SE mobile unable to read mp3 tags (of some files) properly

Jeff Mitchell kde-dev at
Thu Aug 14 14:08:47 CEST 2008

On Thursday 14 August 2008, Yogesh Marwaha wrote:
> 2008/8/14 Scott Wheeler <wheeler at>:
> > Yogesh Marwaha wrote:
> >> Can you sort it out? If you need the samples of mp3s which work and
> >> which not, I can place them somewhere for your reference.

I'd recommend that you use eyeD3 to verify the tags on the files -- it's an 
excellent standalone program.  If eyeD3 shows that the proper information is 
in the files, try transferring it to your mobile phone with something other 
than Amarok and see if you see the same behavior.  If so, it may be a problem 
with your phone's software, rather than taglib.  If not it may be 


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