February 2021 Archives by author
Starting: Mon Feb 1 04:33:16 GMT 2021
Ending: Sun Feb 28 04:58:16 GMT 2021
Messages: 240
- [kontact] [Bug 432450] New: View "next xx days" ("Nächsten 5 Tage") didn't sync after moving an appointment
Raymund Achner
- [kontact] [Bug 432450] View "next xx days" ("Nächsten 5 Tage") didn't sync after moving an appointment
Raymund Achner
- [kontact] [Bug 432450] View "next xx days" ("Nächsten 5 Tage") didn't sync after moving an appointment
Raymund Achner
- [kontact] [Bug 432450] View "next xx days" ("Nächsten 5 Tage") didn't sync after moving an appointment
Raymund Achner
- [kontact] [Bug 432450] View "next xx days" ("Nächsten 5 Tage") didn't sync after moving an appointment
Raymund Achner
- [kmail2] [Bug 432414] New: Clicking on the notification icon doesn't bring raise the window to the top
- [kmail2] [Bug 387061] REGRESSION: Large messages don't display in the viewer pane (eg. New Tumbleweed snapshot 20171117 released!)
- [kmail2] [Bug 387061] REGRESSION: Large messages don't display in the viewer pane (eg. New Tumbleweed snapshot 20171117 released!)
- [kontact] [Bug 433523] New: Kontact Version: 5.16.2: Issue CardDav not syncing
Shaunak Basu
- [kmail2] [Bug 387061] REGRESSION: Large messages don't display in the viewer pane (eg. New Tumbleweed snapshot 20171117 released!)
Wolfgang Bauer
- [kmail2] [Bug 387061] REGRESSION: Large messages don't display in the viewer pane (eg. New Tumbleweed snapshot 20171117 released!)
Wolfgang Bauer
- [kmail2] [Bug 387061] REGRESSION: Large messages don't display in the viewer pane (eg. New Tumbleweed snapshot 20171117 released!)
Wolfgang Bauer
- [kontact] [Bug 432371] New: KMail: CRTL-Enter does not work if cursor in address-field
Axel Braun
- [kmail2] [Bug 432033] dragging doesn't work on wayland
Martin Brodbeck
- [akregator] [Bug 397752] HTML articles appear very small
Albert Astals Cid
- [akregator] [Bug 431032] Akregator crashes after opening it
Albert Astals Cid
- [akregator] [Bug 381423] Crash when adding RSS; crash every restart or launch
Albert Astals Cid
- [knode] [Bug 24524] missing parts of some posts. missing posts
- [Akonadi] [Bug 433069] New: Folder name doesn't appear on first opening of the Archive Agent set-up
Don Curtis
- [Akonadi] [Bug 433252] New: akonadi_pop3_resource, signal: Segmentation fault - POPSession::getSlave (this=0x7f8db403c750) at /usr/src/debug/kdepim-runtime-20.04.2-lp152.1.1.x86_64/resources/pop3/jobs.cpp:171
Don Curtis
- [korganizer] [Bug 432498] New: Item view is not well-organized or presented
Michael D
- [korganizer] [Bug 432498] Item view is not well-organized or presented
Michael D
- [korganizer] [Bug 432498] Item view is not well-organized or presented
Michael D
- [korganizer] [Bug 432498] Item view is not well-organized or presented
Michael D
- [korganizer] [Bug 433001] New: Remove or add option to hide navigation bar on right side
Michael D
- [korganizer] [Bug 433001] Remove or add option to hide navigation bar on right side
Michael D
- [korganizer] [Bug 433001] Remove or add option to hide navigation bar on right side
Michael D
- [korganizer] [Bug 433001] Remove or add option to hide navigation bar on right side
Michael D
- [korganizer] [Bug 433001] Remove or add option to hide navigation bar on right side
Michael D
- [kmail2] [Bug 395310] Check mail interval less than 5 minutes / support for IMAP IDLE (RFC 2177)
- [kmail2] [Bug 395310] Check mail interval less than 5 minutes / support for IMAP IDLE (RFC 2177)
- [kmail2] [Bug 432963] New: KTextEditor as Kmail composer
Robert David
- [kmail2] [Bug 432963] KTextEditor as Kmail composer
Robert David
- [Akonadi] [Bug 421922] kde-apps/akonadi-{19.08.3,19.12.2} with dev-db/mysql-8.0.19{-r1} - error: 'Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/run/user/1000/akonadi/mysql.socket' (2)'
