[rkward-devel] R3.0.0 + R engine has died -- rkward Connection closed unexpectedly. Last error was: QLocalSocket: Remote closed

Thomas Friedrichsmeier thomas.friedrichsmeier at ruhr-uni-bochum.de
Wed Apr 17 09:38:52 UTC 2013


On Tuesday 16 April 2013 17:00:05 ndordea wrote:
> Hello,
> I just tried to start rkward  0.6.1 after upgrading to R 3.0.0 .
> It fails with this message :


> I checked the internet and it seems that rkward 0.6.1 supports R 3.0.0
> I use Linux OpenSuse  11.4 32bit .

RKWard 0.6.1 supports R 3.0.0, but only if it was compiled against R 3.0.0. So 
you will have to re-compile RKWard, _after_ you have upgraded R.

We know this is rather confusing, but unfortunately there is no better 
solution. I've added a note about this on our front-page http://rkward.sf.net.
> Could you please let me know what is wrong and how can I fix this issue.

Depends on how exactly you have installed RKWard. If you have installed from 
source: Simply compile / install again, exactly the way you did, before.

I'm not sure, if an RPM binary for openSuse 11.4 and R 3.0.0 is available 
somewhere, yet. I'm CCing the maintainer of the suse package.

The way in the middle would be to use the src.rpm to compile a new RPM, 
yourself. That should be roughly:

  sudo yum-builddep rkward
  rpmbuild rkward-0.6.1_SOMETHING.src.rpm
  # find out where rpmbuild place the rpm, and install

Suse users might be able to correct / fill in more details.

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