TagLib's future

Ibrahim Sha'ath ibrahimshaath at gmail.com
Thu May 14 14:44:11 UTC 2015

I definitely don't have the time (or sufficient domain knowledge) to really
contribute to TagLib but I'd like to say thank you, Lukáš, for all your
hard work.


On 14 May 2015 at 15:32, Sander Jansen <s.jansen at gmail.com> wrote:

> On Wed, May 13, 2015 at 9:06 AM, Tsuda Kageyu <tsuda.kageyu at gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> Hi Lukáš,
>> First, thank you for kindly accepting a lot of pull requests of mine.
>> Although I'm willing to take on your burden and repay your kindness, I
>> don't think I'm an appropriate person for reviewing the code, since most
>> changes since v1.9.1 has been made by me. (And I'm the type of individual
>> that doesn't hesitate to make drastic changes as you know.)
>> So I suggest that we release beta versions several times and call for
>> feedback from the users (especially developers of the projects rely on
>> TagLib).
>> Cheers,
>> Kageyu
>> 2015-05-13 8:20 GMT+09:00 Lukáš Lalinský <lalinsky at gmail.com>:
>>> Hi all,
>>> Since there are people asking for a new release more and more often and
>>> it seems that I'm not really able to do it, I'd like to discuss TagLib's
>>> future. A few years back Scott asked me to coordinate the 1.6 release and
>>> generally become the maintainer of the project, but since then I have not
>>> worked on many projects that use TagLib and I currently have no direct use
>>> for it myself.
>>> We have have a long list of pull requests on GitHub, a lot of changes in
>>> master and at least one backward-compatible release pending. I find it very
>>> hard to motivate myself to review pull requests, especially if they are
>>> questionable in some way. This was already showing in the last release,
>>> where I didn't take my time to review all the changes properly and the
>>> result was not very good. I'm afraid that if I try to do this new release,
>>> it will end similarly badly.
>>> So I'd like to discuss what would be the best way to go forward.
>>> Lukas
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> I'd be happy to review current master branch changes. Should I use github
> comments to add a reviewed by?
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