[rkward-devel] RKWard Crosstabulation plugin

Andrés Necochea yayopoint at gmail.com
Sun Jun 15 18:37:43 UTC 2008

thank's for the coment, I will search some information for make the fixes to
the plugin and make a new plug in for the contingency statistics, I think
that in a week I will have some results.

Thanks again for the chance to help to the free software, I always want to
make something for the comunity, and not to be a simple user

2008/6/15 I. Soumpasis <nono.231 at gmail.com>:

> 2008/6/15 I. Soumpasis <nono.231 at gmail.com>:
>> Hi yayopoint,
>> The plugin looks nice although it seems to me that it would be better to
>> round the numbers not to have so long numbers. However, I have a small
>> objection on the number of libraries loaded to produce the three numbers.
>> Generally, the main developer is the one who has the last word on things
>> like this.
> Hi again,
> I tried to have a closer look at your work. What you did seem nice, however
> I think that they are out of the scope of a crosstabulation plugin. Why
> don't you do a separate plugin, calling it contingency tables or something
> like this. Also there is a graph option in vcd (cotabplot) if you want to
> add.  According to my personal opinion crosstabulation should be something
> really simple giving very fast some information on the data. Contingency
> tables are a step further. Moreover, this brought into my mind the Odds
> Ratios and attributable risks etc used in epidemiology. Are you working on
> the field and thinking of related plugins? I would be positive to make some
> plugins on epidemiology (pls mind the limited time).
> Regards,
> Ilias

Amor y Paz
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