oxygen icons moved

Sebastian Kügler sebas at kde.org
Sat Mar 28 03:38:24 CET 2009

On Saturday 28 March 2009 02:26:26 Nuno Pinheiro wrote:
> A Saturday 28 March 2009 00:55:32, Sebastian Kügler escreveu:
> the idea was to put every single icon there
> > Or is the problem the size of Oxygen? I can imagine that you don't want
> > to ship every single special application icon in the world in the kdebase
> > tarball.
> yeap in the end it will be quite a large group it allready is and im
> gessing about arround 100 are outside already,
> > In that case, it would make sense to ship it separately. This
> > change (which is the point of this discussion) is made already. Still,
> > that's not something we should change in a bug fix update as Andreas
> > pointed out as well.
> Realy im fine with anything as long as it works, by working i meen having
> some way of geting a complete overview of the intire icon set, with i dont
> right now, and nor do developers, a developer serching for an specific icon
> for his app as no place to go and look for all of them unless he instales
> every single app out there that ships oxygen icons, and heven if he does he
> cant be sure its realy an oxygen icon or a icon some application developer
> found some ware and put it in his install oxygen directory...

That makes sense. So for the future, we'll ship Oxygen separately. That shaves 
of quite some MBs from the kdebase tarball (you mentioned 20K files), makes it 
easier to maintain for you and keep in a sane state for others to work with.

How should those releases be shipped? Is it simply OK to grab a snapshot from 
kdesupport anytime? Otherwise, tags would need to be created for the "snapshot 
release revisions".

> I have no perfect anser for this but I can complain about it.... I have
> spoken about this to the other icon designers we all agrea that a
> centralized place for all icons is beter...

Then the solution to this is to do with KDE 4.2.2 whatever Dirk thinks it's 
sensible (I can imagine that it's really way to late to change this for 
4.2.2.) For trunk we'll keep the separate Oxygen in kdesupport anyway.

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