Rex Dieter
- [kmail2] [Bug 433559] New: Message window: "Mark message..." enabled status doesn't change
Grósz Dániel
- [Akonadi] [Bug 421664] Sending email does not work with XOAUTH2
Mark Fairbairn
- [Akonadi] [Bug 421664] Sending email does not work with XOAUTH2
Mark Fairbairn
- [kmail2] [Bug 431176] Message body not rendering
Christoph Feck
- [kontact] [Bug 433610] New: KDE PIM memory/CPU leak
- [kmail2] [Bug 432414] Clicking on the notification icon doesn't bring raise the window to the top
Nicolas Fella
- [kmail2] [Bug 430780] With multiple identity, reply doesn't check or use the right one
Bruno Friedmann
- [akregator] [Bug 432935] Feature request: add filter support
Christophe Giboudeaux
- [korganizer] [Bug 421400] KOrganizer: Meeting requests off by one day
Christophe Giboudeaux
- [korganizer] [Bug 421400] KOrganizer: Meeting requests off by one day
Christophe Giboudeaux
- [korganizer] [Bug 421400] KOrganizer: Meeting requests off by one day
Christophe Giboudeaux
- [korganizer] [Bug 421400] KOrganizer: Meeting requests off by one day
Christophe Giboudeaux
- [Akonadi] [Bug 421922] kde-apps/akonadi-{19.08.3,19.12.2} with dev-db/mysql-8.0.19{-r1} - error: 'Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/run/user/1000/akonadi/mysql.socket' (2)'
Christophe Giboudeaux
- [korganizer] [Bug 433058] Event view box remains empty after cliking on an event / right-clicking and clicking on "view"
Christophe Giboudeaux
- [Akonadi] [Bug 433090] zanshin fails with symbol lookup error in neon
Christophe Giboudeaux
- [Akonadi] [Bug 433090] zanshin fails with symbol lookup error in neon
Christophe Giboudeaux
- [Akonadi] [Bug 433090] zanshin fails with symbol lookup error in neon
Christophe Giboudeaux
- [Akonadi] [Bug 433252] akonadi_pop3_resource crash
Christophe Giboudeaux
- [kaddressbook] [Bug 433182] New: addressbook verliert immer wieder das Hauptadressbuch !
Ernst Graf
- [akregator] [Bug 381423] Crash when adding RSS; crash every restart or launch
Nate Graham
- [kmail2] [Bug 432478] E-mail Message notification clickable
Nate Graham
- [kaddressbook] [Bug 432527] New: Option to revert height of kontact list items
- [kmail2] [Bug 396366] encrypted header support missing in kmail?
Knut Hildebrandt
- [Akonadi] [Bug 323455] "Filter account is missing" after KMail startup
Søren Holm
- [Akonadi] [Bug 431077] Failure to send email message from Kmail using Google SMTP
- [kmail2] [Bug 410846] KMail still loses mail from my inbox
Richard Johnson
- [Akonadi] [Bug 421922] kde-apps/akonadi-{19.08.3,19.12.2} with dev-db/mysql-8.0.19{-r1} - error: 'Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/run/user/1000/akonadi/mysql.socket' (2)'
Stephan Karacson
- [kontact] [Bug 402623] Cannot start flatpak on non KDE desktop environments
Mildred Ki'Lya
- [kontact] [Bug 402623] Cannot start flatpak on non KDE desktop environments
Mildred Ki'Lya
- [kmail2] [Bug 427091] Kmail gpg bad signature if From header contains non-ascii characters
Sandro Knauß
- [kmail2] [Bug 370385] EMail Addresses with Underscores in Contacts Not Recognised
Sandro Knauß
- [kmail2] [Bug 370385] EMail Addresses with Underscores in Contacts Not Recognised
Sandro Knauß
- [kmail2] [Bug 396596] OpenPGP/MIME and S/MIME: provide interface to choose which method will be used
Sandro Knauß
- [kontact] [Bug 422440] Preferred encryption key is not pulled in
Sandro Knauß
- [kmail2] [Bug 426029] [kmail] Segfault when trying to send an PGP encrypted email
Sandro Knauß
- [kmail2] [Bug 388036] Include support for autocrypt
Sandro Knauß
- [kmail2] [Bug 427091] Kmail gpg bad signature if From header contains non-ascii characters
Sandro Knauß
- [kmail2] [Bug 432040] OpenPGP/Mime Signatures with umlauts in the from address are invalid
Sandro Knauß
- [kmail2] [Bug 396366] encrypted header support missing in kmail?
