Robby Stephenson robby at
Wed Jan 8 01:30:37 GMT 2020

On Tue, Jan 7, 2020 at 7:42 PM Jared <list-tellico at> wrote:

> On 1/7/20 7:28 AM, Robby Stephenson wrote:
> My test searches successfully include Genre, Publisher, and Developer. Let
> me know an example that doesn't work and I'll poke at it. Which version of
> Tellico are you using? Tellico also tries to cache that data to avoid
> overloading the search API too much, I can check if there might be a bug
> there.
> Huh. I'm using 3.2.3. Tried with a few random games for different
> platforms. If I recall correctly, Bit.Trip Saga, Kirby's Dream Course, and
> Uncharted 2. All failed to populate those fields. Can't think of what I'd
> be doing differently than you. Any ideas, or suggestions on how to better
> troubleshoot?

Ah, it looks like there was an API downtime and they switched to a
different endpoint, and seemingly reverted to an older API. I'll have to
dig into that further.

The regular search is working but not the calls to get the
Genres/Publishers, or Developers info. I had good info on my tests since my
cache was still present (Note to self, make sure your tests don't use
cached data...)

Thanks for bringing that to my attention!

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