Restriction for moves from svn to git.

Raphael Kubo da Costa kubito at
Sat Apr 16 19:06:39 CEST 2011

Eike Hein <hein at> writes:

> On 04/16/2011 05:58 PM, Tom Albers wrote:
>> If there are two supporters and no objections, I'll announce this
>> next Wednesday or so.
> I'd propose to modify your policy proposal a bit: In the time-
> frame you suggested, let's block all migrations that you don't
> put on a white list by, say, next Wednesday, to give folks a
> bit of a chance to make it known that they're currently working
> on one that might fall into that timeframe. Release-team gets
> to decide what goes on the white list, deciding based on whether
> it has confidence that even a migration cutting it close to the
> release won't be making trouble.
> I'm not part of the release time, but I'd submit the kdeutils
> migration as an entry on that white list based on the track re-
> cord of those doing it.

In case the changed policy is chosen, this is the status for kdeutils:
we have been working on the rules since last year and their quality is
already quite good. I am currently waiting for Nicolas' work on some
general rules that should affect multiple modules and for a final review
of everything.

My original intention was to migrate before 4.6.3 -- even though the
rules are pretty much done, both Nicolas (who is also working on many
other migrations) and I may not have enough time to have everything in
place before the 4.6.3 tagging. But even if we do not, it should not
take much longer than that (certainly much less than the 3 months we
would have to wait if the original policy takes place).

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