[kdenlive] Volunteering website help - if needed?

Jos Poortvliet jospoortvliet at gmail.com
Mon Jan 25 22:36:31 UTC 2016

If you decide to move to WordPress I can help out a bit too, I have plenty
experience maintaining ownCloud.org :-)

replying on phone. blame faulty text completion/correction for any rudeness!
On Jan 25, 2016 11:02 PM, "farid abdelnour" <snd.noise at gmail.com> wrote:

> hi guys,
> i am one of the people interested in helping out with the website. i guess
> the first step would be to choose if we are gonna stick to the current
> platform (drupal) and update it since there might be some security flaws
> or switch to a different one (wordpress?). our lead designer here at the
> studio can take care of all the design of the website and if we choose
> wordpress i can apply it (i am not familiar with drupal). eventually we
> will do a research and develop a design best suited for everyone's demands
> and needs. i did a quick look around at other video, audio and graphics
> programs to start getting an idea about what is out there:
> proprietary:
> http://www.lwks.com/
> http://www.avid.com/US/products/Media-Composer
> http://www.sonycreativesoftware.com/vegaspro
> https://www.apple.com/final-cut-pro/
> https://www.adobe.com/products/premiere.html
> free:
> http://natron.fr/
> http://ardour.org/
> https://www.blender.org/
> https://inkscape.org/en/
> http://www.gimp.org/
> parallel to this we can start thinking about writing/organizing the
> content and structure. (which is the most important thing.) like ttguy
> said, i agree that content is the most important but it should be well
> presented to the visitors. we can point to the forum, wiki and bug tracker
> from the website and users eventually will use the other services if
> necessary.
> if you'd like to continue this conversation here it is fine by me,
> otherwise we can switch to the forum.
> cheers
> 2016-01-21 19:50 GMT-02:00 Roger Morton <ttguy1 at gmail.com>:
>> I have been involved in doing some maintenance of the content on both
>> the kdenlive.org web site and on the userbase.kde wiki.
>> Historically the kdenlive.org site was where everything happened. It
>> was the manual, the forum, the place to make anouncements and to
>> advertise how to get Kdenlive.
>> Then for various reasons - as have already been mentioned - we moved a
>> lot of this functionality to kde infra structure and closed the
>> kdenlive.org web site to new user registration. Now if we are thinking
>> of putting more content back on the kdenlive.org website we need to
>> consider the future maintenance burden.
>> The way to limit  maintenance burden is to have a large number of
>> contributors to the  maintenance task. We can get this on the
>> userbase.kde wiki since new user registrations are open. We can't get
>> this so easily on kdenlive.org because new automatic registrations are
>> closed.  We could try opening up kdenlive.org again to new user
>> registrations but I have to tell you that last time we had this open
>> we were getting 5 or more fake spammer account registrations per day.
>> I believe that the security on the registrations system had been
>> exploited somehow because I would see authorised users that had never
>> been sent a confirmation email.  This the reason we turned off
>> registration completely. Maybe this exploit has been fixed. I dunno.
>> But this just something to consider in all this.
>> While I agree that the attractiveness of the site is important I
>> believe the accuracy of the content on the site is more important.
>> And I don't think we should duplicate information.
>> We have
>> https://userbase.kde.org/Special:MyLanguage/Kdenlive/Manual/Installation
>> to speak to installation
>> and we have https://userbase.kde.org/Kdenlive/Manual/Tutorials  for
>> tutorials
>> So I am thinking more on the lines that Vincent mentioned. The
>> kdenlive.org site can have some nice looking promotional material that
>> is fairly generic in nature and not requiring too much maintanance. It
>> should link to the more dynamic information at the userbase.kde manual
>> pages.
>> >(3) Direct the viewer easily to a web page or location where they can
>> get it... or at least show how they can get it.
>> This is of course one of our biggest issues and has been for ages.
>> There is no way to have simple instructions on how to get it because
>> everyone must rely on the package managers of their various linux
>> distros.  But if we had more contributors to the doco then we might
>> have users from all different distros updating the doco to tell people
>> how to install it on their flavor of linux.
>> While we there is a mood about helping out with doco I would make a
>> plea to people to help out on the userbase.kde manual. I did a lot of
>> work on it a few years ago and got it to a point where it was pretty
>> comprehensive. I had pages covering every menu item (not every effect
>> or transition had a page - but a skeleton link to create a page was
>> there).  But now - with the major overall that kdenlive has undergone
>> - it is out of date in many places. So if people have "documentation
>> fever" they could help out on the userbase.org wiki. - register a kde
>> identity account here https://identity.kde.org/?r=registration/index/
>> I summary my plea to people is to not focus too much on the sexiness
>> of the websites but to focus on getting the content right. If you see
>> something wrong just fix it !
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