[RkWard-devel] Pareto chart and Quality qontrol charts

Thomas Friedrichsmeier thomas.friedrichsmeier at ruhr-uni-bochum.de
Thu Feb 22 18:39:09 UTC 2007

On Thursday 22 February 2007 18:01, I. Soumpasis wrote:
> I made a new plugin the pareto chart. I put it in under development and
> plots. Did not change the Makefile file.
> The plugin plots a Pareto chart (with qcc package's pareto.chart) and
> prints also Frequency, Cum.Frequency, Percentage and Cum.Percentage under
> the plot. It is a really simple plugin so I hope there would be no
> problems, but please take a look.
> I had to put main="" because we had the title Pareto chart for rk.temp.x.
> I had to put rk.print in if(final) otherwise it would print the table with
> every preview.
> Also used xtable, because it gives in a better format the results.

Can't see any bugs. But a few hints/suggestions:
1) Printing the descriptives should be optional altogether. I.e., there'd be 
an option for that. The code would then look something like (this isn't 
actual code, just a sketch):

rk.temp.descriptives <- pareto.chart(...)
<? if ($final && $print_descriptives) { ?>
rk.print (xtable (rk.temp.descriptives))
<? } ?>

2) You don't really need the
$vars = str_replace (...);
line. Since there is only a single variable,
$var = getRK_val ("x");
is all you need. The elaborate form is only needed when several variables 
could be selected at once (this applies to barplot.php as well, I just hadn't 
noted, before).

3) It would be nice to supply some options from the plot_options plugin (do 
you know, how to do that? Maybe look at e.g. stripchart_plot for one 
example). You'd probably set allow_type and allow_xlim to false, but all 
other options apply, as far as I can see.

3b) For the problem with main, I've added some more defaults to plot_options, 
so you could do:
<connect client="plotoptions.default_main" governor="x" />
(untested, but should make the main title (if not specified otherwise) be the 
variable name)

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