Sandro Knauß
- [kmail2] [Bug 396366] encrypted header support missing in kmail?
Sandro Knauß
- [kmail2] [Bug 428431] support the "memory hole" spec to encrypt/decrypt mail headers
Sandro Knauß
- [kmail2] [Bug 430780] With multiple identity, reply doesn't check or use the right one
Sandro Knauß
- [kmail2] [Bug 370385] EMail Addresses with Underscores in Contacts Not Recognised
Sandro Knauß
- [akregator] [Bug 433451] New: picture is distorted
Dmitri Koulikoff
- [kmail2] [Bug 433453] New: changing the identity updates the signature, but leaves the templates values unchanged
Dmitri Koulikoff
- [akregator] [Bug 433451] picture is distorted
Dmitri Koulikoff
- [Akonadi] [Bug 398783] Error message when sending emails, likely linked to failure to add "replied" tag
Lyon Lemmens
- [kimap] [Bug 433117] New: Kimap crashes constantly on Web.de imap account after a few weeks
Leszek Lesner
- [kmail2] [Bug 415403] kmail2 5.13.1 (19.12.1) with QtWebEngine 5.14.1 - segfault in KMReaderWin::KMReaderWin on startup
Denis Lisov
- [kmail2] [Bug 432617] New: Kmail crashes when accepting calendar invitation
- [Akonadi] [Bug 275261] Akonadi on NFS mounted home directories is very fragile
Jonathan Marten
- [Akonadi] [Bug 332624] NFS support
Jonathan Marten
- [kmail2] [Bug 432832] Changing the sender "from" and signature
Jonathan Marten
- [kontact] [Bug 432371] KMail: CRTL-Enter does not work if cursor in address-field
Laurent Montel
- [kmail2] [Bug 432232] KMail Filer Rules selection crash
Laurent Montel
- [kmail2] [Bug 431218] mail viewer loads external fonts even with external refs disabled
Laurent Montel
- [kmail2] [Bug 431218] mail viewer loads external fonts even with external refs disabled
Laurent Montel
- [kmail2] [Bug 431218] mail viewer loads external fonts even with external refs disabled
Laurent Montel
- [kdepim] [Bug 432228] Kaddressbook is missing import/export
Laurent Montel
- [kdepim] [Bug 432228] Kaddressbook is missing import/export
Laurent Montel
- [kmail2] [Bug 431218] mail viewer loads external fonts even with external refs disabled
Laurent Montel
- [korganizer] [Bug 432634] unchecked calendar => still in choice list
Laurent Montel
- [korganizer] [Bug 432635] from kmail create an event => event not created in default calendar
Laurent Montel
- [korganizer] [Bug 432635] from kmail create an event => event not created in default calendar
Laurent Montel
- [korganizer] [Bug 432635] from kmail create an event => event not created in default calendar
Laurent Montel
- [i18n] [Bug 432820] Missing German translation in reminder popup
Laurent Montel
- [kmail2] [Bug 432834] source code of the email should be displayable
Laurent Montel
- [kmail2] [Bug 432505] "Save attachments" does nothing
Laurent Montel
- [kmail2] [Bug 432963] KTextEditor as Kmail composer
Laurent Montel
- [kontact] [Bug 432768] arrow up and down does not work in the inbox for shifting
Laurent Montel
- [kmail2] [Bug 433092] Signature set up: logo picture file gets unsharp probably by compression
Laurent Montel
- [kmail2] [Bug 433099] personalized mass mail function, serial e-mails individualized
Laurent Montel
- [kmail2] [Bug 433099] personalized mass mail function, serial e-mails individualized
Laurent Montel
- [kmail2] [Bug 433099] personalized mass mail function, serial e-mails individualized
Laurent Montel
- [kmail2] [Bug 433099] personalized mass mail function, serial e-mails individualized
Laurent Montel
- [kmail2] [Bug 430678] Allow to only enable specific external images
Laurent Montel
- [korganizer] [Bug 432820] New: Missing German translation in reminder popup
Thomas Murach
- [kmail2] [Bug 419929] kmail closes after setting trash folder
Erick Osorio
- [kmail2] [Bug 387061] REGRESSION: Large messages don't display in the viewer pane (eg. New Tumbleweed snapshot 20171117 released!)
- [kmail2] [Bug 387061] REGRESSION: Large messages don't display in the viewer pane (eg. New Tumbleweed snapshot 20171117 released!)
