Cross-wiki notifications

Matthew Flaschen mflaschen at
Wed Feb 3 22:57:01 UTC 2016

I spoke to Riccardo at FOSDEM, and he indicated you might be interested 
in setting up cross-wiki notifications.

There is not much documentation right now 
(  But basically you need to 
run db_patches/echo_unread_wikis.sql (in Echo repo) in a shared database 
(that all wikis can access).

Then, set $wgEchoSharedTrackingDB and $wgEchoSharedTrackingCluster 

Also set $wgEchoUseCrossWikiBetaFeature to true if you want it to be a 
Beta Feature (requires BetaFeatures extension) (probably a good idea to 
make it a BetaFeature initially while we iron out any issues).

Matt Flaschen

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