Method implementation + small bug

Ralf Habacker ralf.habacker at
Mon Oct 24 13:53:42 UTC 2016

Am 24.10.2016 um 15:25 schrieb Ivano Arrighetta:
> Hello there.

thank you for using umbrello.
> I found a little issue in Umbrello (I'm using 2.14.2 under Debian
> Jessie): when adding a method to a class and generating code, the code
> for the class is generated inside the header file in C++ instead of in
> the source file.
In the code generation wizard there is an option in "language settings"
-> "main" named "operation are inline". Unchecking this flag creates the
method implementation in the source file not in the header.

> In addition, even if the method is declared as private, it is added in
> the code as public.
You are sure, that the method is really 'private' ?  Umbrello versions <
2.16.0 had a bug setting all newly created methods to public regardless
of the choosen visibility. See
Having set the method visibility to really 'private' the method
prototype is located in the private section of the header file.
> Next, is there any way to implement a method using a diagram?
Yes, right click on a class in a diagram and select new->operation.


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