- [kontact] [Bug 430790] Kontact crashes randomly at start
Philippe ROUBACH
- [kontact] [Bug 430790] Kontact crashes randomly at start
Philippe ROUBACH
- [kontact] [Bug 430790] Kontact crashes randomly at start
Philippe ROUBACH
- [kontact] [Bug 430790] Kontact crashes randomly at start
Philippe ROUBACH
- [kontact] [Bug 430790] Kontact crashes randomly at start
Philippe ROUBACH
- [korganizer] [Bug 432634] New: unchecked calendar => still in choice list
Philippe ROUBACH
- [korganizer] [Bug 432635] New: from kmail create an event => event not created in default calendar
Philippe ROUBACH
- [korganizer] [Bug 432635] from kmail create an event => event not created in default calendar
Philippe ROUBACH
- [korganizer] [Bug 432636] New: from a mail in kmail create an event => in tghe event click on attached mail link has no effect
Philippe ROUBACH
- [korganizer] [Bug 432634] unchecked calendar => still in choice list
Philippe ROUBACH
- [korganizer] [Bug 432634] unchecked calendar => still in choice list
Philippe ROUBACH
- [korganizer] [Bug 432635] from kmail create an event => event not created in default calendar
Philippe ROUBACH
- [korganizer] [Bug 432635] from kmail create an event => event not created in default calendar
Philippe ROUBACH
- [korganizer] [Bug 419836] Events with empty UID are present in akonadi console but not showing up in the calendar
Philippe ROUBACH
- [kmail2] [Bug 432806] New: displaying a mail may lead to a non responded akonadi and a kontact startup crash
Philippe ROUBACH
- [kleopatra] [Bug 422328] It is not possible to sign more than one file with Kleopatra without crashing the program
Halla Rempt
- [kleopatra] [Bug 422328] It is not possible to sign more than one file with Kleopatra without crashing the program
Halla Rempt
- [kmail2] [Bug 387061] REGRESSION: Large messages don't display in the viewer pane (eg. New Tumbleweed snapshot 20171117 released!)
Greg Rivers
- [Akonadi] [Bug 433090] zanshin fails with symbol lookup error in neon
Antonio Rojas
- [Akonadi] [Bug 433090] zanshin fails with symbol lookup error in neon
Antonio Rojas
- [Akonadi] [Bug 433090] zanshin fails with symbol lookup error in neon
Antonio Rojas
- [kontact] [Bug 432768] New: arrow up and down does not work in the inbox for shifting
- [kmail2] [Bug 432769] New: deleting the very top message in the inbox makes disapearing all mails in the inbox
- [kontact] [Bug 432771] New: sending step by step delayed serial e-mails with individuell address and more
- [kmail2] [Bug 416803] Junk mail in Trash folder count as unread email in Inbox
- [kontact] [Bug 432787] New: direct full delete of junk folder content
- [kmail2] [Bug 432791] New: responding an email does not mark it as read automatically
- [kmail2] [Bug 432791] responding an email does not mark it as read automatically
- [kmail2] [Bug 432832] New: Changing the sender "from" and signature
- [kmail2] [Bug 432834] New: source code of the email should be displayable
- [kmail2] [Bug 432835] New: signature should be HTML editable
- [kmail2] [Bug 432832] Changing the sender "from" and signature
- [kmail2] [Bug 432834] source code of the email should be displayable
- [kmail2] [Bug 433087] New: signature format is destroyed after saving as a draft or template
- [kmail2] [Bug 433092] New: Signature set up: logo picture file gets unsharp probably by compression
- [kontact] [Bug 432768] arrow up and down does not work in the inbox for shifting
- [kmail2] [Bug 433093] New: arrow up and down does not work in the inbox for shifting
- [kmail2] [Bug 433099] New: personalized mass mail function, serial e-mails individualized
- [kmail2] [Bug 433099] personalized mass mail function, serial e-mails individualized
- [kmail2] [Bug 433092] Signature set up: logo picture file gets unsharp probably by compression
- [kontact] [Bug 432768] arrow up and down does not work in the inbox for shifting
- [kmail] [Bug 71664] sent mails get marked as "new" when sent-mail folder is on imap server
- [kmail2] [Bug 433164] New: sent E-mails should be marked as read
- [kmail2] [Bug 433099] personalized mass mail function, serial e-mails individualized
- [kmail2] [Bug 433099] personalized mass mail function, serial e-mails individualized
- [kontact] [Bug 433244] New: notifications for e-mails and calendar reminders cannot be turned off
- [kmail2] [Bug 433572] New: e-mail distribution list does not work
- [kontact] [Bug 432681] New: Akregator produces wrong Titles, Dates for different feeds
Wolfgang Schindler
- [Akonadi] [Bug 421922] kde-apps/akonadi-{19.08.3,19.12.2} with dev-db/mysql-8.0.19{-r1} - error: 'Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/run/user/1000/akonadi/mysql.socket' (2)'
Hannes Schweizer
- [kontact] [Bug 378216] Kmail / Kontact crash when moving & copying mail folders
Bug Janitor Service
- [korganizer] [Bug 64603] Multiple overlapping events in agenda view are layed out wrong (overlapping, too wide, different widths, etc.)
