[rkward-devel] Getting ready to release RKWard 0.5.0c - Call for testing

Germán Márquez Mejía manchito at gmail.com
Sat Mar 28 18:23:20 UTC 2009

Hash: SHA1


Thomas Friedrichsmeier escribió:
| 1. test everything you care about once more
| 	- Especially, if you have a chance to test on Ubuntu, and with
| of KDE and R other than KDE 4.2.1 and R 2.9, that would be great.
| 2. remind me of important issues that still need fixing.

I've tested 0.5.0c-test3 on Slamd64-current (KDE 4.2.1 - R 2.7.2) and
found no severe problems:

1. I can confirm the RKWard menu icon missing and the somewhat
unconfortable dialog dimensions (plugins, package installer, etc.).
Don't know if the following is related: in the first dialog - the one
about the development status of RKWard - there's no dynamic line
adjustment, so the text is cropped in the middle (see attachments).

2. I also "successfully" reproduced the "if(" bug on the editor and
R-console windows. This wasn't present in rev. 2408 of 0.4.9 branch.

3. This is new: there's no auto-scrolling in the package installer
output. Again, it worked OK in rev. 2408 of 0.4.9 branch.

4. There were few new spanish translatable strings. I send the
es.po.diff anyway.

I know my config is rather uncommon, so I may be the only one
experiencing bug no. 3. Please check.

Sorry for not being very precise. I'm in a hurry right now. 'Till a few
hours later.

Best regards,

- --
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