks message list minimum width
A. Kelly
- [kmail2] [Bug 500358] kmail stuck indefinitely when trying to load a remote mail
- [kmail2] [Bug 500358] New: kmail stuck indefinitely when trying to load a remote mail
- [kmail2] [Bug 500586] New: KMail autocrypt header may be to long for Googlemail
Martin Steigerwald
- [kmail2] [Bug 500587] CRM114 spam status is displayed incorrectly as 100% spam in email header
Jure Repinc
- [kmail2] [Bug 500587] New: CRM114 spam status is displayed incorrectly as 100% spam in email header
Jure Repinc
- [kmail2] [Bug 500689] Context menu disapears on options "Move message to" and "Copy message to"
Colin J Thomson
- [kmail2] [Bug 500689] New: Context menu disapears on options "Move message to" and "Copy message to"
Željko Vrabec
- [kmailtransport] [Bug 500105] New: SMTP Auth fails after period of time
bugzilla_noreply at kde.org
- [kmailtransport] [Bug 500105] SMTP Auth fails after period of time
bugzilla_noreply at kde.org
- [kmailtransport] [Bug 500123] New: SMTP XOAUTH2 fails to auth after period of time when using outlook.com
bugzilla_noreply at kde.org
- [kmailtransport] [Bug 500123] SMTP XOAUTH2 fails to auth after period of time when using outlook.com
bugzilla_noreply at kde.org
- [kontact] [Bug 391132] kmail crashes when trying to select akonadi agents in kmail settings
bugzilla_noreply at kde.org
- [kontact] [Bug 455676] Add to calendar function create events in the wrong time
Allen Winter
- [kontact] [Bug 455676] Add to calendar function create events in the wrong time
Allen Winter
- [kontact] [Bug 495943] Drag and Drop of contacts in Kontact doesn't work
bugzilla_noreply at kde.org
- [kontact] [Bug 495943] Drag and Drop of contacts in Kontact doesn't work
Colin J Thomson
- [kontact] [Bug 495943] Drag and Drop of contacts in Kontact doesn't work
bugzilla_noreply at kde.org
- [kontact] [Bug 495943] Drag and Drop of contacts in Kontact doesn't work
Colin J Thomson
- [kontact] [Bug 495943] Drag and Drop of contacts in Kontact doesn't work
Colin J Thomson
- [kontact] [Bug 498196] crash when closing kontact while fetching news/mail
Martin Tlustos
- [kontact] [Bug 498196] crash when closing kontact while fetching news/mail
Allen Winter
- [kontact] [Bug 499323] Move and copy options in Kontact app menus make the menu disappear instantly
Nicolas Fella
- [kontact] [Bug 499323] Move and copy options in Kontact app menus make the menu disappear instantly
Colin J Thomson
- [kontact] [Bug 499323] Move and copy options in Kontact app menus make the menu disappear instantly
Nicolas Fella
- [kontact] [Bug 499536] New: Speichern eine Anhanges
- [kontact] [Bug 499536] Speichern eine Anhanges
Laurent Montel
- [kontact] [Bug 499755] KMail: Segfault when trying to delete unused identity
bugzilla_noreply at kde.org
- [kontact] [Bug 499755] KMail: Segfault when trying to delete unused identity
Bug Janitor Service
- [kontact] [Bug 499755] New: KMail: Segfault when trying to delete unused identity
bugzilla_noreply at kde.org
- [kontact] [Bug 500562] Problem with Kontact perhaps
Nate Graham
- [kontact] [Bug 500562] Problem with Kontact perhaps
bugzilla_noreply at kde.org
- [kontact] [Bug 500562] Problem with Kontact perhaps
bugzilla_noreply at kde.org
- [kontact] [Bug 500562] Problem with Kontact perhaps
bugzilla_noreply at kde.org
- [kontact] [Bug 500562] Problem with Kontact perhaps
bugzilla_noreply at kde.org
- [kontact] [Bug 500656] New: button "detail" does not work on the error "A required background service is not operational"
- [kontact] [Bug 500678] Kontact crash on exit > Process 7006 (kontact) of user 1000 dumped core
Colin J Thomson
- [kontact] [Bug 500678] Kontact crash on exit > Process 7006 (kontact) of user 1000 dumped core
Colin J Thomson
- [kontact] [Bug 500678] New: Kontact crash on exit > Process 7006 (kontact) of user 1000 dumped core
Colin J Thomson
- [korganizer] [Bug 332441] Remove Lock from Events View and move it to the Calendar Source instead
