Qt5 5.10.0 and KDE Frameworks 5.45.0 error

Alexander Stippich a.stippich at gmx.net
Sat Jun 9 08:19:55 UTC 2018


to add some more options to the list:
There is the kubuntu backports ppa which you can add to your software sources 
that provides some updated packages. It backports some releases, for example 
right now there is KDE Frameworks 5.46 available, but it currently does not 
help you with Qt 5.10. So it won't work right now, but may have all the 
required packages in the future.

If you don't want to care about updated packages at all, you could the KDE 
neon user edition instead of (K)ubuntu, as it always comes with the latest 
stable KDE releases.

Best regards,

On Mittwoch, 6. Juni 2018 21:45:05 CEST Matthieu Gallien wrote:
> On mercredi 6 juin 2018 16:09:36 CEST Bhavesh Patidar wrote:
> > Hello Everyone,
> Hello,
> > I am Bhavesh from India and a newbie to open source. I am a college
> > student
> > and really want to contribute. Mainly, I program in C++ and I am
> > comfortable with the basics as well as some data structures. I found KDE
> > to
> > be the perfect place to start my open source journey and I am willing to
> > learn any new technologies/languages/frameworks which will be required to
> > contribute. I searched for some beginner-friendly projects and found
> > Elisa,
> > music player to be an interesting project.
> > Hence, I started building Elisa locally(Ubuntu 18.04) by following the
> > instructions from here : https://community.kde.org/Elisa
> > But, after executing this command:
> Welcome to KDE.
> I hope Elisa can provide you a way to get started. At least, we will try to
> help you as much as we can.
> Please do not forget that we are pretty busy and that we may need a couple
> days to answer you. If you try channels with more developers like the kde-
> devel mailing list or the irc channels you may get answers faster than us.
> Elisa is mainly using c++ and QML for the user interface. There is also some
> SQL and some javascript in the QML files. You should feel at home.
> > apt-get install qtbase5-dev qtmultimedia5-dev qtdeclarative5-dev
> > libqt5svg5-dev libkf5i18n-dev libkf5filemetadata-dev baloo-kf5-dev
> > libkf5config-dev libkf5kcmutils-dev libkf5declarative-dev
> > libkf5coreaddons-dev libkf5doctools-dev libkf5xmlgui-dev
> > libkf5crash-dev libkf5dbusaddons-dev extra-cmake-modules gettext
> > qml-module-qt-labs-platform qml-module-qtqml-models2
> > qml-module-org-kde-kcm qml-module-qtquick-controls
> > qml-module-qtquick-dialogs qml-module-qtquick-layouts
> > qml-module-qtquick2
> > 
> > it is downloading version 5.9.5 for qt5 and version 5.44.0 for kde
> > frameworks which is not the minimum requirement. And hence I receive the
> > following error:
> > 
> > ' Could not find a configuration file for package "Qt5" that is compatible
> > with requested version "5.10.0". '
> > 
> > I would be really grateful if someone can point out where I am going
> > wrong.
> > Do I need to build qt5, cmake and kde frameworks from source?
> Elisa requires Qt5.10 and KF5 Frameworks in version 5.45 at least. This is
> due to the need to add missing features the fastest we can. Sorry for the
> extra complication for you.
> I believe the easiest way to build an environment that will allow to work on
> Elisa is to use kdesrc-build (https://kdesrc-build.kde.org/) and follow
> this guide
> (https://community.kde.org/Guidelines_and_HOWTOs/Build_from_source). I
> never had time to integrate a recipe to build Elisa. This could be your
> first contribution.
> You can also have a look at the list of tasks for Elisa (https://
> phabricator.kde.org/project/board/193/). I have not yet properly sorted the
> one that would be best to get started. Just ask me and I will guide you.
> In any case, let me know how it works for you.
> Best regards
> --
> Matthieu Gallien
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