[RkWard-devel] Translations

Thomas Friedrichsmeier thomas.friedrichsmeier at ruhr-uni-bochum.de
Mon Jan 22 11:35:36 UTC 2007

On Saturday 20 January 2007 22:15, I. Soumpasis wrote:
> Today I spoke with the ubuntu-gr team to ask them about the translation of
> RKWard and how is to be handled, because feisty already has the 0.4.2 v
> which has the greek translation. They told me that they use rosseta and
> they checked for me if there is something there and there is not. So, if I
> got it right people, who use the package from their distro can not have a
> translated version. They also told me that all distros take the translation
> from rosseta.

I certainly hope, the translations are still available in ubuntu. They do get 
shipped with the package (identical to the debian package), and unless ubuntu 
does some silly extra stuff to break the translation mechanism, they should 
There is no el.po or rkward.pot file in the binary package. The chain of 
translation files is this:
1) Extract all messages from sources > rkward.pot
2) Translate rkward.pot to language XX > XX.po
3) Compile XX.po into message catalog > XX.gmo
4) install XX.gmo > /usr/share/locale/XX/LC_MESSAGES/rkward.mo (the exact 
location may differ acorss distributions)
Only that last file is included in the binary package.

Could somebody using Ubuntu check, whether running
KDE_LANG=el rkward
starts rkward with greek translation alright?

> So they asked if we want to use rosseta for translations. The good point is
> that more people could help in translations and that more people will learn
> about rkward. One bad point I found trying to learn the system is that
> there were only .pot files (in new gnome) and when I asked where is the
> el.po file so to make the corrections and additions they told me that there
> is nothing like this, meaning I have to write everything again. (However I
> do not know how the system works and really do not know the pros and cons).

I'm somewhat reluctant to switch to rosetta at this point of time. Sure, 
having to import the translated .po files back into SVN for every update is a 
slight overhead. However, I'm not sure, it's less than registering with yet 
another service, uploading the .pot there, and downloading the .po s again, 
If translators feel, using rosetta would be a good idea, I'm certainly willing 
to give it a try (hoping it would be possible somehow to also upload the 
pre-existing translations), but personally I don't see the need for this, 

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