Missing KRunner translation strings? (was: Translation for time zone conversion runner)

Karl Ove Hufthammer karl at huftis.org
Sun Feb 12 10:55:25 GMT 2023

Natalie Clarius skreiv 12.02.2023 05:16:
> Runners use a simple syntax that gets triggered by keywords in 
> combination with user input according to a pattern that is explained 
> in the user help. The user help can be invoked by clicking on the "?" 
> in KRunner and selecting from the plugin list, or typing "?" followed 
> by the name of the plugin.

If I type ? in KRunner, several of the entries mentions the word 
‘<search term>’. How can I translate this? I can’t find it any of the 
.po files.

And in the search field i KRunner, the default (greyed out) text 
‘Search…’ is always shown in English. It *used* to be shown as 
translated, but a few years (?) ago, it turned into just English, and I 
can’t seem to find the string to translate to make it appear as 
translated. Anybody know which file it is taken from? I also have the 
same problem with the search field in the ‘System Settings’ application. 
(But in the application launcher and in the ‘Present Windows’ effect, 
the similar search field *is* shown as translated.)

Karl Ove Hufthammer

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