[RkWard-devel] problems with running rkward
The Undefined
undefine at aramin.net
Wed Sep 15 18:04:23 UTC 2004
On Wed, Sep 15, 2004 at 06:37:07PM +0200, Thomas Friedrichsmeier wrote:
> > ok, i see ;)
> > i made rpm packages for pld linux, and R CMD install from make install
> > doesn't works(it has no permissions to /usr/lib/R from user account)
> > Now all works fine.
> > if you wish spec file for make rpm packages is available on
> > http://cvs.pld-linux.org/cgi-bin/cvsweb/SPECS/rkward.spec (current
> > version:
> > http://cvs.pld-linux.org/cgi-bin/cvsweb/SPECS/rkward.spec?rev=HEAD )
> > i think it should build on all rpm-based distros.
> >
> > if you wish in attachment is fixed rkward.desktop file with pl
> > translation, category etc... I removed empty de translation. If you can,
> > please include it in next release :)
> Thanks! Both are very welcome contributions. I've already put
> the .desktop-file in CVS.
nice :)
> Two quick question about the spec-file:
> 1) I a note about r.xml (kate syntax highlighting definition) being
> already present in kdelibs. That's true, but the version in kdelibs is
> - currently - pretty much outdated. It would be nice, if the
> rkward-version could be installed instead, but I'm not sure, whether
> this would be possible with rpms at all.
I must look at it.. it's not possible simply have the same file in two
packages in one distribution... but i try upgrade in pld r.xml from
kdelibs to current version from http://kate.kde.org/syntax/2.3/r.xml
with rkward's changes (i see two small differences - version in kate
will in future updated with Your changes?)
> 2) Sorry about the dumb question, but as a debian user I have no idea about
> this: How do you generate a .src.rpm from a .spec-file?
in pld i simply have directories:
in SPECS is a spec file, in SOURCES - all used sources and patches. then
i do:
rpmbuild -bb file.spec (in rpm/SPECS directory) - it build package(makes
%prep(prepare sources, apply all patches etc..,), %build (configure,
make) and %install (make install into temporary directory, uses DESTDIR)
sections, then package files from temporary directory, %pre, %post,
%trigger's scripts, automaticly detect dependencies from libraries, get
%and info from spec files to create package.<ARCH>.rpm files
rpmbuild -bs file.spec
to create src.rpm package(pack all sources and patches to one file).
in other rpm-based distros may be it different, sometimes require root
privilages to make install to "real" environment.. i remember in redhat
6.2 SPECS and SOURCES are in /usr/src/rpm or something... - then you
need place spec files and sources there, and.. probably use rpmbuild
from root.
if you wish, src.rpm from pld is available on
it should be ok for all distributions... (but i'm not sure.. on all
machines i have only pld or debian ;)
Andrzej 'The Undefined' Dopierała
UNIX && Linux administrator, Adam Mickiewicz University WMiI
PLD Linux Developer HomePage: http://aramin.net/
JID: undefine at piastlan.net e-mail: undefine at pld-linux.org
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