[WikiToLearn] Guidelines about linking external materlial

Dario Mapelli mapelli.dario at gmail.com
Sun Oct 18 21:27:54 UTC 2015

I always appreciated the bibliography of the textbook i studied,i think
that having more sources is always better. I can decide whether to use them
or not, but in case of need is extremely handy to have an idea where to
start looking for more information!

Hence, i would suggest to link stable resources, like open courses, and to
add a nice and as exhaustive as possible bibliography.
Of course i would avoid linking pdfs in a professors's personal page, since
there is a high possibility of having a ton of broken links after a couple
of years.


2015-10-18 22:57 GMT+02:00 Alex L. <alexl at openmailbox.org>:

> Hi,
> I thought we need to define some guidelines about linking external teaching
> materials. The issue is: WikiToLearn has the purpose of making its own
> material and not to be a collection of links. By the way we should admit
> that
> there are a lot of educational material on the web, in particular videos,
> that
> we could link inside WikiToLearn pages. So, here some guidelines I'd
> propose,
> let's discuss about:
> 1) the linked external material should be a support to the W2L material:
> i.e.
> a video hosted on YouTube that could help in learnig a subject expressed
> in a
> W2L page;
> 2) avoid external documents such as pdf and try to develop "home made"
> material as much as possible;
> 3) these are always guidelines and the final decision belong to human
> judgement.
> --
> Alex Long | KDE Visual Design Group
> email/xmpp: alexl at opmbx.org
> IM: telegram.me/alxlg
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