Sebastian Pipping webmaster at
Tue Jul 25 20:59:41 CEST 2006

Scott Wheeler wrote:
> On Thursday 20 July 2006 17:16, Sebastian Pipping wrote:
>> Scott Wheeler wrote:
>>> - If I missed your issue in the list above, please respond in this thread
>> --------------------------------------------------------------
>> in my eyes the #includes really need cleanup.
>> probably making all '#include "abc.h"' style would be best.
>> this would also remove the need to add all subdirs
>> to the inclusion list (in general but also because
>> visual studio 2003 had trouble with this).
> I'm not specifically opposed to that, but per the comment in another thread 
> that they're random, actually it's pretty simple: for files in the same 
> directory they use #include "foo.h" for files in other directories they 
> use "#include <foo.h>"

i made an include-path-patch which converts all
includes of taglib's own files to '#include "abc.h"'-style.
after applying the latest revision compiles well here.

the only headers whose path is not touched are
<zlib.h>, <config.h> besides the default headers.

see attachment for the patch.


Sebastian Pipping

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