Missing KRunner translation strings? (was: Translation for time zone conversion runner)

Natalie Clarius natalie_clarius at yahoo.de
Tue Feb 14 02:39:54 GMT 2023

> If I type ? in KRunner, several of the entries mentions the word 
‘<search term>’. How can I translate this? I can’t find it any of the 
.po files.

These are provided by the individual runner plugins, which are spread across several repositories. Most are in plasma-workspace and kdeplasma-addons.
> And in the search field i KRunner, the default (greyed out) text 'Search…’ is always shown in English. 
That comes from https://invent.kde.org/plasma/plasma-workspace/-/blob/master/krunner/qml/RunCommand.qml#L92 I think.
> I also have the same problem with the search field in the ‘System Settings’ application. 
That should be https://invent.kde.org/plasma/systemsettings/-/blob/master/app/SettingsBase.cpp#L60.
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