[Uml-devel] UML Future
P. Fleury
fleury at users.sourceforge.net
Sat Jul 6 21:51:01 UTC 2002
Hi Paul,
I really would like it to have a KDE version. Just leaving the door open
if somebody wants to integrate it into KDevelop one day...
If you think of redesigning it, and use a cross-platform GUI/toolkit, do
you think a step further could be achieved: have a GUI part, and a
UML-core part ? So that only the GUI is platform dependent code (maybe).
The LyX project (www.lyx.org) is in the process of making this kind
split, so that they can support GTK, Qt/KDE and the original xforms. GTK
works fine for Windows, as I use Gimp on my WinME and Win2k boxes. For
more info, look at the Gimp wesite, for "Gimp on Windows".
It the license really so extensive ? The *use* of a freeware based on Qt
forces you to buy it ? I can use Kword for my commercial documents,
can't I ? (surely you moticed, I am no licence expert...)
Also, in case of using Java, you will face comments from Argo/UML
(argouml.tigris.org), which is an open-source UML editor entirely
written in Java.
Just my 2yen thoughts...
Paul Hensgen wrote:
> So I am wondering what you think the future of this program should be:
> 1) Keep going as it is. i.e. KDE only program.
> 2) Release 1.0.4. then convert to be QT only program and let anyone
> who wants to use it on Windows buy QT. (Not really worth it)
> 3) Rewrite and Redesign (really needed) using a cross platform toolkit
> that is available on all platforms (Windows/Linux). I was thinking of
> Delphi/Klyix but Java could be used.
> Please let me know asap if you want a say.
> Thanks
> Paul Hensgen.
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