[WikiFM] Ubuntu Classroom Courses

Riccardo Iaconelli riccardo at kde.org
Tue Aug 11 21:28:40 UTC 2015

On 9 August 2015 at 18:16, Aaron Honeycutt <honeycuttaaron3 at gmail.com> wrote:
> I would like your input on this idea, thanks!

Hi Aaron,
Ubuntu is definitely training material and, in the form of a "Learn to
use Ubuntu" it would make for a succesful course, coherent with our

The problem is that the web-pages that you linked seem kind of empty,
and I don't understand what we can take from them. We can host these
lectures, but of course we need the material to host. :-) What we
could do to improve this situation is either a volunteer that decides
to install and configure Ubuntu and jots down some notes, or find some
places where this is taught already and work with them to create some
training material together.

In Italy we have this (now slightly updated) bible
http://a2.pluto.it/a2/ which we would like to host, which has a
similar scope to what you are describing, and has a compatible
licence. If you find a similar case, and you can't get a proper point
of contact, I encourage forking to a centralized repository. ;-)

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