Wikis: Please check this before I delete it.v

Thomas Pfeiffer thomas.pfeiffer at
Sat Mar 19 22:46:14 UTC 2016

Hi Olivier,
I just noticed we have a problem: There are pages in subfolders of which are not linked to from the 
main page. I know that there are things unter /Projects/Usability/Principles 
which we definitely want to keep, but I don't know if there are other folders 
as I cannot see a way to list all subfolders.
Do you know how I can see if other subfolders exist?

On Freitag, 18. März 2016 19:59:02 CET Olivier Churlaud wrote:
> Hi,
> The usability team had some things here:
> Could you go through this and save what you find useful? I would like
> that you ping me back when I can delete the pages..
> Your current namespace is here:
> Cheers!
> Olivier

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