Wikis: Please check this before I delete it.v

Olivier Churlaud olivier at
Sun Mar 20 18:17:18 UTC 2016


Let me recap: only the HIG page and subpages(?) go to community. The rest can be deleted.

For the pages I move, i can let a link that says "This page was moved to Community" (with a link to the new place).

Did i understand everything?

Le 20 mars 2016 16:46:16 CET, Thomas Pfeiffer <thomas.pfeiffer at> a écrit :
>On Freitag, 18. März 2016 19:59:02 CET Olivier Churlaud wrote:
>> Hi,
>> The usability team had some things here:
>> Could you go through this and save what you find useful? I would like
>> that you ping me back when I can delete the pages..
>> Your current namespace is here:
>> Cheers!
>> Olivier
>Hi Olivier,
>I went through everything here together with Heiko and this is the
>- The HIG can theoretically move to Community, but the problem is that
>are tons of deeplinks to HIG pages all over the Internet. If you move
>would all the pages on Techbase continue existing as redirects?
>- I have moved
>KDE4_Personas to
>KDE4_Personas, but there are surely lots of deeplinks to the original
>page, so 
>the redirect page would need to stay
>- Everything else in the /Projects/Usability namespace can simply be 
>completely deleted (no redirect required), as it is of no relevance
>- At one point, I moved the Project User Research Template to the wrong
>Can you please completely delete

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