Modules and Maintainers

Anne-Marie Mahfouf annemarie.mahfouf at
Thu Dec 13 23:46:48 CET 2007

Le Wednesday 12 December 2007 04:04:20 pm Allen Winter, vous avez écrit :
> Howdy,
> For 4.x, where x >=1, I think we need to require maintainers for all our
> modules.
yes, this is good!
Being a module maintainer is not a big task, it's only about getting things 
organized: organize an IRC meeting or a mail discussion about this app, get 
the word out that some apps are unmaintained, ... Other developers in the 
module will feel federated by someone being a bridge being the whole project 
and their app.
It happened that way for Edu and Games.

When we have a maintainer for each module we'll maybe also start to care more 
about the release process itself, something I personally had no time nor 
competence to do and I left it all to Dirk (thanks for your work!). But in 
the future we could be more vigilant on the compilation quality when coming 
near a tagging day and try to help more for the release.
> And, I think we need to consider consolidating some modules out of
> existence. We might consider merging kdeutils, kdeaccessibility and kdetoys
> for example back into the larger modules or into extragear.
> If we had a kdesdk maintainer this person would have been more aware
> of the kompare issue and hopefully would have handled it better than I.
> And there are still apps that haven't been ported, with their code laying
> around in trunk.  We should have a list of each application with its
> maintainer.
yes, what about a techbase page?
> Anyway... something to think about for the near future.
> -Allen
Thanks for being the modules maintainers coordinator!


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