[Tellico-users] Amazon search output = empty

Robby Stephenson robby at periapsis.org
Tue Aug 30 02:49:38 UTC 2011

On Saturday 27 August 2011, mahashakti89 wrote:
> I finally got it working. I think the faultive application is kdewallet.
> I installed tellico on a recently installed Ubuntu 11.04, and I refused
> to use kdewallet and it worked.

Excellent, that's the first real clue, glad you caught it!

> tellico(3882) Tellico::Fetch::AmazonFetcher::secretKey: no amazon secret

Back in Tellico version 2.0, kwallet was used to store the Amazon 
credentials. But then I decided that it wasn't worth that extra encryption, 
and switched back to saving the secret key in the tellico rc file.

Right now, Tellico is supposed to always save the secret key in the rc file. 
But, as a check. if the secret key is empty, it will also check with kwallet 
in case the user last entered the info using Tellico 2.0.

The debug message says Tellico did not find the secret key in either the rc 
file or the wallet. I'm trying to think through what possible path could be 
causing that.

Once you re-entered the secret key, everything works? Even if you re-enable 


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