[WikiToLearn] Communication channels

Davide Valsecchi valsecchi.davide94 at gmail.com
Sat May 21 20:49:21 UTC 2016

Gianluca could not be clearer:

Il giorno sab 21 mag 2016 alle ore 17:03 Gianluca Rigoletti <
gianluca.rigoletti at gmail.com> ha scritto:

> Speaking about the final docs: we have meta as a domain that keep track of
> everything regarding WikiToLearn. What better place than keeping there all
> the major changes? Doing like so I can easily go to check what are the
> final conventions that the community has made, the latest updates on the
> new features, even if I don't care about all the processes leading to that
> results. I want see how Bob has come solved his problems? I want to see
> what is the status of the ambassadors and the maintainership elections?
> What if I want to check the decisions taken with Mozilla?
> That's why I think post everything on meta is better: it keeps things
> organized :-)

> I also agree with you that we have to blog and announce on public channels
> more frequently, but that's just another way to remind of the work that has
> been done, not a way to keep things organized.


Finally, I repeate that we don't want to change to method to discuss
decisions. We only want a more transparent place for docs in discussion.
Meta + structured data (as gianluca's table) could be the best solution for
the tracking with the less effort.


> Hope to be clear enough,
> Gianluca
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