How can I know the tag is formated with UNICODE or not?

Anton Sergunov setosha at
Wed May 11 03:02:00 CEST 2011

Seems you has incorrect encoded tags. I have same problem in russian.
When encoding don't specifyed in tag string should be Latin1 encoded.

My solution is to use bool *TagLib::String::isLatin1( ) const *and then
interpretate string as local8bit charset.
TagLib has solution too. *TagLib::ID3v1::StringHandler. *It used only in
ID3v1 tag, but many windows apps store ID3v2 tag with same error.
2011/5/10 龚佶敏 <godspeed_g at>

>  Hello! Thanks for the developers of TagLib.
> I'm using MingW with TagLib in Windows XP.
> When I compile the "tagreader.cpp", I find it can not get the title which
> formated with UNICODE correctly.
> When I compile the "tagreader_c.c", I find I can use
> "taglib_set_strings_unicode(TRUE)" to get title which formated with UNICODE
> correctly.
> My Question is:
> 1. How can I get  title which formated with UNICODE correctly in C++?
> 2. When I get a mp3 or m4a file, how can I know the tag is formated with
> UNICODE or not?
> Thanks a lot.
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