umbrello build

Ralf Habacker ralf.habacker at
Tue Sep 13 09:55:32 UTC 2016

Am 13.09.2016 um 11:05 schrieb Shawn McKenney:
> The question is if this is available on all supported platforms
> (linux, windows, mac) and distributions ?
>     If the answer is yes, we do not need any specific stuff on
>     umbrello side.
> I think you are correct. I do have the dev packages, but it looks like
> it is an upstream bug:
> Debian/Ubuntu may still need:
> find_package(Clang)
> in the CMakeLists.txt. Does that work for opensuse?
yes. With llvm 3.6 it prints something link ClangConfig.cmake not found,
but because it is not required is does not fail.
> ---
> To get master to build on KDE neon,
> 1) I applied the fix found here:
> 2) Added find_package(Clang) to unittests/CMakeLists.txt
On Windows builds using KDE/Emerge clang provides cmake support, so
find_package(Clang) is required too.
> 3) Set Clang_DIR and LLVM_DIR in my cmake config. Here is my config line:
> cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=${HOME}/install/umbrello -DBUILD_KF5=On
> -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug -DLLVM_DIR=/usr/share/llvm-3.
> 8/cmake -DClang_DIR=/usr/lib/llvm-3.8/share/clang/cmake ../umbrello
I see.  On opensuse  and Windows (llvm 4.0.0svn) setting of CLang_DIR or
LLVM_DIR is not requried.

Additional on Windows the following fragment is required below


I'm going add this stuff to git master.

> I have centos7 and ubuntu14.04 docker images that I will use to test
> the build as well. I don't have access to Mac or Windows at the moment.
for windows see above.

> or should we call FindClang at a higher level so the vars are
available to others? I could drop it in the top-level cmake directory.
As long as we are using testcases only it should be in unittests to
reduce hidden interferences. Later with more experience and having llvm
support build into main umbrello we can move this up.


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