Allen Winter
- [korganizer] [Bug 358154] Second event modification reset date and time to nonsense
Allen Winter
- [korganizer] [Bug 406881] Infinite loop in sortedPrenodes
Allen Winter
- [korganizer] [Bug 414381] Can't create new tasks
Allen Winter
- [korganizer] [Bug 415005] Korganizer do not synchronize tasks nor events with a remote nextcloud server
Allen Winter
- [korganizer] [Bug 415005] Korganizer do not synchronize tasks nor events with a remote nextcloud server
Allen Winter
- [korganizer] [Bug 415005] Korganizer do not synchronize tasks nor events with a remote nextcloud server
Allen Winter
- [korganizer] [Bug 415005] Korganizer do not synchronize tasks nor events with a remote nextcloud server
Allen Winter
- [korganizer] [Bug 415005] Korganizer do not synchronize tasks nor events with a remote nextcloud server
Allen Winter
- [korganizer] [Bug 415005] Korganizer do not synchronize tasks nor events with a remote nextcloud server
Bug Janitor Service
- [korganizer] [Bug 415005] Korganizer do not synchronize tasks nor events with a remote nextcloud server
Allen Winter
- [korganizer] [Bug 415005] Korganizer do not synchronize tasks nor events with a remote nextcloud server
- [korganizer] [Bug 415005] Korganizer do not synchronize tasks nor events with a remote nextcloud server
Allen Winter
- [korganizer] [Bug 415005] Korganizer do not synchronize tasks nor events with a remote nextcloud server
Thomas Borowski
- [korganizer] [Bug 415569] calendar manager unreadable
Allen Winter
- [korganizer] [Bug 419780] Completion status of a recurring task does not sync correctly to NextCloud
Allen Winter
- [korganizer] [Bug 425920] Runaway memory usage at startup
Allen Winter
- [korganizer] [Bug 425920] Runaway memory usage at startup
Glen Whitney
- [korganizer] [Bug 432047] KOrganizer does not detect subscribed calendars on Nextcloud
Allen Winter
- [korganizer] [Bug 435232] KOrganizer automatically add slash (/) in the final of the URL and don't import correctly
Stefan Brüns
- [korganizer] [Bug 435232] KOrganizer automatically add slash (/) in the final of the URL and don't import correctly
Allen Winter
- [korganizer] [Bug 438323] crash loading an appointment in KOrganizer from web in ICS format
Allen Winter
- [korganizer] [Bug 451295] Cannot create a new event
Allen Winter
- [korganizer] [Bug 451295] Cannot create a new event
Allen Winter
- [korganizer] [Bug 451314] iCloud Synch can only create new events, but doesn't download them from the cloud
Allen Winter
- [korganizer] [Bug 451784] Invalid start date when creating new event at Today
Allen Winter
- [korganizer] [Bug 451784] Invalid start date when creating new event at Today
Allen Winter
- [korganizer] [Bug 451987] Nextcloud synchronization not working
Allen Winter
- [korganizer] [Bug 453121] calender can't connect to nextcloud
Allen Winter
- [korganizer] [Bug 458315] App crashes upon starting (possibly as its trying to start a server)
- [korganizer] [Bug 462169] KOrganizer crashes right after running
- [korganizer] [Bug 462169] KOrganizer crashes right after running
- [korganizer] [Bug 467443] Syncing reoccurring events to NextCloud
Allen Winter
- [korganizer] [Bug 474168] Display the Sequence number in the task/event detail pane
Bug Janitor Service
- [korganizer] [Bug 474168] Display the Sequence number in the task/event detail pane
Laurent Montel
- [korganizer] [Bug 474178] Shows no events from iCalendar
Allen Winter
- [korganizer] [Bug 485091] Time on Marcus Bains line always red and therefore does not show up against a red background
Bug Janitor Service
- [korganizer] [Bug 485091] Time on Marcus Bains line always red and therefore does not show up against a red background
Bug Janitor Service
- [korganizer] [Bug 485091] Time on Marcus Bains line always red and therefore does not show up against a red background
Allen Winter