Bug Janitor Service
- [kmail2] [Bug 364220] Crash after downloading mails
Bug Janitor Service
- [korganizer] [Bug 376384] segvault, after moving start-time of repeating event with owncloud cal
Bug Janitor Service
- [korganizer] [Bug 399597] Korganizer crashing when creating a todo
Bug Janitor Service
- [kontact] [Bug 402199] crash when using KDE contacts
Bug Janitor Service
- [kontact] [Bug 402313] kmail crash on delete
Bug Janitor Service
- [kontact] [Bug 403012] Kontact crash when creating a task
Bug Janitor Service
- [Akonadi] [Bug 421922] kde-apps/akonadi-{19.08.3,19.12.2} with dev-db/mysql-8.0.19{-r1} - error: 'Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/run/user/1000/akonadi/mysql.socket' (2)'
Bug Janitor Service
- [kontact] [Bug 402623] Cannot start flatpak on non KDE desktop environments
Bug Janitor Service
- [akregator] [Bug 431032] Akregator crashes after opening it
Bug Janitor Service
- [Akonadi] [Bug 433090] zanshin fails with symbol lookup error in neon
Harald Sitter
- [Akonadi] [Bug 433090] zanshin fails with symbol lookup error in neon
Harald Sitter
- [Akonadi] [Bug 433090] zanshin fails with symbol lookup error in neon
Harald Sitter
- [Akonadi] [Bug 433090] zanshin fails with symbol lookup error in neon
Harald Sitter
- [kmail2] [Bug 397825] [Wayland] Message viewer displays only a black rectangle
Jernej Skrabec
- [kmail2] [Bug 432816] New: Failed to get D-Bus interface of mailfilteragent.
Andrew Steele
- [korganizer] [Bug 397195] Can't edit previous events nor create new ones
Andrew Steele
- [korganizer] [Bug 433363] New: Cannot connect to agent instance with identifier 'akonadi_google_resource_3'
Andrew Steele
- [korganizer] [Bug 433332] New: Proposal for some more default keyboard shortcuts and a menu quirk
Frank Steinmetzger
- [kdepim] [Bug 432228] Kaddressbook is missing import/export
- [kdepim] [Bug 432228] Kaddressbook is missing import/export
- [kdepim] [Bug 432228] Kaddressbook is missing import/export
- [kmail2] [Bug 423189] Cannot make default script active
Jason Straight
- [kmail2] [Bug 432162] Message list column headers resize on their own
Thiago Sueto
- [kmail2] [Bug 433253] New: Folder list shows unread messages but filter doesn't
- [korganizer] [Bug 411036] Unable to select Categories
Thomas Tanghus
- [akregator] [Bug 258145] Context menu should offer all external browsers
Thomas Tanghus
- [libkgapi] [Bug 429406] Gmail auth token is not remembered across restarts
Colin J Thomson
- [libkgapi] [Bug 429406] Gmail auth token is not remembered across restarts
Colin J Thomson
- [Akonadi] [Bug 421664] Sending email does not work with XOAUTH2
Colin J Thomson
- [akregator] [Bug 432597] New: Akregator crashes on close.
- [knotes] [Bug 343323] Need to exit and launch Knotes after reboot to see notes
Rafael Linux User
- [korganizer] [Bug 433058] New: Event view box remains empty after cliking on an event / right-clicking and clicking on "view"
- [korganizer] [Bug 433058] Event view box remains empty after cliking on an event / right-clicking and clicking on "view"
- [korganizer] [Bug 433058] Event view box remains empty after cliking on an event / right-clicking and clicking on "view"
- [kmail2] [Bug 431218] mail viewer loads external fonts even with external refs disabled
Timo Weingärtner
- [kmail2] [Bug 431218] mail viewer loads external fonts even with external refs disabled
Timo Weingärtner
- [Akonadi] [Bug 403903] does not respect org.kde.pim.ews.client: a:ErrorServerBusy: The server cannot service this request right now. Try again later.
