Fwd: Requesting freeze exception for JtG

Allen Winter winter at kde.org
Tue Nov 22 22:45:06 UTC 2011

On Tuesday 22 November 2011 5:36:52 PM Cornelius Schumacher wrote:
> On Tuesday 22 November 2011 18:42:46 Allen Winter wrote:
> > 
> > Honestly, I'm not 100% in favor of the rock hard freeze approach in
> > kdelibs. But the consensus is against me on that.  So I have no power to
> > reconsider.
> We are talking about an exceptional case here. This is not about adding any 
> new functionality, but about adding an entry point for users who are willing 
> to support the KDE community. So I don't think the hard freeze rules apply in 
> the same way as for other changes to the libraries.
> You say the consensuse is against you. I haven't heard any other opinions 
> against adding the patch than yours, though. So where exactly is the consensus 
> of not adding the patch?
The consensus has been about hard freezing kdelibs.

If anyone from the Release Team wants to break the freeze for this particular patch they can speak up.

> > Another approach might be to create a libkjtg and then put in a
> > hard-dependency on that.  maybe ??
> Certainly not. This is a simple patch.
Not that simple.

And stop attacking me everyone.  I'm just the messenger.
Sorry I responded at all

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