[rkward-devel] R function to add plugin?

meik michalke meik.michalke at uni-duesseldorf.de
Thu Sep 29 16:36:27 UTC 2011


am Donnerstag 29 September 2011 (17:49) schrieb Thomas Friedrichsmeier:
> On Thursday 29 September 2011, meik michalke wrote:
> >  - run the script again -- the plugin is not added again (at least for
> >  me)
> ok, for me, neither. But that because rk.plugin.skeleton() skips
> rk.load.pluginsmaps(), after finding out that the file already exists.

even if i add "overwrite=TRUE" it still doesn't work. [but you were right, i 
changed the function to skip only the file writing part and still do the 
rest.] it also doesn't work if i call rk.load.pluginmaps() manually after i 
removed the plugin.

> Well, you're only going to see the message once in a session, after all
> (unless you keep changing the filename of the pluginmap).

ok, i'll drop that request for good ;-)

viele grüße :: m.eik

dipl. psych. meik michalke
institut f"ur experimentelle psychologie
abt. f"ur diagnostik und differentielle psychologie
heinrich-heine-universit"at d-40204 d"usseldorf
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