[Uml-user] Umbrello

Wes Peters wes at softweyr.com
Wed Feb 19 08:35:03 UTC 2003

Hello Umbrello developers,

I've recently begun using Umbrello to model the application I'm building
at work.  I would like to say that Umbrello is one impressive work of
software artistry.  I am generally pleased with the offerings found in
KDE 3.x, but Umbrello is one of the high points.  I am using:

Qt: 3.1.1
KDE: 3.1.0
Umbrello UML Modeller: 1.1

I have just one question: would you consider adding a basic database
diagram, such as ERD, to the model?  We use PostgreSQL to store data
for our application and so far have had to resort to Visio for our
ERDs.  I would much rather use a tool like Umbrello for the entire
model, here on my comfortable and functional FreeBSD workstation.

Thanks for a great tool.

         "Where am I, and what am I doing in this handbasket?"

Wes Peters                                                   Softweyr LLC
wes at softweyr.com                                     http://softweyr.com/

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