More than one picture - games catalog

Robby Stephenson robby at
Mon Mar 21 21:46:44 GMT 2022

On Mon, Mar 21, 2022 at 3:28 PM Jacek Marecki <spinek2 at> wrote:

> Hi, I don't know if I am writing in the right place, also if that is
> the case, I apologize.

Absolutely the right place, questions are welcome!

> I installed Tellico for Windows, I like it very much, as well as
> versions for Linux, but I noticed that there is no Mobygames in the
> source, and nowhere I found information that this source was removed.

You do need an account key from MobyGames, Once you have that, open up the Tellico
settings, go to Data Source, and add a new one for MobyGames. Enter the key
info there.

> I have one more question. Is it possible to download an additional
> image, such as a screenshot, in addition to the cover? Many sources
> provide more than one image, such as a screenshot or back cover.
> Additionally, I would love to import my own screenshot.

Open the  Fields dialog, and you can add or edit any of the existing
fields. You could add a new image field for screenshots or back covers,
whatever you like. Some of the data sources import multiple images; most do
not, but if there's something specific, feel free to request.

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