[Uml-devel] Gideon

Sebastian Stein seb_stein at gmx.de
Wed Jan 29 06:23:02 UTC 2003

> I don't think the time spent with a tool during development dictates the  
> implementation of those tools. Also the word "integration" does not 
> that changes happen on one side only. For a full integration, you surely 
> need  
> to adapt both Gideon and Umbrello. 
Yes, I understand, but I think this isn't realistic. Why not go the Unix 
way? One tool for one problem and not one big tool for many problems. 
And if Umbrello is really integrated into Gideon, it must be possible to 
use Umbrello without Gideon. 
So, in the end it is just my personal opinion. If there is someone 
committing code to integrate Umbrello, it would be great. But at the 
moment it would make the design more complex and Gideon isn't stable yet. 

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