[Tellico-users] Several Issues

Mike Dennison MDennison at slb.com
Mon Jan 4 07:43:03 UTC 2016

I am also using Fedora 23...

The packaged version I installed had the import from CD disabled, so I 
compiled from the source tarball, which works as expected (once the 
right devel packages were installed!)

best wishes


On 03/01/16 21:30, Robby Stephenson wrote:
> On 01/03/2016 04:02 PM, Bill Gee wrote:
>> I am assuming that both Peter and I are using the same package. We are
>> both on Fedora 23 and both on the same version of Tellico. It seems a
>> reasonable assumption that Peter did the same as I, which is to install
>> Tellico by using the package out of the Fedora repository. Hopefully he
>> will see this and let us know whether my assumption is correct.
> Right. Like I said, I can't think of a technical reason right now that 
> would cause it to be disabled for you but not Peter, if you're both 
> using the same package.
> I see a changelog listing in the fedora packagin that seems to say 
> that it is intended to compile against KCDDB
> https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__pkgs.fedoraproject.org_cgit_tellico.git_commit_-3Fh-3Df23-26id-3D20bff0647d38c2ca539d628029816de5b8c456e2&d=CwIGaQ&c=uGuXJ43KPkPWEl2imVFDmZQlhQUET7pVRA2PDIOxgqw&r=F8Mh0fGvoH81SeZitMqaS7ZqDon1M5GxdUPfs7ysXC4&m=g7yE0eht1YP4NQuZHDJvQRs_wc18ENDlrmPtgoJ6uX4&s=zvsjn6PeGSl9oe7qQMvcT4PqoyuqKI9Z3X7ViN7hDCI&e= 
> But looking in the compile logs for the Tellico RPM, KDEMultimedia is 
> not found, so KCDDB support is not included.
> https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__kojipkgs.fedoraproject.org__packages_tellico_2.3.10_3.fc23_data_logs_i686_build.log&d=CwIGaQ&c=uGuXJ43KPkPWEl2imVFDmZQlhQUET7pVRA2PDIOxgqw&r=F8Mh0fGvoH81SeZitMqaS7ZqDon1M5GxdUPfs7ysXC4&m=g7yE0eht1YP4NQuZHDJvQRs_wc18ENDlrmPtgoJ6uX4&s=RE83_4aE0gbOlhFsfuPXc6sCINGMq_T68dyNEMG87aQ&e= 
>> Is it possible for you to get an SACD Hybrid disk? Preferably something
>> from Pentatone since they are the only ones I ever tried. When I was
>> trying them, they would always cause a crash. It was 100% reproducible.
> The version of Tellico that will be released for the KDE Plasma 5 
> desktop (Frameworks 5) has switched to using libdiscid instead of 
> internal code for reading the disc contents. It's possible that that 
> will fix that crash.
> Robby
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Mike Dennison,                                email: mdennison at slb.com
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