[WikiFM] A few important news

Valorie Zimmerman valorie.zimmerman at gmail.com
Wed Jul 29 12:57:57 UTC 2015

Yay, things are moving so fast!

On Tue, Jul 28, 2015 at 11:04 AM, Riccardo Iaconelli <riccardo at kde.org> wrote:
> Hi,
> as a follow-up of today's work, I am sending this e-mail on which I
> would really love a feedback from the whole list, since it will be our
> identity for the years to come.
> First of all, with the help of Andrew, we developed a vision. It is
> meant as a kind of "constitution" to guide us in the choice and
> direction on which we want to steer the project. Here it is:
> WikiToLearn is a platform where students and key people in the
> academia can collaboratively create refine and re-assemble notes,
> lecture notes or even whole text books, tailored precisely to their
> needs. Our philosophy is in two simple sentences: “Knowledge only
> grows if shared” and we want you to “Stand on the shoulder of
> giants!”.

I agree with Jeremy that "shoulders" makes more sense in the final phrase.

> WikiToLearn concentrates on providing educational content in the most
> efficient way. Content reliability is guaranteed by a integrated
> peer-review system and a wiki (fast) method for mistake correction.
> Please provide feedback and proofreading. It is meant to be extremely
> concise and just serve as a guideline.
> For the second part, a name change was approved by acclamation.
> We registered the wikitolearn.org and wiki2learn.org domains, it is
> now a matter of choosing the correct capitalization and alternative.
> I am slightly in favor of WikiToLearn because I think it gives us a
> slightly more institutional look, but Wiki2Learn looks nicer on the
> logo. What do you think? Please provide any kind of feedback. (I
> notice now that W2L = Wiki2Learn or = Wiki2LaTeX, our old extension)

If you have both, you can use both in messaging. A logo is meant to be
concise, therefore you can use the 2, and yet use To in the text if
you want. And both can point to the same place on KDE infra, perhaps
http://learn.kde.org ?

> On another news, our indian friends (many of which are now part of the
> team: welcome aboard!) have developed an interesting strategy to
> kickstart W2L in India. They are going to have a BoF with or without
> me (depending on the day), in any case, it seems like really exciting
> news. This will go on a separate thread in order not to clutter the
> discussion on the vision/rename. ;-)
> Bye,
> -Riccardo

And we're off! The entire sub-continent of India will soon here of WikiToLearn!

All the best,



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