SE mobile unable to read mp3 tags (of some files) properly

Yogesh Marwaha yogeshm.007 at
Thu Aug 14 09:29:48 CEST 2008

2008/8/14 Scott Wheeler <wheeler at>:
> Yogesh Marwaha wrote:
>> Can you sort it out? If you need the samples of mp3s which work and
>> which not, I can place them somewhere for your reference.
> Hi -- stuff like this should really go to the bug tracker.  The list is
> good for discussion, but if things hit at a bad moment here they tend to
> get lost.  Please create a bug and then send files to my email address
> with the file name [bugnumber]-[description].mp3
> [bugnumber]-[description].mp3 (and note that you did so in the bug
> tracker so that if I'm looking at this issue a month or two out that I
> remember.  :-) )
> -Scott

I wasn't sure about filing it as bug, so I posted it here. I'll do as you said.


Yogesh M

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