[Uml-devel] change to u2 object model

Andrew Sutton ansutton at kent.edu
Fri Apr 25 07:27:01 UTC 2003

i've been thinking about the object model today - you know, all the code that 
takes forever to compile :). it's going to have to change a bit. for one 
thing, the naming of the base-most class is crappy (boo). it should be 
Umbrello::Object instead of UObject. for another thing, we need to have 
signals and slots at a much higher level in the inheritance hierarchy. that 
means that Umbrello::Object is going to have to be derived from QObject - 
which is going to be lots of fun, because of the virtual inheritance within 
the hierarchy (yeah).

what else... oh. i can't remember why i was implementing all the mutators and 
accessors at the most derived level. for some reason, that seems like a bit 
overkill. each interface should be able to safely implement its own default 
mutators and accessors. we could just overload/override them in the impl 
class. oh - now i remember. i moved all those methods to the impl class 
because that was the only place where the implementer inherited QObject. 

same thing with the operations. those should be implemented locally.

objections? its going to take longer to compile because of the Q_OBJECT stuff 
in each class :)


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