[WikiFM] A few important news

Jeremy Whiting jpwhiting at kde.org
Tue Jul 28 18:10:28 UTC 2015


Looks good to me. I would change one thing, s/shoulder/shoulders/

On Tue, Jul 28, 2015 at 12:04 PM, Riccardo Iaconelli <riccardo at kde.org> wrote:
> Hi,
> as a follow-up of today's work, I am sending this e-mail on which I
> would really love a feedback from the whole list, since it will be our
> identity for the years to come.
> First of all, with the help of Andrew, we developed a vision. It is
> meant as a kind of "constitution" to guide us in the choice and
> direction on which we want to steer the project. Here it is:
> WikiToLearn is a platform where students and key people in the
> academia can collaboratively create refine and re-assemble notes,
> lecture notes or even whole text books, tailored precisely to their
> needs. Our philosophy is in two simple sentences: “Knowledge only
> grows if shared” and we want you to “Stand on the shoulder of
> giants!”.
> WikiToLearn concentrates on providing educational content in the most
> efficient way. Content reliability is guaranteed by a integrated
> peer-review system and a wiki (fast) method for mistake correction.
> Please provide feedback and proofreading. It is meant to be extremely
> concise and just serve as a guideline.
> For the second part, a name change was approved by acclamation.
> We registered the wikitolearn.org and wiki2learn.org domains, it is
> now a matter of choosing the correct capitalization and alternative.
> I am slightly in favor of WikiToLearn because I think it gives us a
> slightly more institutional look, but Wiki2Learn looks nicer on the
> logo. What do you think? Please provide any kind of feedback. (I
> notice now that W2L = Wiki2Learn or = Wiki2LaTeX, our old extension)
> On another news, our indian friends (many of which are now part of the
> team: welcome aboard!) have developed an interesting strategy to
> kickstart W2L in India. They are going to have a BoF with or without
> me (depending on the day), in any case, it seems like really exciting
> news. This will go on a separate thread in order not to clutter the
> discussion on the vision/rename. ;-)
> Bye,
> -Riccardo
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