Wikis: Please check this before I delete it.v

Thomas Pfeiffer thomas.pfeiffer at
Sun Mar 20 15:46:16 UTC 2016

On Freitag, 18. März 2016 19:59:02 CET Olivier Churlaud wrote:
> Hi,
> The usability team had some things here:
> Could you go through this and save what you find useful? I would like
> that you ping me back when I can delete the pages..
> Your current namespace is here:
> Cheers!
> Olivier

Hi Olivier,
I went through everything here together with Heiko and this is the outcome:
- The HIG can theoretically move to Community, but the problem is that there 
are tons of deeplinks to HIG pages all over the Internet. If you move it, 
would all the pages on Techbase continue existing as redirects?

- I have moved
KDE4_Personas to
KDE4_Personas, but there are surely lots of deeplinks to the original page, so 
the redirect page would need to stay
- Everything else in the /Projects/Usability namespace can simply be 
completely deleted (no redirect required), as it is of no relevance anymore.
- At one point, I moved the Project User Research Template to the wrong place. 
Can you please completely delete
KDE_TechBase:Projects/Usability/HIG/Concept/Project_User_Research_Template ?


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