Aaron Williams
- [kontact] [Bug 433519] New: Long email threads become very slow to edit
Aaron Williams
- [kmail2] [Bug 331801] Forward mail with attachment doubles size of mail
Adrian Zaugg
- [kmail2] [Bug 433458] New: Date variable in reply* template does not get localized
Adrian Zaugg
- [kmail2] [Bug 432505] New: "Save attachments" does nothing
- [Akonadi] [Bug 433252] akonadi_pop3_resource crash
- [kmail2] [Bug 433270] New: Cannot change default aggregation/theme on a specific folder
- [Akonadi] [Bug 433090] zanshin fails with symbol lookup error in neon
- [kmail2] [Bug 432468] New: Kmail Random Crashes
bugzilla_noreply at kde.org
- [korganizer] [Bug 336490] new journal is not created due to lack of the calendar, although events and to-do's are ok and calendar (google) exist
bugzilla_noreply at kde.org
- [korganizer] [Bug 336490] new journal is not created due to lack of the calendar, although events and to-do's are ok and calendar (google) exist
bugzilla_noreply at kde.org
- [korganizer] [Bug 432498] Item view is not well-organized or presented
bugzilla_noreply at kde.org
- [korganizer] [Bug 165212] Configured time zone is not always honored
bugzilla_noreply at kde.org
- [korganizer] [Bug 169167] korganizer and kontact toolbars should be more similar
bugzilla_noreply at kde.org
- [korganizer] [Bug 432498] Item view is not well-organized or presented
bugzilla_noreply at kde.org
- [korganizer] [Bug 432301] Korganizer reminders not working
bugzilla_noreply at kde.org
- [korganizer] [Bug 432450] View "next xx days" ("Nächsten 5 Tage") didn't sync after moving an appointment
bugzilla_noreply at kde.org
- [kmail2] [Bug 432591] New: Crash after clicking on not yet loaded interface
bugzilla_noreply at kde.org
- [libkgapi] [Bug 429406] Gmail auth token is not remembered across restarts
bugzilla_noreply at kde.org
- [kontact] [Bug 432709] New: Kontact crash when exiting
bugzilla_noreply at kde.org
- [korganizer] [Bug 419836] Events with empty UID are present in akonadi console but not showing up in the calendar
bugzilla_noreply at kde.org
- [akregator] [Bug 432742] New: Akgregrator
bugzilla_noreply at kde.org
- [korganizer] [Bug 64603] Multiple overlapping events in agenda view are layed out wrong (overlapping, too wide, different widths, etc.)
bugzilla_noreply at kde.org
- [korganizer] [Bug 432301] Korganizer reminders not working
bugzilla_noreply at kde.org
- [akregator] [Bug 432935] New: Feature request: add filter support
bugzilla_noreply at kde.org
- [kmail2] [Bug 432968] New: Kmail opens docx file with ark
bugzilla_noreply at kde.org
- [frameworks-kcontacts] [Bug 397185] kcontacts-18.07.90 fails addresstest
bugzilla_noreply at kde.org
- [korganizer] [Bug 433001] Remove or add option to hide navigation bar on right side
bugzilla_noreply at kde.org
- [korganizer] [Bug 433001] Remove or add option to hide navigation bar on right side
bugzilla_noreply at kde.org
- [korganizer] [Bug 433058] Event view box remains empty after cliking on an event / right-clicking and clicking on "view"
bugzilla_noreply at kde.org
- [libkgapi] [Bug 419063] contact group, not usable by kmail
bugzilla_noreply at kde.org
- [kmail2] [Bug 388036] Include support for autocrypt
bugzilla_noreply at kde.org
- [korganizer] [Bug 428665] subscribing and syncing to remote dynamic ics web calendar not possible
bugzilla_noreply at kde.org
- [korganizer] [Bug 433058] Event view box remains empty after cliking on an event / right-clicking and clicking on "view"
bugzilla_noreply at kde.org
- [Akonadi] [Bug 323455] "Filter account is missing" after KMail startup
- [Akonadi] [Bug 323455] "Filter account is missing" after KMail startup
- [korganizer] [Bug 419713] KOrganizer deletes events in shared calendar without prompting
- [kontact] [Bug 431229] New: Sending message from and to protonmail account causes crash
roachh at protonmail.com
- [kmail2] [Bug 430678] Allow to only enable specific external images
Last message date:
Sun Feb 28 04:58:16 GMT 2021
Archived on: Sun Feb 28 04:58:32 GMT 2021
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).