Content referencing

Russell Greene russellgreene8 at
Sun Jan 17 23:19:28 UTC 2016

Hey all, last night I made an MediaWiki extension for doing content
referencing. The idea is for this to be applied to figures, equations,
anything that would want to be referenced back to later.

Everything here is on the GitHub repo, under the branch ContentRefrencer,
give it a try!

Anything here is up for debate/change.


Reuse of content. This way one chapter that requires a certain proof or
math equation, they can reference to there, where it is explained in more
depth instead of explaining it again.


Currently there are two new tags, content and content-ref.


<content name="Quadratic Formula" id=1.0>
<math> ... </math>

and then later
<content-ref id=1.0>See Quadratic formula</content-ref>

This will work for any <content> elements in that page. In order to
reference to a different page, just add the page attribute to the
<content-ref> element:

<content-ref page="Physics/Quantum Mechanics" id=3>...</content-ref>


So as of right now, this is very simple, and could live in a template, but
there are more options with an extension.

One feature I really want to figure out is showing the contents of the
<content> tag when hovering over the corresponding <content-ref> tag. This
would allow anyone to be able to see the content without even navigation
outside the page.

One cool feature would to have support similar to this in the dmath tag, to
make it easier to pass on to OCG.

So what do you think? Is this something we need? Additional thoughts?

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