- [korganizer] [Bug 485091] Time on Marcus Bains line always red and therefore does not show up against a red background
Bug Janitor Service
- [korganizer] [Bug 485091] Time on Marcus Bains line always red and therefore does not show up against a red background
Allen Winter
- [korganizer] [Bug 487601] Deleting an event (stored on nextcloud) in month view crash kalendar
Allen Winter
- [korganizer] [Bug 492807] Korganizer crashes on giving new event
Allen Winter
- [korganizer] [Bug 493269] Korganizer assignes random colors to untagged events from caldav calendar
bugzilla_noreply at kde.org
- [korganizer] [Bug 493269] Korganizer assignes random colors to untagged events from caldav calendar
- [korganizer] [Bug 493269] Korganizer assignes random colors to untagged events from caldav calendar
- [korganizer] [Bug 493269] Korganizer assignes random colors to untagged events from caldav calendar
- [korganizer] [Bug 493269] Korganizer assignes random colors to untagged events from caldav calendar
- [korganizer] [Bug 494081] Unable to fetch any CalDAV or CardDAV data from Fastmail
Allen Winter
- [korganizer] [Bug 495609] Setting to disable a folder's custom icon does not stay
Allen Winter
- [korganizer] [Bug 495848] Korganizer crash when I want to add new event or open existing event
Allen Winter
- [korganizer] [Bug 495848] Korganizer crash when I want to add new event or open existing event
Allen Winter
- [korganizer] [Bug 495848] Korganizer crash when I want to add new event or open existing event
Allen Winter
- [korganizer] [Bug 495848] Korganizer crash when I want to add new event or open existing event
Allen Winter
- [korganizer] [Bug 497332] Event colors change every time KOrganizer is opened
- [korganizer] [Bug 499153] Korganizer crash when we want to add event or new task or new journal
Allen Winter
- [korganizer] [Bug 499398] Cannot add a new calendar, no feedback as to why
Allen Winter
- [korganizer] [Bug 499398] New: Cannot add a new calendar, no feedback as to why
Christopher Mohr
- [korganizer] [Bug 499554] New: PIM service is not operational
bugzilla_noreply at kde.org
- [korganizer] [Bug 499554] PIM service is not operational
Nicolas Fella
- [korganizer] [Bug 499554] PIM service is not operational
Allen Winter
- [korganizer] [Bug 499554] PIM service is not operational
bugzilla_noreply at kde.org
- [korganizer] [Bug 500188] KOrganizer crashed whenever creating new event, to-do or journal
- [korganizer] [Bug 500188] KOrganizer crashed whenever creating new event, to-do or journal
Bug Janitor Service
- [korganizer] [Bug 500188] KOrganizer crashed whenever creating new event, to-do or journal
Allen Winter
- [korganizer] [Bug 500188] KOrganizer crashed whenever creating new event, to-do or journal
Allen Winter
- [korganizer] [Bug 500188] KOrganizer crashed whenever creating new event, to-do or journal
- [korganizer] [Bug 500188] New: KOrganizer crashed whenever creating new event, to-do or journal
- [korganizer] [Bug 500243] Custom folder icons do not appear on the weekview.
Bug Janitor Service
- [korganizer] [Bug 500243] Custom folder icons do not appear on the weekview.
Allen Winter
- [korganizer] [Bug 500243] Custom folder icons do not appear on the weekview.
Allen Winter
- [korganizer] [Bug 500243] Custom folder icons do not appear on the weekview.
Allen Winter
- [korganizer] [Bug 500243] New: Custom folder icons do not appear on the weekview.
Brendan Mesters
- [korganizer] [Bug 500688] Crash when setting calendar entry to Public
Bug Janitor Service
- [korganizer] [Bug 500688] Crash when setting calendar entry to Public
bugzilla_noreply at kde.org
- [korganizer] [Bug 500688] New: Crash when setting calendar entry to Public
bugzilla_noreply at kde.org
- [korganizer] [Bug 500713] New: Summary's input eats the first letter if capitalized
Last message date:
Fri Feb 28 22:30:35 GMT 2025
Archived on: Fri Feb 28 22:30:39 GMT 2025
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).