Method implementation + small bug
Ivano Arrighetta
berserk82.ia at
Tue Oct 25 02:23:23 UTC 2016
Thanks for your help. I been able to export a method in the source file
instead of the header.
Anyhow, I can't implement the method body in a diagram.
Using right click on a class and selecting new->operation won't allow me
to edit code in a diagram, at best I can enter C++ code in a window.
What I meant is, create the method's body with a diagram (eg a flow
chart) in order not to code it.
On 24/10/2016 15:53, Ralf Habacker wrote:
> Am 24.10.2016 um 15:25 schrieb Ivano Arrighetta:
>> Hello there.
> Hi,
> thank you for using umbrello.
>> I found a little issue in Umbrello (I'm using 2.14.2 under Debian
>> Jessie): when adding a method to a class and generating code, the code
>> for the class is generated inside the header file in C++ instead of in
>> the source file.
> In the code generation wizard there is an option in "language settings"
> -> "main" named "operation are inline". Unchecking this flag creates the
> method implementation in the source file not in the header.
>> In addition, even if the method is declared as private, it is added in
>> the code as public.
> You are sure, that the method is really 'private' ? Umbrello versions <
> 2.16.0 had a bug setting all newly created methods to public regardless
> of the choosen visibility. See
> Having set the method visibility to really 'private' the method
> prototype is located in the private section of the header file.
>> Next, is there any way to implement a method using a diagram?
> Yes, right click on a class in a diagram and select new->operation.
> Ralf
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