Marble compilation on Windows

Johnny Jazeix jazeix at
Sun Aug 2 15:29:01 BST 2020

Hi Torsten,

Le dim. 2 août 2020 à 15:23, Torsten Rahn <tackat at> a écrit :

> Hi Johnny,
> > It now builds correctly on the KDE build system:
> > Next step is to update the Craft package that is used to build the
> installer:
> > I have some questions regarding the package:
> > * Which executable should be run? marble or marble-qt?
> The preferred version for Windows would be marble-qt. In terms of
> functionality both versions are equivalent however marble-qt has less
> dependencies and hence results in a much smaller install package.

Ok, thank you!

> > * there is a conflict where the plugins are installed with the Craft
> tool. For now, Craft moves all files under plugins/ inside the bin/ folder
> > (this is because Qt plugins are installed in plugins and Craft made the
> choice to move all files under this folder inside bin/:
> > https://*invent*.
> ).
> I guess this problem wouldn't occur for marble-qt where Marble should end
> up in its own directory under "C:\Programs"

I may have been too quick on the explanation.
When compiling Marble, it compiles its plugins under the plugins/ folder
(this is where we ask cmake to install it:
When deploying the application using Craft, Craft first copies all of the
Qt plugins inside the same plugins/ folder and then moves the whole folder
to bin/ (which is where we installed the executable).
All of this is then installed to "C:\Programs".
So, instead of having:
                              bin\ marble-qt.exe
we currently have:

Is it ok to install the plugins inside the same folder as marble-qt.exe? Or
should I open a bug on Craft project to be more clean on which folder they
copy the qt plugins?

Thank you,


> Best regards
> Torsten
> > I will ask if we can do a more selective move. The code where we handle
> the plugins path is OS-dependant on Marble
> > but I guess it would still make sense to have them in a plugins/ folder.
> Thank you,
> Johnny
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